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Oh How Those Dolly Birds Do Play...

She was as real as blue bananas,

her profile made of ‘borrowed’ snaps,

with random words to fill a little space,

will it convince many, well just a few, perhaps…


But at the end where the the typing was done

sits a fat old guy who came from a slum

who uses false ID’s on a dozen sites a day

to pretend he is flirting in a feminine way…


Then a week or more later a ple...

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Brush Grass From Our Knees

We will walk by the water amid those tall verdant trees,
then lay in long meadow grass sampling the breeze,
that carries the scents of wild flowers to soften the air,
and while I look on you with love you will play with your hair...

And later when we rise to continue our walk through the wood,
we will talk in those love whispers that are only understood,
by those with great depths to their...

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Cat Ass Trophies

In Dalston, London, where we lived for a spell,

we saw many stray cats & some were unwell.

From having just one cat of our own at the start,

we soon had 3 living with us but soon one had to part.


Poor Tommy had been our first and always on the hop,

but from the fits he was having that the vet could not stop

it soon became clear he was in danger so the time came

when we wa...

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Wistful Wanderings

Wistful wanderings of my mind,

take me from stubble scratching

to thoughts of just how to unwind

the complex issues we face today…


Mankind is gifted with intelligence,

we know that is a truth for sure,

yet still pursues ancient grievance

that only serve to bring pain for more


Better that we stop and think of more ways

to shape a society where all give as they c...

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No Dark Shadows

Time rolls round too fast for me these days,

it feels like a hurricane though once just a breeze

there are days when that is a blessing to be sure, 

when pain dominates and I just want to slam close the door

but then another comes when the sky returns to bright blue

and I get to thinking there is still so much yet to do…  


That's when I get busy and the urgency starts to r...

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Facing the world through his single myopic eye

Cyclops could not see the depths of perspective

those essential details that are there for you & I


The fixed stare from his unnatural gaze alarmed one & all

pity that poor guy with no balance in his views of life

can he help being a fascist with a mind so very small?



May2nd 2014

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A Pestilence of Hackers

On the foul virtual ship Moronia,

travel the hackers and scammers who

try so very hard to deceive us

though all they deserve is a rousing Boo


They steal our true identities 

and any cash they can lift by deceit

with the use of sneaky key loggers 

and conmen’s tricks without a receipt


They skulk in the background daily

seeking many more victims to fleece

the ...

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Enjoy those sleeping moments, when dreams rise to entertain,

As we lay back in afterglow, sharing the warmth that lovers gain,

And while we whisper loving thoughts until sleep comes to stay,

Our last waking thoughts will be of the love we shared today…


Then in our dreams we will walk hand in hand as water laps around,

Facing the fullest moon and wondering at t...

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Love Is

Love is what we should all seek to invest

Our time with treasured ones with whom we are blessed

Value true love above all else in this life

Eternal bonds should bind husband and wife

In time we learn love can never be hurried

So do not rush, nor indeed become worried

The ideal one is searching for you too

He or she will someday come into your view

Each then knowing their wa...

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