Instrumental Anti- Racism and Terrorism"
Be vocal and informed on World opinions,ease your self through life, don't fret over things,that are out of your control. If your feeling blue,stick your ear to the ground, and listen to the thundering bass of Mother Earth, to remind you of her kindness. Also her wrath, if you try to plunder her. Stay wired and wary of what news and sources you take in. Plug into your inner thought...
Saturday 11th July 2020 10:21 am
Cotton candy land
Up,up and away fast as a fly. Buzzing and flickering , on the canvas of cloudy sky. My, Oh my! The medication draining from my system making me feel light and fluffy as a free-floating cumulus, cotton candy cloud. The crowds below, blurry and extra loud, it's all too much for my tired and injured mind, to take all the bullshit out there, seems so fake. I've decided the only way I can make it...
Saturday 11th July 2020 10:19 am
The neural river flows
The river flows fast and with much rage,i feel the past flying by,as the future beckons from afar. A knock on my head,wakes my mind ajar,opens several unknown doors in far recesses of forgotten memory. It almost feels ephemeral, my brain cells alight with endorphins and extra serotonin, fusing my neurons and electric highways, into paths of new ways of thinking. Searching for purer though...
Saturday 11th July 2020 10:04 am
Drones in the sky
Television skies,multi coloured lies,even the flies,don't deliver low blows.Not unlike our own dear government, which carries on making huge dents in our debits and deficits. The cabinets full of misfits and hooray henry s, we would be better off filling number 10 with primates. That might stop the 60 million frowns,upon the faces of Britain's population,all caused by those paper...
Saturday 11th July 2020 10:03 am
Voice box for Buddha
I m a writer,not a fighter,i m a social verbal lightener, not a monstrous people frightener. I d rather be one of the Dali Lama s enlighteners, a mobile voice for Buddha s wise tongue. Instead of talking dung,like an ignorant fool, who s lost his cool, left to drool in their corner of misunderstanding and racial hatred. Let s not date the day red,and fill people with dread, ...
Saturday 11th July 2020 10:01 am
"The Grid"
"The Grid"
It s funny old game, 50 radios playing the same tune,
thousands of mouths,uttering into mobiles, all
plugged into the grid.
No-one s looking at the sky, their ears are gonna fry,
we try to turn off our phones,for that "special weekend".
Then comes Monday morning, we are sucked back into
the grid.
People march in hurried file,coffee lid in hand,
rushing to meet...
Thursday 14th July 2016 6:17 pm
"Future Uncertain"
"Future Uncertain"
Well im a little inside out ,a little outside in, the world is turning
upside down, backwards round.and political horizons keep -a-changing.
Boat loads of good policies ,sinking before our eyes,as
blue coloured lies,fly through the skies and get misinterpreted
through the right wing controlled press.
Just a guess??
Thursday 14th July 2016 6:16 pm
I am often left in an eternal paradox,leaving me
feeling trapped in a box.
I need the cunning of a fox,or the playing skills
of the red sox. Before they catch me,like the bloody pox.
And land me back into that infernally paradoxed box.
Monday 11th July 2016 12:05 pm
Mary-jane,mary-jane,what do i gain from your
sweet ,but yielding breath. Its as intoxicating as
meth.Almost sweeter than death.
One more toke,and life exists less,as a joke.
Just a little more;swallow me in your sweet embrace.
Mary-jane,mary-jane,you cause me such pain,which
you feign no knowing of.
You leave my life still flowing,akin to the flotsam and je...
Monday 11th July 2016 12:00 pm
´The cat´´
´The cat´´
The cat sat there on her magic mat,
grinning her most feline smile,seen
for miles and miles.Causing many traffic piles.
She sits in mercurial pose,just like a rabbit froze in the headlights.
Way too bright. BUt she has no fright.For the cat is very bright.
Even has her own diploma,but wont be controlled by no fat owner.
Monday 11th July 2016 11:56 am
``my 3 blind mice´´
``my 3 blind mice´´
three blind mice, they all ran around the room,
the 1st mouse was a louse
the 2nd wanted his own house
and the third was into illegal vice.
Sunday 10th July 2016 9:16 pm
"Memory lane"
"Memory lane"
Memories old,memories new.Took a walk down memory lane today,
taking in sights and smells of a life once had.Seeing old friends and
graves of past loved ones.
Am left feeling very blue,tomorrow i will form memories all a new
to stop me feeling bluer.As the decades left become fewer,i start
to appreciate the past ,as the years flow fast.
The tenuous connectio...
Sunday 10th July 2016 9:12 pm
"The Alternative Future"
"The Alternative Future"
Its the year 2066.I know 50 years have flown fast,
this is what happened in our dubious past.
You remember Cameron,our ex-prime minister
who was impeached,when he preached about tax-
avoidance.Had he forgotten,the warm off-shore
tax free nest ,off the coast of Grand Can aria.
Or the dangerous 4 year term of of a lib-dem
and Green party coalition.
...Sunday 10th July 2016 5:39 pm
´´The nutty almond tree´´
´´The nutty almond tree´´
Wont you jump into the almond tree with me,this
will set us free,to be our nutty selves.
Instead of being left on the dating shelf,
bleeding dry from lack of emotional wealth.
