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2010 - A Year for Peace & Goodwill?

A new year dawns as many before,
will 2010 bring what we ask for?
A peaceful future that all can share
with the wealthy showing that they care?

In my hopes as ever that would be the plan
for without compassion what distinguishes man?
We may have tools and brains to embrace
technologies to help the human race

But if those minds just persue all with greed
then we ignore those with more pressing need
For f...

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Long lost they lay beneath the ice
in which their skated feet had cut a slice
as they once pirouetted together in delight
on a sparkling winters moonlight night.

The press would say they ran from view
and for a week or more theories anew
of where they went and how they slipped
past those that this accident had tricked

Pressed together their souls entwined
all troubles past, think of them kind
for such ...

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The War Of The Roses

The War of the Roses

Red on one side, white on the other
the roses steadfastly facing one another
I was caught in the middle like some referee
with both lines armed with sharp points aimed at me

As I stood uncertain of which way to go
my hand gripped my own short weapon you know
twin blades close together would soon be apart
as I released the catch and to war I did start

Soon my blood was seen to dri...

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Love Passes

Love Passes

Love passes joy from one to another
Over and over from daughter to mother
Valentines declare the state of their heart
Each raining kisses whenever they part

Pass some love each time that you can
All need some loving be they woman or man
Send some warmth to lift their days
See the real depths shine within their gaze
Ease their daily loads with a winning smile
Show all the world life can be less o...

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The best of lovers will one day part
and such sad moments break many a heart
maybe a lifetime together has then passed
or one has gone, leaving questions to be asked

But then after the love of your life has gone
can you find new strength to somehow carry on
will there be words from friends to impart any peace
while you struggle through each day until your final release

To each...

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Clouds of Rain

Clouds Of Rain

Weary though the world may be
still it's the only one for you and me
the one place we all must call our home
even the astronauts who did once roam
and set a flag upon that dusty moon
where none had been to sing a tune
yet all have witnessed the disc in the sky
ever since man first looked up and pondered why
the shape was sometimes full and bright
but then shrank into a crescent light
that vani...

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A W.O.M.A.N.

A  W.O.M.A.N.


A long time has now passed
And so the tale can be told
About a woman 39 years on this earth
Albeit her siren face didnt seem so old

When was the last time
When was the first
When she spoke openly
When she last cursed

Oh to be there that day
Only the rarest of times
Ought to be acknowledged
Otherwise ignore her jibes

Many are the times
Many the plaintive speeches
Many were hooked by her l...

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At last she gave up trying
When the hassles with kids
Had become much too much
For one who'd suffered such

One lied for a living
Another was so butch
And beat up all the others
Her sisters, her brothers

She sank into such deep dismay
Receding more each lonely day
There was nothing of interest
On tv is all she'd ever say

No job held any longer
No more need to get up
A tin can full of lager
And a fag so very...

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Nine Eleven Tribute

As the anniversary comes round again shortly, I'll offer up my own thoughts on the pain and loss of people not only in the twin towers but other innocent victims of conflicts around the world.......

Nine Eleven Tribute

No words of mine or others can change what went before
We can but stand in silence and remember them once more
Though years roll by without restraint and some images fade
The sights we...

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Waiting For You

'Never mind the quality, just feel the width'
Good enough for the spivs, but I think I'll give it a miss
For giving of our best is the forward way to think
And so I try to do my best with this paper and this ink
Maybe if you spot the odd mistake and take me then to task
I'll listen, think, digest it all, not turn to seek a cask
But perfection isn't always reached by grammar on its own

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An Acorns Throw

Oh to be once more in the depths of green

Escape from the bustle of the present mainstream

Soak up the magic of natures verdant glory

Linger there a while and pen the story

For refuge what can ever surpass this haven

An acorns throw away from the commercially enslaven...



August 10th 2009

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Two Kisses

How much are you worth asked a dear friend

'Two kisses and a cuddle' was the reply he did send

'Two kisses may be found for you with ease

But a cuddle is harder to blow through the breeze'

'Ah but cuddles are warm and can last so long

Please see if you can manage to blow very strong'

'Much as I might blow long with all of my might

I doubt you would get that hug afore tomorrow ...

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The Apprentice

The Apprentice

"I saw it all"
said the witness
"For I am the carpenter"
head down, foot up,
arm stretching ever more...

"Try to keep it to that line
hold it straight and true."
Teeth vibrating every stroke
board slipping, blood dripping,
from the deep cut then resulting.

