Disney Days
Below is one of my children's poems called 'Disney Days'.
Warmer than a Sheep Dog hug
or happiness rolled in a rug;
dancing dizzy Dulux joy,
whirls and swirls and shouts ‘Ahoy!’
Brighter than a scientist,
the artist’s pallet shines and skips.
Free from Greenwich Mean Time days,
they demonstrate their West End ways.
Talent dazzles, beaming light
into the insides of o...
Friday 1st March 2019 8:52 pm
I Potted A Long Red
I Potted A Long Red
I potted a long red and gave out a scream,
as it was the best shot that I'd ever seen.
Still needing 8 snookers, I thought this could mean
the start of a comeback. The best that there's been!
I needed to focus and not start to dream,
as my best ever break was only sixteen!
I potted the black and gave out a scream
as I'd aimed for the green in the wo...
Friday 1st September 2017 11:30 am
Beautiful Love Poems
Like The Sunshine In The Spring
You're like the sunrise in the spring
that makes the meadows dance again,
and motivates the clouds to sing.
Your warmth and light soothes all the pain
from icy winter thoughts that cling
to memories that still remain.
You're like the sunrise in the Spring
that calms the mountains in the rain,
and colours rainbows with a hymn.
Thursday 29th December 2016 4:39 pm
A Wee Meltdown
The wet patch in our
hall was the snowman who failed
to reach the toilet.
from 'Christmas Poems For Children
Monday 21st November 2016 8:32 pm
"I'm Leaving For A Wetter Man"
I’m Leaving For A Wetter Man
“I’m leaving for a wetter man”,
your email said. My humour’s dry.
Surely you meant “Better man” or “Weatherman”.
“I’m leaving for a wetter man” -
Perhaps I should have bought a dam,
or dressed up in a puddle tie.
“I’m leaving for a wetter man” -
your email said. My tears won’t dry.
From my new collection of 'Short Funny Love Poems'
Thursday 24th March 2016 11:03 pm
Sometimes Love Strikes When It Isn't Expected
You lived by yourself and felt so dejected
as your dating requests were always rejected.
Sadness and shame is what you projected.
You got to the point where it all was accepted.
You lived by yourself and felt so dejected,
so went for a walk when fate intercepted.
A ‘Clover’ sign fell and letters defected.
Sometimes ‘love’ strikes when it isn’t expected.
From my forthco...
Saturday 5th March 2016 1:41 pm
I Love You Mum
Mum, you are my candlelight,
my angel, and my Silent Night.
More precious than a gift of gold
who wraps me up when I am cold.
Mum, you are my Christmas Day,
my North Star, and my snow bouquet.
You are my joy, my verse, my rhyme,
who I love more each Christmas time.
Thursday 17th December 2015 9:38 am
Fancy That!
Fancy That!
'Sue fancies Bill.
Bill fancies Tim.
Tim fancies Jane.
Jane fancies Jim.
Jim fancies Kate.
Kate fancies Anne.
Anne fancies Pete,
and Pete fancies Sam.
Sam fancies Rob,
but who fancies you?'
'Mum, I don't care,
while I'm having a poo!'
Would you like the chance to win a £10 Amazon Gift Voucher?If so, then enter an original short funny poem of 12 lines or less by mid...
Sunday 25th October 2015 11:44 am
There wasn't snow last winter.
I thought I'd been misled.
I couldn't throw a snowball,
so threw some sprouts instead!
Thursday 15th October 2015 4:59 pm
REM's Premonition
The letter ‘E’ fell off the sign at the Globe Inn
striking the landlord and making him sick.
He will recover, but the pub is soon shutting.
It’s the end of the world as we know it!
From http://www.shortfunnypoems.co.uk/poems.html
Sunday 13th September 2015 8:28 pm
One Night
Syllables pacing like P-Waves swayed in the Lithium light,
strumming on Quicksilver laughter, lovingly lashing the
night. Spinning semantics swirled skywards, startling scampering
stars, as Lyssa leapt Leopard within her, wearing a tsetse fly
mask. Synonyms senselessly searing, sprinkled with Hydrogen
dreams, tasted the Ready-Meal vacuum of Neverland
freedom again. Sentences pendulum swingi...
Wednesday 8th April 2015 3:33 pm
I Compare Thee To A Roast Dinner
From my new book:- A Floristry of Palpitations
As cool as a sprout,
and more fragrant than a cabbage -
You turned me on with your Yorkshire Pudding wit.
Your potato looks, and carrot personality
attracted me like gravy to a plate.
Your cauliflower skin, and garden pea humour
was as passionate as a roast beef kiss.
