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From Lexus To Flames

Helping other people can become infectious
so if your wealthy enough to drive a Lexus
consider the impact of gifts to a poor family
let those generous ideals bring hope willingly
to all that are struggling without fault of their own
for decent jobs are not there for all as is shown
by the queues at food banks and rooms to rent
as all the income they have is far too soon spent…

Wealth is ...

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THE FAMILY - an Acrostic poem



There’s one word that everyone should know and treasure

Hold in reverence for life long companionship and pleasure

Even on the darkest days when pain and distress abound

Family is the one word that can bring a comforting sound

All can benefit if they simply recall their sister & brother

Maybe they are distant people they have yet to discover

In this world there is but o...

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Pity those who act wild in the midst of anger,
who rant and rave and resort to slander,
for they are hurting beyond the limits of control,
to help them we must find the hurt in their soul...

For some it will be the sudden arrival of pain,
in others there may be some shocking shame,
what matters for all is to seek out the true cause,
and let it be known for it is conjecture t...

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