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Prayer and God Will Protect Me From Corona

Prayer and God Will Protect Me From Corona


Trump calls for churches to open – regardless.


“In America we need more prayer, not less”


Must go to my church coming Sunday

Mix close with the people and pray

To God who'll protect me and save me

And keep corona virus away


Attending my church is more important

More important than staying at home

My God will...

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Hey Don?...

Hey Don?...


I specialize in rhyme

A great waste of my time

Hey Don? could make you famous

And earn you lots of dosh….


I specialize in rhyme

A great use of my time

I’m gonna earn me lots of dosh

And become a Poet Laureate….

Poet Laureates don’t make any money Don…


I specialize in rhyme

A great use of my time

I’ll use it on my website


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How 'Bout Dat

How 'Bout Dat


Our streets, now all abandoned

Have found a home for rats

Not one or two, but gangs of them

Well I'll be how 'bout dat


Fret not you unemployed ones

We need more catcher-rats

To rid us of these furry fiends

Well I'll be how 'bout dat


Last week it was a kangaroo

Who jumped through CBD

Much cuter than a gang of rats

How 'bout dat, well ...

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Kiddie Writer Wanting Work


I am a kiddie writer

Writing how to learn

Extraction from the brown earth

Without hurting worm


eg pulling off head....


I also write for kiddies

What can do and can't

Always keep eyes peeled down

Don't step on nice ant




I've yet to find a publisher

Cause kiddies don't want me

Pulling heads and squashing ants

Is what they like...

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Trump. What Virus?

Trump. What Virus?


Donald wants restrictions gone, lifted, right now

Health advisers say Donald no way

Don't care about people, new cases, more deaths

Let's open up ol' USA


“I promise to make America great again”...


And I want to be re-elected.....


Don Matthews May 2020







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It's Your Fault Neurons

It's Your Fault Neurons


I’ve built myself a website

A steep and bloody curve

Received my Learners Permit

The blogosphere to serve got there phew!

I don’t know who is out there

I don’t know who I’ll meet

Excite-like feeling venture

I hope can stay on feet

Much of my work is different

(To the normal stuff)

Spilling out f...

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Impaired Driver

Impaired Driver


A trooper stopped a driver in Utah

Moving slowly and moving around

Who pulled over slowly and neatly

Shock horror “What's this that I've found?”


Conversation between trooper and driver

Was captured on video (dash cam)

And youtubed 'round world to the thousands

Click link here and view while you can

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Missed Warnings

Missed Warnings


USA missed warnings

A 100,000 dead

Administration, President

Caught fast asleep in bed


“We promise to make USA great again”


Australia heeded warnings

Less than a 100 dead

Promptly ordered lockdown

Australia used its head



Don Matthews May 2020

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Sometimes I feel quite anxious

Posting what I write

Is it bit too risky?

Will somebody bite?


What's the purpose poet

Of writing poetry

If you're scared of readers

Reactions they might be?



Don Matthews May 2020


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That's the Way

That's the Way


Some of us like rhyme

Some of us like prose

Guess we all are different

That's the way it goes



Don Matthews May 2020

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Why Bother

Why Bother


Why bother writing poems

That few press button 'like'

Forget about few comments

Might take off, ride my bike....


...Into the great red sunset

Hang up my WOLer quill

Go pull up weeds in garden

From plants who love me still







Set up your own website....






Food for th...

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Said the Lion to the Pig

Said the Lion to the Pig


I love this covid virus

It's locked the humans in

Clean air we can now breathe in deep

Clean air we can take in


Roarrrr!..... Oink......


My roar does not now get choked

With soot and dust and more

Thrown up by all their motor cars

We love corona...Roarrrrr!




Our playground's much more healthy now

Lot's mor...

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She Screamed for Help but you did Nothing

She Screamed for Help but you did Nothing


(Kim Murphy, an Adelaide mother of three, was murdered by her ex-partner in a domestic violence incident (April 2020). Her screams for help were ignored. A sad reflection of today's society)


You heard her scream for help

But no-one ever came

You heard her screams of anguish

Her life's now ended, slain


Why did you not invest...

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My Tin Money Box 1950's

My Tin Money Box 1950's



I remember quite fondly my money box

Just starting my life out at school

Tin, no way in I could borrow

Thrift acquired young was the rule


My passbook (from bank) it recorded

The money I'd saved in my tin

Collected each week by the teller

Riding his bike all way in (Friday if I remember...)


There he would bring out his can opene...

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The Judge's Decision

The Judge's Decision


(An Adelaide judge has just made a decision based on the following reasons.  Community is not happy)



You are a serial sex offender


But your risk to the community

Has not increased in the time

You have been in custody


I am therefore releasing you



Am I missing something?....



Don Matthews April 2020

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I've Got a Problem

I've Got a Problem


There's too much going on

My little head just can't cope

If it were bigger it might just manage


Either God didn't make it big enough

Or we've made too much for it


Bad planning I say


See my problem?



Don Matthews May 2020



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Missing Look. Missing Smile

Missing Look. Missing Smile


(During lockdown I need to buy my paper each day.  I thought she might have just been having a bad day.  But no, the same thing happened this morning,. Why do some do and some don't?....)


Just been to buy my paper

Handed her the cost

She scanned my just-bought paper

While I stood there quite lost...


...Waiting for eye contact

Waiting ...

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