Your solicitor was ...
Sunday 19th January 2014 10:23 am
I picked Van Gogh’s Sunflowers
and Peploe’s Tulips
then arranged them like the
perfect wedding day.
I tied the bouquet together
with kisses from eternity,
and wrapped them in moonlight
from your favourite landscape.
I presented them to you
like a Jane Austen hero,
as your eyes lit up
my universe.
I waited like the stars await their fate.
Wednesday 27th November 2013 4:01 pm
A Floristry of Palpitations
My new comedy/poetry book called 'A Floristry of Palpitations' will be out shortly.
It is published by Desert Hearts and retails at £5.99
Here is a sample poem:-
A competition
writing Rondeaus. I came last.
I wrote a Haiku.
For more, please visit my website at www.georgestanwort...
Tuesday 26th November 2013 3:49 pm
A giraffe fell from a spaceship
and landed in my bath.
I told my friends about it,
but all they did was laugh.
They struggled to believe me
until they saw the truth.
A giraffe with a telescope
appearing from my roof!
For more nonsense poetry visit www.georgestanworth.com
Monday 29th July 2013 3:13 pm
The Final Draft
The Final Draft
Always seeking synthetic success, for
reasons no psychiatrist is unsure
of. Like Andromeda’s black hole, the core
is unstable, and breathes in media whores’
influences and agendas. Your IQ
is beyond atomic numbers, but you
are consumed like an ale in Bavaria.
Past Plutonium thoughts grow scarier,
whilst lost dreams entwine with absent lo...
Sunday 2nd June 2013 10:01 pm
We Visited A Rainbow
We visited a rainbow
at school the other day.
Every colour said hello
except for gloomy grey.
We visited a rainbow,
and used its arch to slide,
then when it started raining,
we used the arch to hide.
We visited a rainbow,
but never saw its gold.
Our teacher said it’s locked away,
but we think it’s been sold.
...Sunday 12th May 2013 9:16 am
The Worst Tutor Ever (Fact!)
There once was a poet called Lee
who said that he always wrote three
lines in his limericks.
From my new free e-book 'Kidnapped By A Public House'
Sunday 12th May 2013 9:10 am
You sent me
flowers as an
to my work email
It wasn’t
quite the
I was
looking for.
I replied
with a
JPEG of a
I never
a postmaster
so you must have got the message.
From my new book - 'Working Extra Hours Ha...
Wednesday 20th June 2012 12:44 pm
The Photo Finish
Tuesday 12th June 2012 12:17 pm
Save £2 on my book - 'Your Sax Is On Fire'
My book - 'Your Sax Is On Fire' is now an incredible £3.99 when you type SAFIRE into the discount code box on
Thursday 26th April 2012 1:14 pm
Your Sax Is On Fire
I have a new book of satirical poetry published at the beginning of January.
A review of it is below.
It can be bought from all leading on-line booksellers. Let me know what you think if you purchase it.
Thursday 22nd December 2011 2:05 pm
The Cleethorpes Treaty
Politicians got their
treaties mixed up.
They agreed for
Cleethorpes to be
the capital of Europe
and for Jedward
to be the new President.
There was no referendum.
'The Sun' was appalled
because they had no influence over it.
They shifted their allegiances
to Skegness and
'Strictly Come Dancing' instead.
Monday 16th November 2009 2:11 pm
You seduced the moon, undressing it with your soul.You aroused the stars, turning them on with melancholy.
You tortured them with anticipation.
You wern't into long distance relationships
so slept with my best mate instead.
Wednesday 3rd June 2009 1:19 pm
Melting Ice-Cream
Noughts and Crosses in the sky,
Hopscotch on the lake;
Musical status trees observe
the water muscle's shake.
Rhyming smells skip through the air,
sleeping blossom wakes;
Sounds of stillness resonate
like Bluebells' stomach ache.
The lemon custard frisbee smiles
as ‘Kiss Chase’ swans play dare.
The tissue paper landscape weeps.
I wish I’d been aware.
Friday 15th May 2009 8:22 am
There's Another Person Leaving
There’s another person leaving.
We’re less popular than thieving.
So I know what I’m receiving:-
Another card to sign.
He only started yesterday.
I never met him anyway.
So what the hell am I to say?
‘You’re the fastest to resign!’
The comments range from ‘It’s A Shame’
to ‘All the best’ and ‘Call again!’.
But no one seems to know your n...
Wednesday 1st April 2009 12:34 pm
IT Support
Accused of touching
female rears,
the manager
broke down in tears.
His IT colleagues
backed him up,
Friday 27th March 2009 3:03 pm
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