The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tags from last 12 months

alcoholism (1) troubled heart (1) bonds (1)


I want to be alone,
but only within my family.
I want to to teach you
but only with him too.
I want to help myself
but only if you help me.
I want to be confident
but only if you are there.
I want to be creative
but only if you allow me.
I want to be a parent
but only if I’m parented.
I want to be an adult
but only if I can be a child.
I want to feel emotions
but only if you hold me...

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loveindependencegrowing upparenting


She sees the sinews of life:
her mental scar tissue.
Purple welts plagued her mind,
from childhood to death.
While we revisit our pasts...
She tended to neglect coincidences
the acts we thought we'd regret
Sketches scored lines on her skin.
And souls exit to the light,
while she skeptically fights.
Tremulous, unable to bite back
with her mental scar tissu...

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Lifemental healthpoetry and mental healthself-harm

28 Years Later

Can you imagine infinity as a 10 year old?

Yet now, 28 Years Later, I think it’s no time at all

I know you’ve been with me, all this while, watching, 

I grew from a child, into a girl, then a daughter.


There were times when I wished you weren’t there,

private moments, intimacies, melancholic memories,

I silently searched for you to surprise me,

my wedding, a fatherly hug ...

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childhood lossgriefhopeloss

Breathing Liquor

Liquor, such a licentious name,

I hear it whispered on TV,

my hair stands on end.

I move the bottles out of sight,

to negate their seductiveness.

They cry to be held or treasured.

The weakness of wine glasses,

resonating when they are washed.

They are true to their purpose at least.

I pour a scant amount,

measuring with molecular like precision.

I swig it back with...

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alcoholalcohol abusealoneness

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