The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.



It was Charlie who brought them together

And once they realised it, well it was never going to last forever.

It was Charlie who was left in the middle.

He was there sun, their moon their rising star.

A child seat in two different cars.


Mum and dad now both see Charlie in two separate ways

Mum every morning for school and evenings occasionally when out in the 'pool.


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Promoting democracy

A rain of death is falling in Ramses Square

There's something perceptively evil in the air

Perhaps it's the word Moslem

That excuses the eagle from treating them less like men

I saw him, unarmed pleading hands outstretched in front of the tank

The rifle raised these bastards are not firing blanks

What code, what right is invoked that separates crime from state

What t...

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Judicial Continuity

If God is a judge

Does he make a decision

Refusing to budge on any omission.

Or, does he readily, occassionally say

I fucked up there

On coping a plea or well aimed prayer.


And how does one appeal the almighty seal

To a tribunal, following a funeral?

The father son and Holy Ghost

Is it by email or sent in the post


What are the rules

For hu...

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Baking bread in Birkenhead

Baking home-made bread in Birkenhead,

Cannot be justified.

I have tried.

Except in the unlikely event

If not paying rent

One has to sell the homely pride

Enticing would-be vendors to come inside.


Baking bread in Birkenhead is fun, amusing but time consuming.

The competition on this grey February day

Is Halo 3 extended play

An assault on a young boys...

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Passengers must not cross the line

Written coming into Stourbridge Junction 29th May 2012


Passengers must not cross the line

An epitaph for a lingering death of times occasionally sublime,

Travellers lovers and would be friends

Attempting to wander over fertile ground

Once so profound

Passengers must not cross the line.


By car, by train, by plain, by boat, adventurers in love.

In time,...

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The Beguiling of Merlin

My name, among others, is Taliesin. And the story that I am about to tell, may well, be fable.Though if you then challenge my account and say, that this must surely be happening today,Then I would not deny such synchronicity. The tale I sing, [Taliesin] set in one place without time.Also here and there this very night ,sublime. Read on....



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Part 1


A  mirage of Mecca rises North Westerly across the water, mirroring Manhattan.


Feeling the icy, ghostly touch of past glory I turn abrupt



The head spins. Whirling. Dizzily into another reality


 Is there no direction I can take?  No Yellowbrick Road


Cut off by ebb and flow.




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Goddess...homage to Dylan Thomas

You are a goddess

And noone can own a goddess.

No man, no spirit, no mortal form.

It is the most fervent wish - of men with a certain intellectual drive,

To dance, to sing, to entertwine and lay with a goddess,

For then, and only then, then they may feel truely blessed.

Such occassions shake the world and all of us therin.

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Dawn breaks.

I light a cigarette and ponder whilst steadily flowing traffic takes unwilling workers to hours of obligation.

Another tab to delineate time,

A comforting nipple in a life of crime.

Footsteps hurry down a suburban street pacing a rhythm with anxious feet.

Welcome to Sky and people passing by, welcome to another day of making hay.

If, as some say, all e...

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What do you hear,



The rhythem of the Universe. Could it be worse?

Could it be better? Could you?

And if so why?

Do you wish us to like you? 

The way you walk, the way you talk.  The way you express yourself.

Performing your plays to poetry.

Immagination, effort and intent.

Follow it through. 

In the future al...

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