Use guile and stealth,to guide yourself,
to the top of the almond tree,and be nutty
and free like me.
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:59 pm
´´Drones in the sky´´
´´Drones in the sky´´
Television skies,multi coloured lies,even the flies,don't
deliver low blows.Not unlike our own dear government,
which carries on making huge dents in our debits and deficits.
The cabinets full of misfits and hooray henry s, we would be
better off filling number 10 with primates.
That might stop the 60 million frowns,upon the faces of Britain's
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:58 pm
´Starlings vs the scarecrow´´
´´Starlings vs the scarecrow´´
The birds fly so incredibly high,across the countryside
checking out the scarecrows on the way,what a beautiful day,
only a few white clouds in the azure blue sky.
Their feathered leader,signals with his shrill cries,they all
follow suite and enter into a v-shape formation,all done
through silently transferred information,at the starlings
wing ti...
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:56 pm
"Living the dream"
"Living the dream"
Merrily,merrily,relaxing and floating down the multi-media
free stream,living inside the Amsterdam dream.
Thousands of bicycles wheels go round n round the city
roads,along with a slapping sound of the masses feet
hitting the streets.
Brightly coloured signs point the way to various fast-food
eateries,glorious coffee shops.Where life is always twice
as ni...
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:54 pm
"Slaithwaite Sun"
"Slaithwaite Sun"
The sun is shining,this is refreshing,even refining ,some may say
this could be a defining moment for us pasty bipeds to absorb
some photosynthesis ,to cure those ails and wails of joint inflame
and other pain of ill health and winter strife.
The air filling up loudly,bees with furry knees,butterflies
burst forth,from their chrysalis cocoons,all the colours
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:52 pm
"The Midnight Poet"
"The Midnight Poet"
A Grandfather clock strikes the midnight hour,
nightly shadows cross the room darkening even
the darkest corners.
The other side of the room,occupies a bureau,
with a busy writer. All inkly and word flow,
the sweat shows on his brow.
He sighs, wipes his head,and takes another
cigarette.He tries to forget,but the writer
within him,wills him on.
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:48 pm
"Twenty-first Century Trenches"
"Twenty-first Century Trenches"
Refugees in need,displaced by evil dictators n crackpots,
lashing their political chains, cross the peoples back,
making minds crack.
Politicians are out of touch with true reality, most are
self-servicing liars and off-shore pariahs.
I say"get the frack out of here".
Clusters of refugee camps,send the E.U. into maximum
fluster.Calais has sce...
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:46 pm
"Sonic-lly shaken ,but not stirred"
"Sonic-lly shaken ,but not stirred"
The sonic boom of sound and vision,
shake my room. Sending musical vibrations
through my spine and soul, the 4/4 beats send
the moves to my feet,making me move and groove,
to the complex arrangements.
Let the music, be the light and the right way to
enjoy this precious life,we exist in.
Imagine our lives as an hour-glass, as we begin
Thursday 7th July 2016 1:43 pm
"Mother Nature s nurturing hand"
"Mother Nature s nurturing hand"
Sitting in my garden,watching my grass grow,
only got a little bit,so don t need to mow.
Just let my green-fuelled imagination flow,
My ,my it s been a scorcher of a day, several
buckets of splashy clear liquid later ,the garden
sighs with relief. She presents me,with new shoots
and leaves.
Oh! Mother Nature,help me develop this patch of sto...
Thursday 7th July 2016 12:31 pm
"Dystopian Society"
"Dystopian Society"
Historic leaders, Royal tax-dodging pleaders
and psychopathic Nazi bleeders, we have had them all.
Nothing has changed, just rearranged by so called
political leaders. Mind you there s been some good ones
through the ages,George Washington, honest Abe,
Winston Churchill and JFK.
Then you have ,despot crack pol pots, Hitler ,Hess,
Goering ,Putin and ISIS,...
Thursday 7th July 2016 12:29 pm
freewheelin gnomes
"Freewheelin Gnomes"
Am sitting in my garden,writing with
rhythm and rhyme ,
wanna be a garden gnome,living
in a big,green bio dome.
This is now my spiritual home
,all i need is an extension for my
phone, then i ll be free to wander and roam.
Ah! The life of a freewheelin garden gnome,
plenty of time for fishin and wishin.
Thursday 7th July 2016 12:27 pm
true desire
"True Desire"
That fine girl s my one and only desire,
she sets my heart on fire,i look at the way she
walks.talks and dances ,like there s no tomorrow.
Her moves reflect ,back from the moons iridescent
light, and my heartbeat starts to fight with my brain.
Who s in charge the mind or the soul?
What is this mystery woman s goal and which
dark role ,will she have me play.
Thursday 7th July 2016 12:24 pm
demonised erotica
"Demonised Erotica"
Shakin her hoochie -coochie behind ,her elfin ears,
peels back the years of my libido.
I was shooting misguided missiles, now i m
firing on full torpedoes. With legs that go on for
miles,bringing lustful smiles to my grinning face,
she s all angelic grace.
Am feelin ever so devilish,even my thoughts are horned,
she shows me ,her kind hand. Letting me fee...
Thursday 7th July 2016 11:34 am
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