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Narrative (Remove filter)

Disparate Friends


Forest deep, 
forest dark,
buried secrets, 
altered spark,
four by four,
plus one left,
no one noticed,
no one bereft.
Months gone by,
suspicions rise,
detection maybe,
no great surprise,
move the problem,
set it deeper still,
concrete solutions,
from an iron will.
Still fixated,
one digs around,
amongst f...

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Banjo On The Wall

Banjo On The Wall

Back home in my birthplace, 
that legendary city of steel,
my paternal grandparents
taught me much of what is real

Values that they set before me
some five decades back it will be
included many of those I still hold dear,
and always will do, year after year.

Among the many hobbies that then filled out their time,
they bred British bulldogs & had ce...

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