The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

talking peace

talking is protecting
talking is defining,talking is to protect
the protector is a defining moment
talking is a defining moment
talk a talk is a tooth for a tooth
walk a walk is a nail for a nail
a battle for a tooth is a battle for a nail

talk is talking a tooth
battle is battling a nail
the enemy is a battle of the enemy
the enemy is a battle of a tooth
the protector is the battle o...

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lethal woman

paradise is lethal
paradise is a set of lethal eyes
hell is a wheel of hell
hell is a wheel of lethal eyes
a woman is a wheel of a woman
a woman is a wheel of hell
a wheel is a wheel of hell

a wheel is a wheel of lethal eyes
a wheel is a wheel of paradise
the time of a wheel is the time of a lethal woman
a wheel is a time of a wheel
a wheel is a time of paradise
a hell of a time is a...

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man made

self-made is self-man made
self-made is self-man made glory
joy is self-made joy
joy is a joyful self-made
joy is a joyful glory
glory is a joy of glory
glory of joy,glory of self-made

man is man made glory
a mass of glory is a mass of man made
a mass of glory is a mass of energy
energy is a mass of energy
energy is a mass of joy
energy is a joy of energy
mass is a joy of energy


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rich richer,poor poorer

a rich is a richer conversation, a
poor is a poorer controversy
the speak of a conversation is,
the speak of a controversy
poor is a poor conversation
rich is a poor conversation
a poor conversation is a rich conversation

fame is a poor conversation
fame is a rich controversy
a rich fame is a poor fame
a walk of fame is a walk of a controversy
fame is a walk of fame
fame is a walk of...

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outer time,outer man

man is a display of man
man is a outer display
space is a outer display of man
space is a outer display of the universe
the universe is a display of the universe
the universe is a display of man
man is mankind display

man of space,man of display,man of mankind
outer space,outer mankind,outer focus
mankind focus on mankind
a focus space is a focus man
a focus space is a focus universe

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learning to confess
fond is fondly confess
confess fondly confess
confession rise to a confession
confession rise to be evil
learning to be evil
learning to be fondly

evil confess evil
evil confess fondly
evil is fondly evil
evil is a learning evil
evil is a learning confession
a signature of evil is a signature of a confession
a signature of evil is a signature of learning


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a wise crank is a wise crack

spirits are a wise crank
spirits are a wise crack of a crank
a wise crack is a wise crank
a wise crack is a wise soul
a crack soul,a crack spirit,a wise crack
a crack spirit is a crack soul
a spirit is a spirit of a crack soul

a shadow is a shadow of a shadowy
a shadow is a shadowy of a wise crack
a shadowy is a shadowy of science
a shadow science is a shadowy of a shadowy
science is ...

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make or break

mathematic is to make or break
a solution is to make or break
mathematic is a solution
mathematic is the answer to the solution
mathematic is the answer to make or break
the answer is the question to the solution
the answer is the question to the mathematic

the answer is the question to make or break
the answer is the heir
the heir is the conqueror to the question
the heir is the heir ...

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a class act

social justice is a class act
talking is a social class act
a crime is a class act
talking a crime is talking a social crime
talking a crime is talking a social justice
justice is a social justice
justice is a social crime

justice is a class act
a social justice is a social class act
the talk of a crime is the talk of a petty crime
a petty crime is a petty class act
crime is a petty c...

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birth of new foundation

birth of mankind
birth is a new birth of joy
a new foundation is a new birth of joy
foundation is foundation of joy
mankind is founded by joy
mankind is founded by mankind
new joy  is new birth of joy

birth is a new joy founded by new joy
foundation is founded by a new birth of joy
new joy is new foundation
birth of mankind is a birth of joy
joy is founded by joy
joy is founded by a ...

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all high n mighty

a number is all high n mighty
a wise number is a wise mighty number
outclass is being outclass by a wise number
all high n mighty is all high n classy
all high n mighty is all high n outclass
a number is a classy number
a class is a classy number

a class is a wise number
a winner is a wise winner
a winner is a classy winner
a winner is a winning number
a winner is outclass by a winnin...

