The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lady Mary Berkeley

Once, long time ago a Lady of grace and elegance,

her child and spouse in glamorous remembrance.

Chillingham Castle in its prime of residence and tragic,

Lord Grey in spell of love by Mary’s sister Henrietta’s magic.


Heartbroken and in despair with baby girl alone,

took her life and child falling from the tower like a stone.

The Castle already haunted by spirits from the dun...

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Short measures

In small proportion real beauty to know,

the full extent of perfection slowly grow.

Sense sublime deeply through all things,

a memory from long ago that still impels.


Chaotic beauty in struggle seen as art,

causing havoc by ego’s hope, torn apart.

Dying memories never reached that dream,

aspiration to inspire before the expired gleam.


Incomplete measures by lofty ...

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Proprium Sanctus

The purpose to create pure truth to see,

the attitude to make that world a reality.

The hidden desires of the creator,

secrets of the ever divine mentor.


Testament of every soul pursues,

evidence in trust by personal virtues.

Nature of  inheritance to becomes itself,

modesty in spirit beauty intimate self.


A living faith as matter in state of spirit,

kindled so...

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Detailed moment


The expanded world in different light,

shadows leaving for the rays of purer sight.

With references from the stars above,

echoes of thunder by distinctive love.


Solar tracks that convey strokes of fate,

just as you thought it’s all to late.

Transcendent gypsy caravan that moves,

towards the mysterious realm approves.


The freedom calling unfaltering trust,


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The Dreamcatcher

Meaning of dreams, dark road to unseen desire,

shadows of content and its hidden fire.

Camouflaged images in deep level of dreams,

defense mechanisms to censor of what seems.


Anxiety allowed the ego does recognize,

layers of many stories in one rationalize.

Symbolic language coherent awareness,

intuitive curious mentality in all fairness.


The dreamer as observer, ...

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spiritual dreams

Ethereal Scale

Ethereal Scale


The idiom of opposition as nature,

extreme poles of ego in rapture.

On one side there is perfection,

one the other there is limitation.


Material weight here in demand,

influences that command.

Pursuits after the impossible,

chronic diseases not reversible.


Light of perfection and flame of hope,

regardless after all still in cope.


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spiritual scale

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