"Darn it!"
Said the seamstress
"A stitch in time
you know will save nine."
Came forth from her needle tongu...

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Clammy Shadows

Clammy Shadows

None of us are immune from these clammy shadows
of ghosts that pursue us from our long, long agos
with drafty whispers teasing our ears at night
leaving as quickly as we are seen to take fright
well gone before any help comes to hand
nothing left for others to grasp and understand

So under the protective tent of covers we go
at least that way our googly eyes will not sho...

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All Butt All

All Butt All


Barely bothered as he lay down his weary head
Life was so much hassle, he just wished he could be dead

The medics kept his ticker beating as it should
But at what quality of living, he felt none understood

It's a dog's life he thought with such irony
If I had but been a dog, wouldn't they end this misery

Brighter days were now few and so far between
His memories s...

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School Rules

School Rules


I have to say with words I play so much it ires some peeps

But those that like to listen still are my friends for keeps

Whilst back in school my rhymes did rule too much from time to time

In English class acceptable but in History t'was viewed a crime


One day we had to tell the tale of Henry and his wives

But I was bored and pepped it up with a few comic as...

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Winter On The Trailer


Back in the mid seventies, I spent some time working with a company that specialised in organizing sales based around taking container loads of goods direct to the car parks of large factories so that staff could purchase goods at rather low prices for the day. One time we had a real struggle due to the temperature falling very low overnight. I wrote this while shivering on the van...



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Last Runes Cast


Face down in the mud, he paused before he rose

'Women pay a fortune and I'm covered to my toes'

Back among the runners, he tried again to jump

Over the high barriers, but he really got the hump


When soon for the third time he took a mighty fall

'You'd think that after all this time my feet would now play ball'

Some weeks went by before he had to go and seek some hel...

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I Aim

I Aim


I aim to be as true to all 

As I have learnt from being small

Tell it like I see it when I'm clear

Zip my mouth if I'm not my dear


Now as time rolls on I find I still

Have a very strong unbending will

None too shy to state my case

Toe to toe, face to face


Tempering the above with concern

For others views where I may learn

More about this world ...

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Dusty Books

Dusty Books


I'm a poet 

Not a mechanic

If the rhyme breaks down

Should I panic?


For each syllable stretch

And stumbling scan

Do I search for another

Or act like a man


Must the purpose I scribe

Be for passing a test

Or maybe some mention

Of a tale with some zest


I think the audience tell 

If they like it or not

And may offer a silence


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Chip & Dips & Cool, Cool Wine

Chips and Dips and Cool, Cool Wine

Luscious lips
Curvy hips
Cool white wine
Chips and dips divine

A dribble here to lick away
A splash of dip has gone astray
Soft playing music may make you swoon
Gently lolling back in this vibrant room

A sash you pull to ease the waist
Pull me close so I can lick and taste
A subtle mix of fresh bathed skin
Traces of the wine that slipped within

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Stark Distillation

A slight departure from my more usual styles, an experiment in harsh revelation...

Stark Distillation

Wilt thou distill my bleating heart
To extract the spirit of love within?

Bottled in glass will it smell of pine
As just now it must within my breast

Take it then and rid me of its odour
Soured by the heat of your betrayal

Leave me no trace to fester as I sleep, but
Bury me deep...

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Wait For The Flag To Unfurl

So you come to me and say 'I'm free'
And you claim all your words are true
Then you run from me, saying 'Set me Free'
Such confusion runs through you

Some years I spent in quiet retreat
Without such strife if incomplete
Dont play these games no more with me
Far better I'm left to rot in solitary

Each time you've run and turned again
And its truly sad to see your pain
But when ind...

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Love Decides The Cast

Love Decides The Cast

Love did not arise

It sneaked up from behind

Love did not surprise

It just controlled the mind


All our senses swamped

All our logic shot

All desires inflamed

All at such a cost


Love burns so very bright

A supernova in our heart

Love takes us day and night

And breaks us when we part


All our futures centred

All passions r...

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Long Lost My Heart

When did my troubled heart last open it's door
Easing your entry to it's welcoming glow
So many years past since such invasion 
Crept stealthily in 'ere I could sense it show

The blend was changing so deep within 
Taking such time to let me feel cheeks aglow
When your fair visage came once more into view
Take heed poor heart your defence did never know

Quietly healing from scars hi...

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lovetroubled heartscarsfuture

War, War, War

Dusted off from 1968, probably my first serious poem with influences being mainly the news from Vietnam. I later used it as a song lyric with some variations, though eventually the music developed further into a fingerpicking instrumental that had a life of its' own, so the two have separated...




