The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Stream

The Stream


Pit brown, eddies like molasses

Trout, their underbellies speckled

with mottled brown marks swim

inside a subterranean world

Ceaseless the water runs

Never the same pattern

As in life the moment passes

and can never be lived again.

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The Devil

Can no one fall from the frown of the circle

tree trunk heavy from past trust tithes

Deep blue eels that run under the skin

ready to cut, taking fronds of blood

Chant for triggers, for lapses, for minds

finish my turn when he's had enough.


Clothed fringed with moments of madness,

as we claw at their pig skin seams

Tear the etiquette away as we fall.

The beast corner...

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Devilmental illnesshopelessness

Men Confusion

My world has come to an end.

Co-dependent like a child to a Dad

Losing my sexuality through men-o-pause

Obliterate me with your gaze

but don’t try to command my soul

the one I thought was the one

is the only love who’s been the truth

but I have fucked him over with my ego.


I let myself go but you were just the same

The dark haired, mum fuck that you have

Not reco...

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men and womenrelationshipssexfeminine

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