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Grains Of Sand

Peer amid the Pyramids
Can you count the grains of sand?
There are more than enough there
to build pathways to a new land.

Cement them all together then
and let's do the same with man,
make the effort to bring strength
and peace that all can understand.

For in the end there will be a need
for peace if mankind is to survive,
as only without these conflicts can
we hope...

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The World Grew Younger


I've never aged,
'twas the world that grew younger,
look close inside,
you can see my mind hunger,
for new joys to see
and a fresh course to set,
there's just so much 
to be learnt at home on the net.

November 21st 2010

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There was a lump in his throat
that could have bridged a moat,
his fixed eyes were brimming,
while the stranger was grinning.
His young mind was wracked 
by those that came and attacked
just because he was new in town,
had his accent make them frown?
As he struggled up from the ground,
still swamped by their sneering sound,
from the taun...

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Sage & Onion


How I wish the whole world was so sage
as to put aside all mistrust and rage,
instead arrive at some common ground
where solutions to our woes could be found

The endless cut and thrust of lies
has seen so very many folks demise
but who has stopped to analize
what profit ever came with all those cries?

The useless waste of modern man is plain

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Smoke A Joint...


I'd like to smoke a joint tonight,
but I just can't decide which kind,
I might choose a joint of gammon,
but does that come with a rind?

Perhaps that rind would impair 
the way the flavour matures
so perhaps there are other joints
that are a better for smoke cures

Of course I know that many fish
are smoked through and through,
I pref...

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By & By


Love is the drug we are meant to enjoy,
if it is missing perhaps that is why some employ,
another means to give them a special high,
but drugs prove to be unfaithful lovers by and by...
Yet though this must surely be known to all,
it seems drugs still retain their siren call,
wrecking lives as do all those feckless lovers,
their allure enough to capture m...

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As it is Johns 70th today, here is my tribute poem



John the artist played at a pace that didnt slack
He was a bold young figure, the leader of the pack
Quarried in that Mersey town and crafted into rock
Solid from the outset, his band was hard to knock
More talent than the many other groups that were around
The Beatles got the world to dig their Mersey sound
Apprentice served in ...

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Hard Work


It's hard work racing rats,
but even worse with flying bats
and while we're in the rhyming mode
best not overlook our domestic cats.
For while some beasts are keen to please 
and try their best to bend their knees
there's many more that will resist 
and in their own ways say 'do desist'
Why is it some domesticate with ease
while others at th...

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Through Differing Prayers


Nine brave souls on the Irene
sailed to show the world a scene
where not all Jewish voices scream
for a blockade on Gaza's dream
of a future without deprivation
for that tiny short changed nation
No violence was incurred today
but the goods were a token some would say
though tokens from within their own
may gain some votes that could dethrone
those ...

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Riff Raff


All the riff raffed, mish mashed homes,
filled with trish trashed, slip slashed groans
of those that didn't fit the systems ways
and now seem condemned to spends their days
in squalid squats of social isolation
not a tourist bonus for the nation

Roads not visited without good reason
windows boarded whatever the season
street lights dimmed by syphone...

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Dreams Of Great Men


I heard the words of great men and I too had a dream,
a dream in which the good no longer died so young,
Martin Luther King & Lennon had joined the pensioner scene, 
and thus so many more joyful songs were sung.

Nelson Mandela had no years of penury in jail,
and the ideals of Gandhi were valued high above gain,
because men had learnt where cash came on the ...

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Is There A Ghost Of A Chance?


Is There A Ghost Of A Chance?
Do ghosts dream of what might have been,
do they ever wish to haunt another place?
Are there other ghost species like cats and dogs,
or is haunting left solely to the human race?
I would like to know if the dolphins and whales
that are killed with so little compunction,
can manage to spook the killers they met
and t...

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Gaia's Harmony


In Gaia may we follow the ancient Greek,
who recognised that harmony they must seek,
with mother earth who gives her all to man
and nature without which we could never plan
for such beauty and bounty as this earth does bring
warrants all the words we can ever write and sing....
Something of worth, something with mirth
Something to celebrate dear old mothe...