War, war, war
What is it all for?
Does it bring happiness
Does it bring joy
It gi...

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Adams Thumb Prints

Adams Thumb Prints


DNA is a marvel that's very true

And your's must reflect well upon you

Those twisting chains of proteins and more

Have in their ravels a record we now score

On computers the bases are being plotted to see

How clearly the great apes are related to me

But hidden amidst the recumbent parts

Are secrets of evolutions which all had to start

From s...

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My Eyes Will Ever

My Eyes Will Ever
Tip me a wink 
Don't let my heart sink
There's so much passion in the thoughts that I think
Pray hold out your hand
Help me to understand
All that your heart wants to find in a man
Look deep in my eyes
Take full note of my sighs
I can promise you nothing if you take these for lies
I will seek out your trust

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Black coal down the mineshaft so deep

Takes a pale sheen as my eyes do weep

Days without comfort are sending me down

The caged bird twitters but I still frown


Escape to the surface via cable or pills

The former brings succour, the latter masks ills

Sometimes my anguish calls the loudest of all

While strength I seek from a larder too small



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Simply Time

Simply Time


With Crystal Ball, I might have found

Some way to weave my way through time

Instead, I played without the rules

Did it my way throughout the schools

Meandered free from guides or maps

Ate my meals from plates on laps

Camped and rambled, cycled too

My only aim - my love for you


Single till I sang your song

Wed while we were still so youn...

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In Darkened Lair

In Darkened Lair

Her eyes grew vivid late at night
Their glow once seen gave many a fright
Bright green and so closely huddled together
Out and about in all kinds of weather

Ginger hairs were sometimes found
Where some victim lay on the ground
Forensic men could not have been sure
Who left those bodies by the door

And still the corpses came most days
Bitten in some frightful ways
Could none apprehend this li...

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Inverted Glow

Inverted Glow

The inverted glow of darkness
Can show where black holes exist
But to paint one on a canvas
Might leave clues easily missed

Yet we're told that they are out there
And can be seen because they bend
The light from all around them
With their super gravity they tend

To suck mass into their centre
But where does it go from there
Compressed tight in the middle
Or into another galaxy somewhere?


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I feel that heavy stillness
It has come to me before
Something new has happened
Who will be next at my door
Will the phone ring in a minute
How I wish I could be sure


Night calls in the nineties never bore good news
Some made in the noughties just brought in the blues


Still that sense is lingering
Why should it seem so mean
I rack my mind and ponder
But nothing is yet to be seen
Come on if you'...

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Hmm - should perhaps have posted this one earlier today - Nelson Mandela reached 91 today.  This sonnet was written for his 90th last year


Mandela, with such quiet dignity
Strides the world stage with real style
One man who doth have true integrity
Long tenured in jail, now freed for some while

True statesmen are rarer than hens teeth friend
He kept true to his life beliefs once out
Now this man c...

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I crawled into this refuge
To shelter from the rage
The violence of society
See reports on every page
Peace takes but a willing heart
To still the anger thats within
So easy to draw swords and guns
Oh when will true peace begin
Many years of anguish
As I toiled away all day
Followed by some respite
That later went astray
Now as new love arises
I want to turn and flee
Away from all the turmoil
That haunts...

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The Depths Of Love

The Depths of Love - by Rhumour

The great power of love is not in the mind
But deep in our hearts which can ache muchly sometimes
The passions we feel are beyond thought to control
Some say it is our hormones, some say it's the soul

But to live life in the shallows without loves warm glow
Is to be beached like a whale with nowhere to go
The depths may bring some sorrows and pain on the way

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Dawn's Treasure

Dawn's Treasure

To look so swell within my mind
Requires I recognise the kind
And giving nature of your heart
That surely must be due that new start
Which grace has not so far bequeathed
But falsehoods have in truth deceived
In such ways as to bring some doubt
If any true love is still about

Yet harken to the words of peace
That manifest just within reach
Foretelling more may come so soon
That dawns fair chor...

