it's a grey morning fog
hazing over the landscape; the person ; love.
it makes distant .
further away then it really is,
it blurs the lines.
whispers,, "you are alone "
it's white noise
hushing the love of the Sun
drips into the earth between the soft skin of your feet
makes slippery what you reach for
An aeonian drab
a monochromatic moan,
...Wednesday 5th February 2025 1:41 pm
5:27 am
It is time to get up.
Shower – I use the woman’s fancy shampoo.
Toothpaste, lotion, brush; done – in the black hygiene bag.
The woman enters the bedroom to check on me, “You have everything?”
“Yes,” I say, “I think so; if I leave anything, you could send it to me?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Okay,” I say. She walks to the kitchen and sits down softly with ...
Monday 24th June 2024 5:50 pm
The Great Window
I sit quiet, smoked out with sage and gratitude, love overwhelmed. Of course, for God and Christ, white crystals and frankincense, and high frequency vibration ever rising, but most of my thoughts are of you.
I’m grateful…
For our teach-learn/learn-teaching. It pushes through and sheds light and mostly – it paints.
With wide colorful strokes, our shadow projects into the ethers and I se...
Wednesday 27th December 2023 1:41 pm
Love of My Lives
Sweet sting of truth… I only heard it because it came from you.
Better person
Laughter, when I was born of tears… oh, what a rebirth!
Of course you don’t get all the credit for my understanding of love; I spent many years as an autodidact cardiologist.
But it would be a capricious falsehood to say that I would be anything close to Me
without You.
You have call...
Wednesday 6th September 2023 7:22 pm
Guilt Rebuked
Guilt Rebuked!
You liar!
A wretched bully’s sidekick
claiming nothing of your own.
You don’t even know when to agree
– just agree with everything, always.
And your answer is always the same.
Whisper your poison and
look away as if…
But I know it’s you;
Wednesday 6th September 2023 3:04 pm
Dream Family
Dream Family
A group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live, [or have lived], together; all such related persons are considered as members of one family.
-Definition according to Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
We talk about it, but it only counts if we do it – live it,
Give up, then no Family, just people ...
Friday 12th May 2023 1:37 pm
Finding the Deep
When the needle pricks your finger.
When you hide under the covers.
When you look under the bed.
When you go down into the basement.
When you dig up the root in the yard.
When you lay someone to rest.
When you drill to find water.
When you mine for gold.
When the sink hole collapses.
When you drop deep inside Krubera.
When Earth cracks in two and you reach t...
Friday 2nd December 2022 9:12 pm
Close My Eyes
Sad at a bar. sitting on the deck. watching
boats drift by;
finished my grouper sandwich; sipping on my lemon water
wondering --
So close to your lips, how did I get so far away in your mind?
I told you a long time ago, you would never have to yell but
I do.
Today was a break,
after a break,
after a break. C...
Tuesday 12th July 2022 3:47 am
Like the Tide
Slapping and stretching her palms on the shore,
She is desperate to reach her old Love again.
Time and Wintertide have pushed her back; drained her.
And she longs recklessly to re-cover her ancient home.
The imprint of her love is littered in the limestone,
In the petrified wood of the Peace River,
In the red fingers of Dades Gorgem,
Nested on the peak ...
Sunday 3rd October 2021 2:18 pm
I Want to Stay Here
I Want to Stay Here
I am 47 years old. I still want to wander. I am taking a writing class and a literature class, and I am married, though we are not in practice at the moment. It has been a year since last Wednesday. In those hours, to my husband, we have been: in-love, divorced, married, separated, engaged, and divorced again. Right now I think we are imagining ourselves, whatever ...
Friday 1st October 2021 11:31 pm
The Hard Moment
The Hard Moment
Woe to the heart that finds herself here. Woe to her.
Woe to her breath that has been yanked from her chest
Woe to the scraping agony of fear.
Woe to her who falls prostrate on the floor.
Her heart beats slow black as a crow
And she scratches to find the door
Woe to her who looks up to seek hope.
