A Ghastly Evening
All the ghosts have gone to bed,
We say goodbye to our honored dead,
To the horizon they are lead,
As we contemplate what they said.
The veil was deftly traveled,
Guided by voices, acting like scaffold,
Loved ones called to be dazzeled,
As the world of the living becomes unraveled.
Not just love ones cross that veil,
Evil comes without fail,
Sprinitng across...
Friday 1st November 2019 3:35 pm
The Sea
A black ocean falls upon me
I am consumed by the waves
Deeper I drown
The cold sends shocks through my body
A cattle prod for every inch of flesh
The pressure grows
Crushing my bones
The weight of 1000 suns reduces me to ash
I am nothing
Wednesday 30th October 2019 6:29 pm
Joyous Haustblot
The harvest backons today,
The Equinox calls to us all,
Spirits of the wood and hearth
make preparations for the fall.
People gather in their homes,
ready to enjoy the spoils.
Festivities begin anew
as farmers rest from toil.
Wights and elves dance in fields,
Before the sound of Odin's horn,
The Wild Hunt draws nearer still,
Winter's grasp will soon be bo...
Wednesday 23rd October 2019 9:10 pm
A Poem About Hatred
We cannot end the nightmare
only explain it.
Cruelty permeates benath the societal fabric,
As it rises to the top like curdled cream.
It oozezs through
and overtakes the unsuspecting.
Spreading from host to host like a cruel fungus.
Twisting and morphing.
Until we succumb to the sweet vitriol.
Tuesday 22nd October 2019 7:58 pm
My scars have piled up like leaves on Autumn grass.
My knees are a testament to lake pollution
and MRSA.
My hands tell the story of a rambuncious youth
yearning for adventure.
My thighs are a roadmap of mental illness
and a fondness for razor blades.
My face bears the craters from a begone allergy
My mouth is the magnum opus of a poorly trained dog,
whom I miss everyday.
...Monday 21st October 2019 3:57 pm
Cleveland Cold
The Cleveland cold envelops me like cellophane,
Holding me as tight as a rigor mortis grip,
It clenches at my joints,
Constricting my movement not unlike a python,
Walking feels sluggish,
Lifting my arms is akin to moving through clay,
I revel in the uneasiness of it all,
Splattered across my face,
Despite all of the kinks the cold brings out,
A childlike wonder s...
Thursday 17th October 2019 6:58 pm
We Had a Big Argument Because of Continuing Problems Related to My Mental Illness and I Did Not Have Time to Take a Shower, I Love You and I am Sorry
I am itchy
My scalp is itchy
I cannot stand how itchy it is
I smell
My whole body smells
I cannot stand how smelly it is
I feel slimy
My feet and groin feel slimy
I cannot stand how slimy I feel
It is my fault
The whole situation is my fault
I cannot stand how this is my entire fault
I made you upset
I continue to make you upset
I cannot stand how I f...
Wednesday 16th October 2019 1:58 pm
I am a battering ram
Undulating forward with a willful lack of grace
Constantly pushing, pulsing
Headlong into an uncertain oblivion
Destroying myself
Taking pleasure in the pain
The anxiety
Destroying what once was beautiful
Tuesday 15th October 2019 4:25 pm
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