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Lonely Ness

Lonely Ness

Ness swims in the deepest loch,
Her hide we seek, it never stops
Value for the region lasts
As long as hunters nets are cast

Millions hope to see her play
On the surface one fine day
Murky pictures have been seen
None that give an image clean

Does she dash away so fast
No one will achieve the task
Or sneak around with tail so long
No friends for her to swim among

Poor Ness she seems to have no mate

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The End

The End

The voice of hate
I've heard of late
Has sunk me down in terror

A crippled ship
I drift the depths
Of navigators error

Once bathed in light
I'm now undone
Left struggling in the dark

My memory turns
To days far gone
When the voice was of a lark

So tortured life
Now ends in strife
I gasp in vain for breath

Just left alone
Frozen to the bone
Shaking myself to death

(c)Rhumour 1974

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Search For Astrology

Search For Astrology

Weave these moonbeams carefully
Embroider them with crystal flakes
Of pure white snow so scattered 
To illustrate the stars we must forsake

The visions that we see above
Are ancient light they sent
Sparkling paths through deepest space
Some time they truly spent

If we could see them true
In the places they now be
What a difference that might make
To all that search for astrology....


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Many Challenges

The day dawns, the cat yawns
All across the land we rise as pawns
The systems says we all must try
And follow rules that by and by
Stifle your choice under the lie

Their myriad taxes run for whom
So many layers conceal in gloom
Search between and you will see
The tax is taxed for you and me

For every hour that we work or play
More dollars pass the revenues's way
And so the suits devise more schemes
Offshore b...

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Tribute to John

John the artist played at a pace that didn't slack
He was a bold young figure, the leader of his pack
Quarried in that Mersey town and crafted into rock
Solid from the outset, his band was hard to knock
More talent than the many other groups that were around
The Beatles got the world to dig their Mersey sound

Apprentice served in Hamburg, playing through the night
They brought a blend of soul with rock i...

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Become A Little Sage

Whilst it's true that I was born at a rather early age
Somehow I have survived long enough to become a little sage
To leave behind some of my points of view
Some quite long held though others I still review
Many perchance you will have read before
In verse I posted here for all to explore

Amid those words joined up in strings
Are stories of my life and other things
The way I see the world today
And how ...

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An Atoms Tale Is Epic

If I die before tomorrow

Though the sun won't shine for me

Take pleasure in it's warming glow

There's a future there to see


No life will last forever

The sun will one day fail

But not before we've all passed on

So who will hear the tale


A tree falls in a forest

A whale dies in the sea

What happens to the birds nest

Do the krill sigh with relief



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Brand New View

Brand New View

For thee I pick an orchid
Full blooming in soft sun
Behold its splendid pastel shade
Its beauty hard for tongue
To capture in a moment
For words are way too young
Compared to natures beauty
All language has but just begun

Behold any small crystal
That sparkles in the light
Or try in brief to describe
A swallow in mid flight
Though poetry and story

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Swamping Tide

Swamping Tide

When rent in sorrows I try to find
Another plain on which to set my mind
To distract it from the downward vibe
And thereby avoid the swamping tide

The swamping tide has no remorse
It will hold you if you cross it's course
The suction of it's slimey waves
Has taken many a mind to grave

Grave and dark in their dual pact
Overpowering those that lacked
The energy to pull out of such mire
Their very ...

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Demented voices shrieking high
Penetrate a gentle sky
Rent as with a lightening bolt
Who can make the culprits halt
Trails of crushed cans leave a clue
Some funny cigarette butts too
Curtain twitchers here and there
Nervous as they seek to stare
And catch a glimpse of figures three
Tottering along the road so casually

Furious fingers had soon pressed
Three digits which I think you've guessed
Blue ligh...

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Siren Sisters

The Seven Siren Sisters of old Cirencester
Are more infamous now than the lechers of Leicester
While walking with linked arms in Lincoln one day
They saw six sailors sinking pints on the public highway
Their giggles could be heard way down in Biggleswade town
Where the cattle drovers were supping in ye olde Rose & Crown

When one time they rummaged in the markets of Kent
Even they were shocked at the bra...

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Woodland Trails

So wandersome in the deep dark middle wood
Paws padding silently on the thick soft moss under foot
Ears turning to catch a slip-slithery sound
Both pricked higher at far off cry of hound

Survival on wits is the name of his game
Rust red in colour but steel sharp in brain
Harsh brambles arming the sides of the track
Tall ferns shielding his eyes from the fact
That under them lurks a rabbit so still

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The Hunger

The Hunger

For days now he had hungered

His search took him along many an avenue
Where his pleas were so harshly ignored
But his need was such he had to continue
So to all that he met he implored

Many turned him away with brusque impatience
What had he to offer them they all jeered
Still he searched with all true innocence
Of the way he was evidently feared

Daringly he turned his gaze upon all
All those who ...

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