The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

If It's LOVE

I wish you would come here, stay near me - lay.

Stare at the sky. Count the stars.

Feel the feeling of love sparking up the beatless hearts.

And view, Similar kind of imaginations

displaying over our unconscious minds. 


Instead of assuming, each of us are being alone

in a separate situation.

In the night, let’s get lost in each others arms.


I wouldn’t touch if it ...

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love. lust. romance. selfishness/


Each day gets darker than the last few decades of days.

Each day's gloom makes me turn like in a grave 

And so does the thought of a moment in another day.

Each day brings me closer to a grave 

I can literally feel the drag.

A sick man lives on.


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lifesickman. strugglepain. disappointment


I feel fear inside my chest, a strange feeling.

 A feeling not felt for a long time.

Fear, welcome home.

Lay in bed; sleep where you belong - In my chest, forever.

Together, we will venture through the lows as we fall from the highs.


Depression has possessed me.

Fighting it helps, but for that I need strength.

Cornered. Encircled.

Like a child fell on the ground for th...

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