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rock n roll is hell

christ is a liberty
christ is a liberty of rock n roll
christ is a liberty of hell
christ is christ of liberty
rock n roll is a christ of a crisis
rock n roll is hail as a crisis
rock n roll is hail as hell

a crisis is a crisis of hell
a crisis is a crisis of rock n roll
hell is hail as hell
hell is hail as crisis
a hail of rock n roll is a hail of crisis
liberty is hail as hell

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not on my time watch

a dial speed is a time speed
light speed is a dial speed
the universe is a time watch
the universe is a light speed
the universe is a dial speed
motivation is a speed of motivation
motivation is a time watch of motivation

the universe is a dial of a universe
the universe is a dial of motivation
a dial of motivation is a dial of a universe
a speed of motivation is a speed of a universe

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a chapter of fear

a friction of a sense,
is a friction of a power
fear is a sense of fear
fear is a sense of friction
a sense is a sense of fear
a sense is a sense of friction
knowledge is power,knowledge is fear,knowledge is friction

power is a sense of knowledge
power is a sense of fear
knowledge fear fear
fear outweigh fear
fear is a power of fear
outweigh power,outweigh fear
knowledge outweigh kn...

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a secret government

violent is violence of a secret
violent is violence of a secret identity
a secret identity is a secret violence
dust is dust of identity
identity is a dust of identity
dust to mass,mass to dust
dust to mass,mass to violence

dust to mass,mass to identity
violence is a mass of violence
violence is a mass of identity
a secret disgust is a secret identity
the government is a violent disgu...

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creativity is a creation of creativity

mankind evolve into a minute
mankind evolve into mankind
creativity evolve creativity
creation evolve into creation
creativity evolve into creation
beginning with time is beginning with creativity
a minute is a minute with creativity

time is a minute with creativity
a minute of creation is a minute of creativity
creation is mankind creation
creation is mankind creativity
creation is m...

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history in the making

a wise history is a wise,
decision in the making
a wise decision is a wise,
point of decision
in the making is in the making, 
of a wise sense
history is a sense of history

a galaxy is a decision in the making
a galaxy is history in the making
a wise sense is a wise sense of history
a galaxy is a wise sense of history
history is a fact of history
history is a wise fact
a wise fact i...

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new year’s resolution

heaven’s scent,hell’s glory
hell is a scent of glory
hell is a hell of a new year
glory is a hell of a glory
the new year is a scent of a new year
glory is the new year’s hell
the coming of the new year is,

the coming of hell
the coming of the new year is,
the coming of a glory
a coming is a coming of glory
new year is a resolution of a new year
new year is a resolution of a glory

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the body of the soul is,
the mercy of the soul
a body is a mercy of a body
a soul is a mercy of a soul
the mind,body,and soul is the mercy,
of the mind,body,and soul
the mercy is the soul,the mercy is the body,the mercy is the mind

light is a barrier of light
light is a barrier of the mind,body,and soul
light is a mercy of light
light is a mercy of the body
light is a mercy of the sou...

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a mighty win

fear is the grandest of fear
fear is the grandest of a mighty winner
a winner is a mighty winner
a winner is a grandest winner
grand is grandest of fear
grand is grandest of a winner
a win is a mighty win

a win is a grand win
knowledge is power
knowledge is a grand power
knowledge is a mighty power
a win is within a win
a win is within fear
a win is within knowledge

a win is with...

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conquering the mind,body,and soul

conquer is conquering the mind
conquer is conquering the soul
conquer is conquering the energy
energy conquer energy
energy conquer the mind,body,and soul
a active soul is a active body
a active soul is a active energy

active is actively a body
active is actively a energy
the mind,body,and soul is actively a energy
energy honor energy
peace honor peace
peace conquer peace
peace is a...