She drenches her skirt with tears and dirt
...Wednesday 29th September 2021 7:55 pm
Friends. They come whether I want them to or not
And I try to back away saying, "Thank you, but I’d rather not."
When, if my secret’s out, it's our connection I crave
To be, and just to be, in a place, in a way, in moments that you gave.
I once was afraid of remembrances, I guess I still am a little
But now memories embrace and tether and, sometimes, they even tickle
Your o...
Friday 9th July 2021 1:54 pm
She Is the Mystery Only Earth Knows
She is the mystery only Earth knows
She moves in and out at her will and her pleasure
She has no brokenness, she has endured
She seeks her worth in worthy places
And she calls the sky home
She is happiest in the daytime
Unafraid of the bright exposing sun
She has nothing to rid or conceal
She is an open book, though hard to read.
And she is comfortable alone
Wednesday 17th February 2021 9:37 pm
Don't Tell My Heart
Oh, don’t tell my heart she is aging
Don’t let her know that she’s grown
She’s still loving, laughing, engaging
Don’t let on that you know
She still dances in moonlight
She still breaths to see you
She’s still singing in free flight
Her childish love is still true
She still flutters at your smile
And you’re all she can think to say
She is still reckless and ...
Friday 12th February 2021 12:06 am
The Auction (a small tidbit of a larger work)
Man is the owner and auctioneer of his own heart, and it is most definitely for sale.
He puts it on display at the market ready to be sold to the highest bidder. The bid is his own lust which is never quenched and never enough.
Once sold, it is forever mortgaged and carried away to a land of enslavement. The only prospect of freedom is the Soul.
The Soul can purchase the heart and...
Thursday 11th February 2021 5:31 pm
The years of daydreaming with irrational fairytales, the voided advise about worth and standards I never heard
The watching others fake their love and trying to mimic it to graduate into their circles of pain
The confusion - Oh the confusion! of a tormented lover striking my soul for his failures
And me pushing ever pushing some poor boy into a man he will never be, always going against t...
Tuesday 9th February 2021 6:42 pm
My Heart Does Long for You
My heart does long for you
In all its strangeness and confusion
It stays sure of its love for you
It cowers down at the world
And howls and bites back
It needs so much to be close to you
My soul gets crowded
And feels lost in the kaos
And seeks like a beggar our Lord
Sleep is fleeting and elusive
Peace comes only inside mania
And melody within a m...
Friday 29th January 2021 8:18 pm
Time To Give Up As Lost
An old melody plays and I am drawn into the mouth of an old memory
I am in a small dark tent, sleeping in my uniform in the ancient deserts of Jordan
This song played in my ears and I wrote to you on pages of my heart
You were more than a world away. You were lost and I was gone.
Sarah was a little baby and your heart was broken and scared
I tried to be strong for all of us. ...
Tuesday 1st December 2020 12:23 pm
Hangin' On Hope
I’ve had seven years of poor luck
Run down men and broke down trucks
Birds that fly and never return
Heatless fires and water that burns
Oh, I’ve moved here, I’ve moved there
Gave my all without a care
Other folks seem to make a way
Better than me on my very best day
Mama told me in her so-long letter
She was cursed, and that I should do better
She was hexe...
Tuesday 1st December 2020 11:54 am
The Wind Has Always Been
The Wind has Always Been
Love has not always been. Peace certainly not.
My spirit has waxed and waned in my human heart.
Family. Family is but an idea no more real than the clouds
But the wind, the wind has always been, and with her there is no doubt.
In the fields as a child when I was wrestling with my spirit
She carried You fast to me - close that I may hear it
Friday 20th November 2020 12:16 am
What It Took
The dreary sludge slinked along and oozed into our intimate conscience.
The thick pernicious inferno of fear infested closer, ever closer,
Burning the life from creation and suffocating reason with anti-reason.
Pathways were overtaken; what seemed a way of escape was, infact, a trap.
It crept its way into our yards, under our fences, and up against our doors.
The hot plumbic ...
Thursday 22nd October 2020 2:01 pm
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