I want to be
the star in the sky
that sets about flicking
the spark in your eye.
I want to be the summer
breeze, kissing on your skin,
that lets you know that plants will grow
and breathe holy within.
I want to be Jesus's face
when you see him on a trip,
then when you hear him call your name,
you'll respond, "Forever, Ferris's."
Sunday 18th February 2024 6:45 am
Please don't leave me on my own.
I can't stand the man.
He's haunted by a murder of ghosts
and dreams each night of Amsterdam.
Craves cocaine and whiskey always,
Itching in his heart.
Each morning follows him all day,
ripping me apart.
He operates me like a prick,
resentment has no doubt.
He relies on charm, style and wit,
of which, he's running out.
I'm sick to death of being embarra...
Sunday 11th February 2024 10:54 pm
A Bird Perched next to me and Asked me to be Friends, so I said:
You make me feel like who I’m supposed to be:
who I was going to be,
before I fucked over everybody close to me.
You do not deserve me: you deserve somebody worthy-
somebody intelligent, not just arrogant and wordy:
somebody who’s down-to-Earth but also other-worldly.
You deserve the guy you make me feel like,
but to tell you the truth: that’s not who I am.
I am d...
Thursday 12th October 2023 7:58 pm
Severed Tie
You told me you were fine, and I came to believe you.
My feet were planted, my lungs were full.
I lived on your lies, greedily.
You are still my world. I am drifting through the black.
Silence from ground control.
My air will run out soon enough.
Wednesday 11th October 2023 1:23 pm
break up
your heart is still breaking
I can hear the tissue tearing
metallic smell
and taste
the shock of a grenade
what in the fuck
that was
not okay
kids to think about here
lives at stake
future forever
a little house
piece of shit
nuggets for dinner
drink sometimes
it’s ok
smoke your smoke
die endearing
not this
fuck hell
let’s just
not p...
Saturday 7th October 2023 9:33 pm
Love makes you Lovely
My soul is a whirlwind
of mystery, that could
but doesn’t cause chaos,
because it lives
in the palm
of your lovely,
little hand.
Wednesday 4th October 2023 10:01 pm
Watching a boy Learn
A stem clutched in a chubby fist:
at mercy and ready to teach.
Atop is a sweet, sun-fed kiss, perfumed
and extending to reach:
the son inspects the specimen
and the father beams, knowing
that science lives.
Sunday 1st October 2023 8:34 am
Blackened Blew
Before the night was frightened,
where the shine of a star meets the gaze of your eyes,
innocence is ever-closer.
My life pauses when you blink, as waves roll on.
A trumpet wails out a cry of hunger
drowning out the siren songs.
I fall from the clouds:
a helpless hurricane-vortex,
into a thunderous, freezing splash.
Absolved by her salt,
I drift under her surface.
...Wednesday 27th September 2023 11:52 am
One Small step Forwards and one Giant Leap Backwards
The moon is fucking doing my head in.
Every second it begs to question my next progression,
ever present, effervescent: a spectre of the next ascension.
Fucking ball of cheese, up there mocking me.
Turning tides, ruining lives: a public fucking menace.
Ban it.
Sunday 24th September 2023 4:19 pm
Lazy Bones
My legs do not care about my reputation.
They don’t know how badly I need this job.
They are done, so they won’t move.
I beg them, but my mind splits,
and excuses ooze through the cracks,
bubbling like snot from a sobbing drunk.
Soon, somebody will discover my shaking, stupid body.
Friday 22nd September 2023 6:25 am
One too many hits to the Head
My being is marred
by me and my greed.
A wretched purple lens
tints every sky
before my eyes.
I am not safe enough,
so fear stifles and stunts.
I watch myself operate
behind a screen in tears
of sheer, hopeless boredom.
Every now and then
a big blast of life
electrifies my lights
and makes me feel
alright. Then Vanishes.
Tuesday 19th September 2023 11:37 am
Joy fizzes and pops:
buzzes, hums and rises,
then stops!
Everything’s blocked,
dopamine is crashing into a tombstone
cracking my skull again and again-
“Not tonight I’ve got a headache…
besides, it’s too warm to be hot!
Be cold inside and stay cool…”
Truth rots into thickening need.
Saturday 16th September 2023 2:50 pm
Pub Monster
"I am not a monster!"
I roar in their faces.
There's blood on their minds...
... I know, cos I can taste it.
"I can defend myself.
Mum didn't raise a dickhead.
You think I'm scary now?"
I haven't even lost my shit yet.
Saturday 4th September 2021 4:03 am
Well, What's the Alternative, at the End of the Day, Hun?
I'll have to be okay.
It will have to happen.
If it doesnt,
then I wont:
the sound of one hand clapping.
Saturday 4th September 2021 3:58 am
Dead Hughes
I'll love you until Shakespeare's irrelevant.
I'll love you until Chaucer don't matter.
I'll love you till Silvia climbs from her grave,
and serves me Teddy Boy's head on a platter.
Thursday 26th August 2021 4:26 am
Reflections and Extrospection
broken mirrors:
there you are!
In the gaze
of gnarly foxes,
there you are:
free from problems.
In the mist:
there you are.
Filling my heart,
all you are.
Tuesday 10th August 2021 11:16 pm
Turning the Tide
Something magical happened.
Goosebumps flooded my entire
body, I heard bells, colours were
exploding into vibrancy: suddenly
the prospect of the water was a
terrifying and drastic inconvenience
that I had happily avoided. I stood
and thanked the woman. I didn’t
want to look at her. I didn’t want
to remember her, in case I fell in
love, because then I’d end up b...
Saturday 29th May 2021 5:02 pm
The Nutter
You should medicate it,
you can hospitalise it.
I recommend crucially, that you avoid it,
and never, under any circumstances,
tell it the truth:
it would break.
Wednesday 28th April 2021 9:13 pm
Wait with me for death
until it arrives, then weep
and make sure I'm missed.
Victorian Smut
Show me those ankles!
Yes! Now, touch that clavical...
baby, work that hair.
Don't take this from me.
I've put so much into it:
it is my purpose.
Hold my hands tightly,
certain of where they have been,
or just let the...
Monday 12th April 2021 7:41 pm
Be Reasonable
Reason suggests that I should function.
This world doesn’t sleep and nor do I.
Reason brings me false assumptions:
my reason sees reasons to lie.
Monday 5th April 2021 2:27 pm
It’s all a clue.
I’m the singular factor:
a catalyst,
a cosmic,
reactive component.
God and I have an understanding about truth.
Saturday 3rd April 2021 5:38 am
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