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All the pretence of innocence
The rules that one invents
Laws that must be seen to be
Beyond the reach of devilry

Those in power can circumvent
As they like, with full intent
Legal eagles can but try
To keep your vision from the lie

All in all I wonder when
We truly will have freedom again
Twisted knots of red tape can
Imprison every once free man

Number six once held the key

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The Ghost That Flitters

The ghost that flitters through your sleepless night

may be fully alive in another’s  daytime sight,

for the dimensions where they appear as a wisp

may not be the same as that where they’re kissed…


Imagine if your mind is ready for this notion just yet

that the ghosts which you see are not dead for I bet,

what you see is merely a slim projection coming from

another di...

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From Lexus To Flames

Helping other people can become infectious
so if your wealthy enough to drive a Lexus
consider the impact of gifts to a poor family
let those generous ideals bring hope willingly
to all that are struggling without fault of their own
for decent jobs are not there for all as is shown
by the queues at food banks and rooms to rent
as all the income they have is far too soon spent…

Wealth is ...

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THE FAMILY - an Acrostic poem



There’s one word that everyone should know and treasure

Hold in reverence for life long companionship and pleasure

Even on the darkest days when pain and distress abound

Family is the one word that can bring a comforting sound

All can benefit if they simply recall their sister & brother

Maybe they are distant people they have yet to discover

In this world there is but o...

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Unmarked By Their Passing

I tell you there’s no ending, no straightening the straights,

and the twists and turns of life will remain unending.


Where do those paths go, via many trees bowed by breeze,

and thorny bushes with fresh and old blood specks to show.


Some are freeted by time, just lumbering and slumbering,

as stuttering takes them on to old, past their posturing prime.


Bored by ster...

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Don't You Dare

Don't you dare lie to us about Islam 

Don't you dare say ISIS is more than just a sham

The truth is Islam is all about peace and that's a fact

The truth is ISIS has no truth at all, it's all just an act


For just like Christianity, Islam has been misused

For just like Christianity, Islam has been abused

By power seeking maniacs who speak no truth at all

There’s never been ...

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Last Hope Of Redemption

Colour me deeply in high tension blue,

like the power lines that hang over you,

show the charred remnants of fleshy pink

which hint at what washed away in the sink.


Days of weeks and weeks of days pass by,

all I can do is cling on until I cease to cry,

knowing that pain is a way of life for too many,

lost souls all searching for love - is there any?


Take the path ...

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Yes Men

“Yes” said the man, “I’ll give it all I can,

though to be quite frank I do not understand”

“That’s precisely what we need young man,

you’ll go far if you just stick to that simple plan”

So said the man in grey who hustled out all those

who showed any initiative, as therein trouble grows…


For this world is run by suits that haven’t any clue

they simply say yes to the boss,...

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By The Edge Of Water


By the waters edge we rest and play, 

toes in the water, feeling quite gay,

celebrating the warmth of the dancing air 

and the restful peace of that place we share.


A loving time with never once a worry, 

soft sounds of ripples that won’t ever hurry

and when the wind changes to a cooler breeze, 

we'll head on home for some warming teas.


We’ll spend the evenin...

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Peace Is Sanity

Peace is the true path of sanity,
Violence is surely born of vanity,
the vain believe that they deserve more,
the sane know that’s a danger for sure,
as only when we share in all that we do,
can anything belong securely to you…

Peace comes from being alert to the needs,
of all in the world be it for clean water or seeds,
we know there’s more than enough food wasted,
that could be shared...

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Rage On The Loose

Aggression seeps from jaundiced bones.
IS kills too many crouching in their homes
Al Queda murdered thousands in Twin Towers
the result of all those deaths is sobbing showers
the rain of tears could form a salty river to clean
out all the evil that shattered so many a dream
and in the end those fighters only ever produce
a waste of life and resources with rage on the loose…

Wake up you d...

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