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Wistful Wanderings

Wistful wanderings of my mind,

take me from stubble scratching

to thoughts of just how to unwind

the complex issues we face today…


Mankind is gifted with intelligence,

we know that is a truth for sure,

yet still pursues ancient grievance

that only serve to bring pain for more


Better that we stop and think of more ways

to shape a society where all give as they c...

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Arise Sir Pain


Arise Sir Pain, for it must be time you smote me again,
maybe I've had too many days out of the sun and the rain,
some change in the 'fluences that drive my pen to shriek,
will bend the moods I can portray & themes that I then seek.
Yes today a challenge is welcomed despite the ruptured peace,
tensioned tranquilities having their fevered needs to be released,

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Wait For The Flag To Unfurl


So you come to me and say 'I'm free'
And you claim all your words are true
Then you run from me, saying 'Set me Free'
Such confusion is brought through you
Some years I spent in quiet retreat
Without such strife if incomplete
Dont play these games no more with me
Far better I'm left to rot here in solitary
Each time you've run and turned again
And its ...

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My Head Hurts... ;)


My head hurts, it is so very far from nice
My head hurts, I've tried pills and heat and ice
But no ease comes from their application,
will it ever leave without my suffocation?
My head hurts, it's been going on for years,
My head hurts, did I say it leads to tears?
Just when I think that they've found a cure,
the pain returns again so I can be...

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The best of lovers will one day part
and such sad moments break many a heart
maybe a lifetime together has then passed
or one has gone, leaving questions to be asked

But then after the love of your life has gone
can you find new strength to somehow carry on
will there be words from friends to impart any peace
while you struggle through each day until your final release

To each...

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Wait For The Flag To Unfurl

So you come to me and say 'I'm free'
And you claim all your words are true
Then you run from me, saying 'Set me Free'
Such confusion runs through you

Some years I spent in quiet retreat
Without such strife if incomplete
Dont play these games no more with me
Far better I'm left to rot in solitary

Each time you've run and turned again
And its truly sad to see your pain
But when ind...

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Black coal down the mineshaft so deep

Takes a pale sheen as my eyes do weep

Days without comfort are sending me down

The caged bird twitters but I still frown


Escape to the surface via cable or pills

The former brings succour, the latter masks ills

Sometimes my anguish calls the loudest of all

While strength I seek from a larder too small



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