The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tags from last 12 months

alcoholism (1) troubled heart (1) bonds (1)

The unkindness of Covid

Your polo shirt is slightly askew.

Eyeliner you try and hide.

My daughter babyā€™s prime;

we have fought for this.


You now sit in classrooms,

open windows, warmth drained.

Queue, face mask clad, in corridors

dreaming of seeing facesĀ 


The boy you pass notes to

you are no longer free to kiss

or find theĀ ecstasy in another.

Your childhood is on hold.



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Sunday Morning Thought

I have been


Death has held me

Life has killed me

But you still think

You have the right

To give me advice

As if youā€™re above me

If you let me speak

You might learn


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Little Doll

I seek you moth girl,

there are hopes masked

behind doors in our mind

touches, intrusions

that felt like FearĀ 

Frozen Little Doll


Itā€™s where you still solicit,

Part Me, Part Him

Godā€™s Steward dismantled

drowning under sheets

and adult whims

Fragments of sin


I ask you to come home

dance with me again,Ā 

you are swimming of reach

in the same mind


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The current situation

Lives threatened by what they donā€™t know
Dictated by police banners of hell
Donā€™t let anyone escape their reality
We are all victims of false dichotomy
Black or white we are all longed for
Children of a false enemyĀ 
Rise up and sense the differenceĀ 
A red flag goads us towards sensibility
Neutral props of a false economy
Rise forth and take the enmity
The discourse of truth will out

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current eventsmodern life

spirit and sanity

Since I cannot sense a name for God

power will stutter out of my mouth

In the old days it was the Village Church

Rich with Stain Glass Hypocrisy and Sin

In the middle it was a wasteland, dead

Then I saw God and everything changed


Spirit stood on my shoulder and held me

Angels came in plain clothes to erase me

No-one left even though I tried to kill me

In the attire ...

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New Therapist

She sits there her book full of latent codes,
a way of communicating so no-one knows
Rambling on my life, traces of a history unread:
a mind full of trash and misdeeds unsaid.
She's a pristine therapist, who hasn't lived,
expecting me to say all and give,
when I couldn't give a shit about her plan.

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therapyCounsellingmy past experiencemothers. children

You made me do it

You're so impossible
you are selfish
you are difficult
you cause me so much trouble
I've only got this angry with you
you provoked me
you're unreasonableĀ 
you aren't like your brother
you never help
I never get this cross with anyone else
you made me hit you
I lost control because of you
you are defective
but I love you
so all is okĀ 

everything is possible with me
I am self full

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child abusemental illnessloveawakened

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