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VE Day Party


VE Day Party

When we heard the news everyone rejoiced
on the works radio it came via Winstons voice
'Advance Britannia' said he.

The bonfire on the bomb site that night
boasted a dummy made to look at first sight,
just like old Hitler, hee hee.  

We saw it being placed there when we walked to the park
earlier that joyous day, long be...

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How To Mend A Broken Heart


To mend a broken heart, 
you must seek out the hidden spark,
that which lingers still within,
though it's light may now be dim...

And when you at last discover it,
be sure to protect and cherish it
with gentle warmth and actions kind
until it glows brightly in your mind.

Then strengthened with that pleasing glow,
onwards once again you may then go,

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Nine Eleven Tribute


Nine Eleven Tribute

No words of mine or others can change what went before
We can but stand in silence and remember them once more
Though years roll by without restraint and some images fade
The sights we saw upon that day are indelibly engraved

So hear a plea around the world to end all senseless feu...

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Future Archaeology


Perceptions of a ragged space,

all that was left by the human race,

there's not a lot left to see at all,

as their carelessness was seldom small.

Let's dig around 

in that frazzled ground,

for that's where there's bound to be,

some signs of dodgy chemistry

or maybe just a little radiation,

the sort that killed another nation,

though they sai...

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Striking Out


Sapped of his savvy,
all alone in the lavvy,
mind burnt by searing lies,
how did she ever come to despise
the man she'd looked up to for so long,
the one who had always been so strong?

But there is no doubt about it,
just listen to her shout about it,
bitter as a flame grilled lime,
no considered words this time
about the man who'd given his...

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Like Petals In The Wind


Like Petals In The Wind
He said "I met them all on line you know,
but so many are now lost from view,
some folk are like petals in the wind
when we can't see them, I wonder can you?"
I said " I have an inkling that
I may have seen one or two,
tell me were they pink sir?"
He said, oh no, mine were all blue."
To this I then replied "Sir,...

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Wishing Well


Take my mind to freedom town,
grant me that last bliss,
far away from all past downs,
surely I've now earned this.

Once I was the partner, 
now I'm just the dad,
one time I was the carer, 
please let me lose the sad.

Sure I'll find a bump or two,
roads to heaven aren't always true
I only ask a fair passage there,
with the one for...

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Rebel With A Cause (v2)

I am a rebel against torture 

I am a rebel against pain 

I seek an end to hunger 

I seek an end to the shame 

The shame that comes from knowing 

all those children dying without water 

all those children dying without names 

all those children dying from war 

Why do men play their vicious games 

why do those men pretend to serve God 

when all they want is power ...

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Sweet Nothings...


I feel big like pink candy floss, 
sweetly spun on a stick.
But then I remember.
how too much makes you sick.

So you can't make a meal
of the whole darned thing,
but you nibble a little,
lips glowing so pink agin

Then it's back in the bag
where the stickiness shows,
and spilt candy floss always 
clings onto your clothes....


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Love chat

Isle de Menture

Isle de Menture

On that hidden island where we long to be, 
nestled as it is in a pure warm azure sea,
where there are no sharks to flee away from,
just young dolphins leaping out for our fun,
afore blowing bubble rings to toss around
underneath the waves that bring that pleasing sound.

The moon is never hidden on the nights it comes to shine
and rainfall will only glisten...

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In Shining White I Mean To End This Day


My whole day has been swallowed again, 
and I cannot view an end to this pain
that comes from such close quarters,
'ere I thought only to have supporters.

Who started all this anguish that inserts,
itself in every psyche till it truly hurts?
Why do some play these wicked games 
and laugh while we ponder - what's their gain?

I know no way of ...

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Recently edited to correct a couple of typos....

T'was burbag and the truggled haze
Craggled around as marnocks played
Pent with holrocks and prewmans sap
Cundled under the wranten flack
Astrapped in heirans wurgled view
They slarvened ever in purndax dew

Ne'er betraven but oft brendelled
Camping hendrill under corflay'...

