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Life (Remove filter)

A Life Too Short


Some say life is too short - and I wish mine was taller,
but can we stretch it enough, and then stay fit to enjoy her?
Yes, I call life a 'her', it surely can't be a him,
it's beyond understanding, and can change with a whim...
August 12th 2012

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Life's Towpath


We walked the canal towpath in a gentle summer haze,
watching a lock leak water that seemed to go on for days,
our collie was running ahead and kept turning to watch us dawdle,
but we were in no hurry then as time seemed to present no hurdle...
It was the mid eighties and we were just two lovers, with one dog,
marriage was fine as we were, holding hands with no r...

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Our Own Realities


Do we construct our own realities,
with a view to make us feel alive,
could we even live in spartan times,
no we need much more to truly thrive.
So keep those illusions that we can control, 
embed ourselves within their rosy frames,
ignore the chatter of the outer world,
ignore the silly ones that call us names.
In whichever part of the world yo...

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There was a lump in his throat
that could have bridged a moat,
his fixed eyes were brimming,
while the stranger was grinning.
His young mind was wracked 
by those that came and attacked
just because he was new in town,
had his accent make them frown?
As he struggled up from the ground,
still swamped by their sneering sound,
from the taun...

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Wishing Well


Take my mind to freedom town,
grant me that last bliss,
far away from all past downs,
surely I've now earned this.

Once I was the partner, 
now I'm just the dad,
one time I was the carer, 
please let me lose the sad.

Sure I'll find a bump or two,
roads to heaven aren't always true
I only ask a fair passage there,
with the one for...

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Tripod Tilly


Aching bones, loud groans,
joints that creak in tune with moans,
empty purse but much to say,
pensioned off before her day.

Now her tripod bag she wheels,
nowt to do but bear the squeals,
oil is summat she'll never seek,
her hearing aids gone up the creek.

Arthritis struck at thirty six,
another of lifes dirty tricks,
born with ears ...

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This Life will Pass Swiftly


No time's ever right for a closed fist fight
No doll drums the beat that can be truly neat
Know this as you wander out toward that blue yonder
All around us are brothers & some sisters & mothers 
Life is a challenge that's best faced together
Lean on each other through desperate weather
Don't wait for some tragic event to awake
Reach out now to give a lit...

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I Aim

I Aim


I aim to be as true to all 

As I have learnt from being small

Tell it like I see it when I'm clear

Zip my mouth if I'm not my dear


Now as time rolls on I find I still

Have a very strong unbending will

None too shy to state my case

Toe to toe, face to face


Tempering the above with concern

For others views where I may learn

More about this world ...

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Simply Time

Simply Time


With Crystal Ball, I might have found

Some way to weave my way through time

Instead, I played without the rules

Did it my way throughout the schools

Meandered free from guides or maps

Ate my meals from plates on laps

Camped and rambled, cycled too

My only aim - my love for you


Single till I sang your song

Wed while we were still so youn...

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An Atoms Tale Is Epic

If I die before tomorrow

Though the sun won't shine for me

Take pleasure in it's warming glow

There's a future there to see


No life will last forever

The sun will one day fail

But not before we've all passed on

So who will hear the tale


A tree falls in a forest

A whale dies in the sea

What happens to the birds nest

Do the krill sigh with relief



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