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SCIENCE VS RELIGION: Why Science Must Give Credit to Religion

The much anticipated article is ready! 

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I've written an article on SCIENCE VS RELIGION: Why Science Must Give Credit to Religion on Dinosaurs Extinction. And so, I need a professional to help me proofread and also help me to publish. As this has been one of the many curiosities as a child.

Please you can always send me a direct message on, or on Facebook...

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"One Perfect Poem"


One perfect poem...
One perfect line...

Society compels me to write...
One perfect poem...
One perfect line...

If poems denotes thoughts...
And thoughts are imperfect...
Why then do society compels me to write...
One perfect poem...
One perfect line.

©Night Owl Poetry
Written by: Elijah Enenche Peter [04/08/2023]

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Letter to The Girls I Once Loved


My Dear Roses,
Beautiful and charming 
The days I dreamt 
The nights I stared 
All were a mirage 

To all the girls I once loved
My Dear Roses,
My texts you ignored 
My calls you repudiate 
All were hurtful 

To all the girls I once loved 
My dear Roses,
To all your smiles I smirked at...
To all your stories I never inclined to...
To all your gaze I looked jn askance...
To al...

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The Conscious African Poetry eBook

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If you find it, keep it.
If you lose it, move on.

It's the sweetest poison, it kills slowly. 
And the surest medicine, it heals slowly.

I am not lucky with love, it's too fragile.
Guess I don't handle it with care.

I love the sight of it, but hate to groom it.
I admire it from afar but hate to try it.

If I find love, I'll keep it.
If I lose it, I'll move on.

Written by:...

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I put on the shoes of my ancestors and great was the pain I felt.
Africa, you sold your children for your reflection.
Your begotten seed lay sick on the waters en route across the Atlantic to estrange land.

 The man with blue eyes and a narrow nose took your child and left you with a mirror. 
Yes look at your face and be ashamed of yourself.

A stench of ignorance that would be forever r...

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I Take Solace at Night

I love the solitude of the night 

The chirpy sounds of those crickets 

And the tick tick tick sound of the wall clock

The distant chattering of my neighbors 

And the stillness of one's spirit.

 My pile of books and jotters caused a paucity of space on my table.

The inscriptions on my wall

Those pen arts too, are so lovely 

I take delight in them.

The darkness is scary in...

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I shall write 
With no form of euphemism 
I shall write my thought as raw as a flesh bitten off by a cannibal 

I shall not shy away from pouring my thought 
As the sudden rain that falls while the sun still shines 
I shall tell you how I feel without fear
Even though many shall demand for my head 
And wish the tiniest of dust particles to cover my body up 

I shall point out the de...

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Dear Mother

Dear mother

She bears a lot of offspring and clothes them in many colors 
They are gifts to the world.
Some are hostile, while others are hostages 
She is just like any other mother that gives birth to children with different personalities
Don't throw blames at her 
She did her best to raise them in fear and trembling.
She inscribed her culture in their heart and wraps tradition around ...

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The Library

Where determination burns...
Where hope is rekindled...
Where silence is a virtue...
Where books are more valuable than jewelry...
There also sat an amazing creature...
She looks tall and light-skinned...
Her slant eyes are pure hazel ...

Oh, library!
What have you done to me?

The place where ideas are buried in books...
The place where knowledge is hidden on shelves...

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Freetown, No longer free

 I carefully write down my thoughts.
Great is the grief I'm made to carry 
What happened to my brother's sanity? 
Look, his hands chopped as though they were spinach.

The wailing sound travels far into the hollowed space.
My tears burn my skin as they roll down my cheeks as though they were squeezed from Hell.

Love has no place in our lives.
We sold our peace for a piece of paper.

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