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utter nonesense

Free Thoughts....

Free Thoughts

Images such as seldom seen
Make me wonder - do I dream?
Forgive my thoughts for wandering
I'm in a quandary, but still keen
I'm in a quandary, pray do say
If you can point me on my way
To visions that may make my day
That may distract me - so I pray

I prey upon my past designs
My memories of delightful finds
The blend of fact and fantasy
That leave su...

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In Darker Days We Gather


Sombre words and platitudes,
I guess we've heard them all.
In the darker days we gather,
to say our byes and to recall,
the best times we remember,
with those that have now passed, 
with those with whom we laughed.
Another day, another dollar,
another day, yet more dolour.
Merciless time takes it's toll ever more,
though we strive to make the best we ca...

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A Certain Lady


There's a certain wistful aspect to her gentle grace

A fair haired lovely with elegance embedded in her face

Clear eyed and full lipped with cheekbones well defined

And just to top that outer view is the beauty of her mind

Such a combination must be more than many men can bear

So much for them to live up to - may they hope they can ensnare

A lady filled wit...

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Banjo On The Wall

Banjo On The Wall

Back home in my birthplace, 
that legendary city of steel,
my paternal grandparents
taught me much of what is real

Values that they set before me
some five decades back it will be
included many of those I still hold dear,
and always will do, year after year.

Among the many hobbies that then filled out their time,
they bred British bulldogs & had ce...

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Tripod Tilly


Aching bones, loud groans,
joints that creak in tune with moans,
empty purse but much to say,
pensioned off before her day.

Now her tripod bag she wheels,
nowt to do but bear the squeals,
oil is summat she'll never seek,
her hearing aids gone up the creek.

Arthritis struck at thirty six,
another of lifes dirty tricks,
born with ears ...

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Those Days...


On those good days - I can smile without a pang
On those good days - I recall all those I rang
On those good days - my heart soars with the lark
On those good days - when I wander to the park

And on those good days, if some pain comes to my mind,
I can hold back the angst all the better because you are so kind.

On those bad days - I will reach to fi...

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Poetic Imagery


Poetic Imagery

Lost in the wondrous mists of our poetry
Words glazed to protect their depth and mystery
Passions concealed until you glimpse an aside
Dig deep and find where they were buried inside

Along the washed beaches of island shores
Could these be in the Pacific or perchance the Azores
No clues at this moment will I offer to you
Preferring you reach inside and...

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Mess Time


I aim to live long and then look back to  enjoy 
the memories of when I was a very old boy,
a very old boy long into second childhood,
when once again, I will be much misunderstood.

For such is a time when we may get to play
at any old game that we want to that day
and get in a mess that won't bother us at all
like those times long before, when we were ...

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Doctor Who Could Save Us


Doctor Who Could Save Us

Foraging through the future,

burrowing amongst the past,

the good Doctor travels oh so far, 

but still cannot say how fast.

Companions he has often had,

but none can stay for ever,

as his life will be so very long,

so they could not stay together.

But fascination can be had


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Dolphins Of The Cove


In the cove the dolphins swim, 
blowing bubbles, free of sin,
all their play is full of joy
no rough stuff do they need to employ

Perhaps that's why they give us such delight,
leaping from the water as if taking flight,
summersaults made in unison quite unsurpassed,
all our own gymnasts are quite outclassed.


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New Rules Of Sobriety


Heh there, Mr Politician man
isn't it time you took the stand
stood and told us all the truth,
no spin, no tints, just forsooth.


All these years we've heard the rest
and though you might find us a pest,
recall now if you will,
just who it is that pays your bill.


Now exactly where did all that money go,
and what do we now have left to show,
the economics...

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Last Generation


I ponder if the last generation may already have been born
and if so who will be left, us humans for to mourn?
Will any apes carry on beyond our time
and evolve until they can record our crimes
of such wanton waste and foolish pride
that had we but observed such a reckless slide
in others we might have tried to warn
before all hope had become forlorn...

