If It Started This Christmas
As the year moves ever closer to it’s end,
I wish to call out to each and every friend,
to say I wish them all peace and goodwill,
with plenty to eat & even some wine to spill.
The greatest gift I could wish to see for us all,
would be peace and love forever, so that we’d recall,
it started one Christmas and was then always adored,
I believe if we share goodwill we never would be bored.
Friday 24th November 2017 3:36 pm
Worlds Apart (v3)
The real world is different for those born within strife,
if they are lucky they may grow to become husband or wife,
but for many, boy soldiers is what they were forced to become,
only eleven years old, yet their burden is to be carrying a gun.
How many live long enough to know that there are other ways,
within another country they wouldn't have been made military slaves.
Sunday 5th February 2017 3:16 am
The Path Of White Blossom
T'was early midnight & he was still up for more fun,
so he went scattering his white blossom on the run,
And as he streaked off down the long drive
the air did seem to be quite bright and alive
as the street lamps lit up that quite comic scene
like a film of some old timer's fantasy dream…
Not that he once noticed the trailing spread
of all those white flakes from his emp...
Sunday 5th February 2017 1:04 am
After A Break Up
After a breakup, pain may linger with you a while,
but one morning you will wake once more with a smile,
Until that time comes write notes to throw away,
notes that hold your pain, to leave you free one day,
There's no clock with the means to predict the date,
don't let heartbreak turn love over to the icy grip of hate,
for positive feelings are those we all seek in our liv...
Thursday 26th January 2017 11:13 am
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