Often used as a fake New York city from 1920 but Manchester, you ain't fooling
The mucky Neo Roman columns built on hurt and hierarchy are testemant to lives,
lived in poverty.
Lowry could see, he correlated the city funnels with, human misery.
Here I sit, here I stare, at the weathered wealth of my city,
Old buildings are barely standing,
Outflanked by looming apartments,
But I'm ...
Saturday 30th January 2021 1:08 pm
If I went away, would you miss me?
If we drank lots of red wine, would you kiss me?
The 'what if's?' are killing me,
They say, 'If you don't mind, it doesn't matter',
But one lingering look from you and my calm thoughts scatter.
Tuesday 21st March 2017 7:26 pm
Too Much Time
Too much time spent on not really knowing what's going on,
Here but wanting to be there,
There but worrying if I care,
Flirting on the peripharies of fitting,
Electricity rises up in my brain where frustration reigns,
Dishonest pockets grow and grow with the weight of days,
Until I am left with a lifeless gaze.
Thursday 20th October 2016 12:22 am
Last Days of Panto
Christmas Day and New Year has been and gone but, the false enthusiasm is still here,
With the pan stick you plough on, because it's your duty to instill cheer,
It's just that time of year, except it's the 8th of Jan, the presents have been unwrapped, carols have been sung and the roasting tin packed away.
John Thompson nurtures his whisky hangover in the Green Room gloom,
And wonders ...
Friday 7th October 2016 3:01 pm
Thinking About Talking in Bed
We have finally settled for the night
Sleep last on the list
The wait is on to find words succinct but sweet
That will settle and soothe us to sleep
A significant silence stretches out before us
It seems to go on for an eternity
I wait, revelling in its poignancy
Not willing for false sentiment
I’ll wait for words that ring true
Finally the wait seems...
Tuesday 24th March 2015 10:03 pm
Birthday Blues
We close our eyes gently and slowly
Wait for the narcotic niceties to be over
“Isn't it nice to just relax?” you say
“Hmmmm” I agree, letting my thoughts become dreamy
My birthday is over and it's time to release the stress
It has taken so long
Doubling up the pretence puts pressure on the present
Downstairs you carry out the Birthday autopsy
Thursday 16th May 2013 6:20 pm
Happy Fucking Birthday
Most Birthdays leave me vulnerable to the precepts of Birthday etiquette
It catches me,
Forcing me to celebrate things I run from, the older I get
Maturity, responsibility, human company
Loving me is difficult,
Especially when you're 30
My Birthday bunting says,
'Happy Fucking Birthday'
You made it for me,
An insult and a sparkly salutation,...
Thursday 16th May 2013 6:01 pm
Poignant Perch
Upon the horizon is a perch on which to poise perfectly
It' looks 'just right'
No one wants to settle for a second rate view
A bench laid in rememberance for someone called Maud who most never knew
Her memories are splayed out on the vast ocean of time
But feelings stay
New memories will be made here
Transient and brief
There is little cure for the brutality o...
Wednesday 8th May 2013 11:44 pm
It is no coincidence that weary rhymes with dreary,
Faded dreams come back to haunt me,
Memories close like the tropical humidity,
Attempts to re- trace my steps, lead to uncovering a corpse that needed no autopsy,
Best to leave what is unsaid, said in the heart, but locked away in the head.
Friday 2nd December 2011 10:10 am
Bruised Toe of Woe
A bruised toe from a birthday past,
The happiest one for a while,
Black and receding like my memories of you,
Wondering if it would ever go,
Then it went too soon,
A new affection now formed for my black toe,
I'm not sure I want it to go,
Too late, it is growing out, like the Doctor said,
A calendar of bodily matter,
My toe a timer,
A barometer of feeling...
Monday 7th June 2010 11:37 pm
Thinking about talking in bed
We have finally settled for the night
Sleep last on the list
The wait is on to find words succinct but sweet
That will settle and soothe us to sleep
A significant silence stretches out before us
It seems to go on for an eternity
I wait, revelling in its poignancy
Not willing for false sentiment
I’ll wait for words that ring true
Finally the wait seems to be over,
Your cough punct...
Wednesday 11th November 2009 10:45 pm
banality cont
banal is a fist shaking with anger that is too scared to strike
banal is every kiss, tick and a nod
that should have been a diss, a cross and a shake
banal is a should that should have been done
Friday 14th August 2009 4:29 pm
18 months experience
18 months experience in:
filing, stacking and procrastination.
Got all the skills you need
to capture your attention.
I' ve made a million cups of tea
and then watched it, undrunk, swirl down the plughole
with a gurgle it was gone,
Like my ambition.
£250 a week
to sit and chat,
wonder what to do at the weekend,
Wondering, where's the party at?
Finally five o'clo...
Saturday 1st August 2009 1:04 pm
Banal keeps you on an even keel
It stops you from dreaming
But at least you can say
you got a fair deal
A dream can never go wrong, if you've never had one
If you make a mistake
It is only you that has another chip off the old soul
Only you need know you've just scored an own goal
There is safety in stasis and excitement in change
Sadly those who choose safety often end up deranged
Thursday 30th July 2009 10:00 pm
in peru feeling melancholy
trying to come around
trying to feel alright
not even 'outta sight'
but patience is boring
how soon is now
said morrisey to the angst ridden teen
and me lying on my bed
feeling like an old has been
Friday 8th May 2009 5:36 pm
crippled script
what would the caligrapher say?
her h's were too small
with a rather imposing t
and the e was a bit sad
never quite fully formed
compared to the p
but swinging to the left
was a swooping g
the sign of a creative mind
and perhaps a bit of insecurity....
Thursday 29th January 2009 8:58 pm
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