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Lora's Woe

Lora's Woe

On the far side of broken pride,
clinging to scraps of humble pie,
the one thing she had left to hide,
Lora crumbled a little, by and by

Why was there no light of reason that night,
her vision blurred through splashing tears, 
a future so uncertain as to give her fright,
as Lora looked for comfort in the recent years

The draw of those memories sucked her in...

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War Losses


I feel maudlin today, from all the news of war,
such a waste of human craft we simply can't ignore.
Who counts the cost in real terms, without any disguise
we all know the lists of lives lost, hide so many cries.


For every man who lost his life, so many more were shattered,
with missing limbs and broken dreams amongst the debris splattered,
all around those hated IEDs ...

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Hippocampus and Friend


Hippocampus and Friend

Side saddled on the flame horned sea horse
Fingering those delicate antlers as with remorse
A fairy mermaid lingered most lovingly
Thinking she should never leave him lonely

Hippocampus coronatus we know him by
A name so regal that we may wonder why
His status is not celebrated so much more
From Japanese coasts to every Pacific shore


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Pop Zoo


Pop Zoo


These days we have the Gorillaz, bringing music to the Pop Zoo,
A long time after The Beatles did, what only they could do.
Down the years we've seen so many bands, such as The Animals,
I expect you can name many others, that I simply cannot recall,
but I reme...

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Dead End


This world will out survive us,
of that you can be sure.
it's seen so many species lost,
so we will be just one more.


Many are the meteors,
that have come and left their mark,
dealing death blows to the dinosaurs,
recreated for us in Jurassic park.


Damage caused by nature,
killed even more than man,
for yes, we've seen off the dodo
and many of us unde...

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The Angry Man


The angry man was red of face
and didn't seem to know his place
was not one where diatribe was bright
for he merely drove folk off into the night...
A far better way to state his case
would be with respect for the human race
as all have just as much right as he
and many the wit with which to see
beyond the flaws in much he states
his views in term...

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I feel that heavy stillness
It has come to me before
Something new has happened
Who will be next at my door
Will the phone ring in a minute
How I wish I could be sure


Night calls in the nineties never bore good news
Some made in the noughties just brought in the blues


Still that sense is lingering
Why should it seem so mean
I rack my m...

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Let's push the boat out darlin'
Let's take it for a sail
I wish that we could honey
But I think we'd need a pail
For it has got some holes now
And repairs are bound to fail

Let's take the car out for a spin
Let's drive down to the shore
I wish that we could my love
But it won't run any more
For it has got some rust now
And would fall apart for sure


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The Seas Of Angst & Hope


Quietly our hearts cry behind closed and bolted doors when love departs,

while the tears that sting so deeply cascade down inside our very souls.

Oh that we could mop dry the floods that drown our hope and trust,
and thus squeeze the angst away to drain into the far distant seas
where they might sink into the darkest depths, ne'er to be seen again.
How many such floods ha...

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Revolutionary Recipe Books


The all new recipe books that I saw last week in town
are bound to prove quite popular and to gain some renown
for they have something new which I've never seen before,
you simply rip out a page, add water, heat & stir some more.
Soon you'll have an ideal meal just right for one, 
add another page or two if you also want a cake or bun 
or maybe you've a guest...

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Tell me
It is time to rise

Bring me back to wakened state
Early enough to contemplate
All that must be done this day
Try to balance work and play

Signals we use to define our time and place
Something in common throughout this human race
Our need to define the way we run our lives
Without such disciplines would ...

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There Was



There was a time when I was young
and still depended on my mum,
when days were warm and time was free
and events were kept fond in my memory

The days we spent upon the sand,
with crabs in buckets, spade in hand,
or out with nets on bikes across the field,
to go and see what the brook could yield.

There was a time when I left home,
for I was old enough to roam,

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Para Dice

Para Dice

It's oh so nice in Para dice
Where your numbers are bound to show
Take my word and we'll take you there
Hurry up now - it's your time to go

Such are the empty promises,
We hear them all the time
Deceitful forms of marketing
Should they not have been made a crime

Some form of holiday making
A prize you won out of the blue
Special deals you just cant pass ...

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