The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.


You walked into the room,

with a gaze so cold,

making me wonder if it was winter,

realizing that sometimes the beginnings can be bitter.


Time stopped for no one,

as days turned to months,

i drew close to you,

hoping to unveil your mysteries.


Little by little,

i saw you in different light,

as your words were as warm as your heart,

and as beautiful as picas...

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No signs shown,

no love given,

no attention seeked,

she must've been sick.


she looked for peace,

through a blade,

now their sad,

because she's dead.


they speak of her with disgrace,

embarrased of what she embraced,

she always tried to be brave,

now she's at her grave.

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Old friends

The tears dries out, 

From a smirk

To wide smiles, 

They never shut her out. 


I'm here they said,

Demons were all chased, 

She was truly blessed, 

To have such great friends.


Seperate ways they go, 

Never truly apart, 

She knew she was loved, 

She swore to never cut, 

A promise she never kept. 


How she tried, 

To not be dead, 

Little did ...

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Like the rest, 

He tried his best, 

Who would've guessed, 

This day was his last. 


To be at the top, 

For he wanted to never flop, 

Burnt his midnight oil, 

Now we see him put under the soil. 


What'd he do to deserve it, 

Was his hardwork that ticked you off, 

Cause you knew he'd be a topper, 

For you're already a flopper. 


Derived by anger, 


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Red stained lips,

mini short skirts,

late night outings,

just like all sinners.


Reasons were lies,

she's done it,

now all falls apart,

she's a tart.


Men and boys,

her bedmates,

to be able to live,

such a shame.


Never kissed a soul,

yet in others eyes,

she's slept with many,

how sorry was her story.

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Never Mine.

Hand cuffs never in sight,

sharp words the only knifes,

never ended in fist fight,

yet its all she ever thrieves.

blame the liars,

love the sinners,

accuse the innocent,

ohh so god forbid the honest,

oh mother ur love was not mine,

two was yours,

one was gone,

oh mother, did i mean so little,

for my goodbyes to be your beginning.



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