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I’m a lover,not a fighter

I’m a lover,not a skill fighter
I’m a lover,not a booming fighter
I’m a lover,not a banging lover
bang is a boom of a lover
bang is a boom of a fighter
a lover is a booming lover
a lover is a booming fighter

a banging lover is a booming disease
a banging lover is a booming paradise
disease is a booming disease
disease is a boom of a banging disease
paradise is a booming paradise

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race against time

a global race is a global race against time
the hands of time is the race against time
god is the hands of time
god is the hands of race against time
time is in the hands of god
time is in the hands of a global race
god is a race against the hands of time

time race against religion
religion race against religion
religion is a aftermath of a religion
a aftermath is a global aftermath

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lucifer becomes god

let there be light
let there be angels
let there be demons
angels becomes angels
let there be dust
let there be mass
dust becomes dust

dust becomes angels
angels becomes mass
light becomes light
mass becomes mass
satan becomes satan
satan becomes light
lucifer becomes god

lucifer becomes light,light becomes dust
lucifer becomes light,dust becomes dust
lucifer becomes god,god be...

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a crime shame

a cry is a crime shame
a laugh is a crime shame
a laugh is a laughter of a crime shame
a laugh cry a laughter
laugh is laughing at a crying laughter
laugh is laughing at a crime shame
a shame is a crying shame

a crime shame is a crying shame
a drop of tear is a drop of laughter
a tear is a tear of laughter
a tear is a tear drop of laughter
a cry is a tear drop of a cry
a cry is a tea...

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what you fear is fear itself

what you fear is fear itself
what you fear is rain itself
what you fear is the rain of destruction
destruction rain down on destruction
fear rain down on fear
destiny come calling
destiny come calling on fear

destiny come calling on rain
fear come calling on fear
desire is worth a lion’s tail
desire is worth a lion’s fear
desire is worth a lion’s destiny
desire is worth a lion’s dest...

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the rich of greatness

a machine is greater than a machine
the greater the inspiration,the greater the admiration
the greater the machine,the greater the inspiration
the greater the body,the greater the machine
the greater the body,the greater the soul
greatness is richer than greatness
greatness is richer than the mind,body,and soul

rich is richer than greatness
rich is richer than inspiration
light is riche...

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the lens of the universe

science zoom in on a disturbance
science zoom in on a lens of the universe
science disturb the lens of the universe
science create or disturb the lens of the universe
science create or zoom in on the lens of creativity
creativity zoom in on creativity
creativity is a lens of creativity

the universe create the lens of creativity
disturbance zoom in on disturbance
to zoom is to zoom in on...

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america is a beautiful speech

speech of a term is speech of a speech
speech is speech of a speech
speech is speech of america
america is a figure of speech
speech is a term of speech
speech is a term of america
america is a term of america

america is a beauty of a beautiful speech
beauty is beauty of a magnificent speech
beauty is beauty of a magnificent term of speech
a beautiful america is the beauty of america

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minus the soul,plus the body

my way or the highway
my way or the heartache
my way or minus the highway
my way or minus the heartache
minus the heartache,minus the highway
minus the soul,minus the heartache
minus the soul,plus the soul

minus the soul,plus the heartache
the mind,body is a plus of the soul
minus the soul,minus the body,plus the mind
plus the mind,plus the body,minus the soul
minus the soul is plus t...

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a old tale

mankind is a old tale
mankind is a old tale of respect
mankind is a wise old tale
mankind is a wise old respect
respect is a wise old respect
respect is a wise old tale of respect
honor of mankind is kindness of mankind

respect is a kindness respect
respect is a kindness old tale of respect
in honor of respect is in honor of mankind
a old tale is a wise old tale
a old tale is a wise o...

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a founding grace

from heaven to grace
from heaven to speaking grace
speak is speaking grace
speak is speaking the lord of grace
jesus is a lord of grace
speaking grace is speaking the lord of grace
grace is speaking grace

a son is a son of grace
a son is a son of the lord
jesus is a son of grace
jesus is a son of the lord
a son of grace is a son of a lord
heaven is a founding grace
a son of grace is...

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knowledge is a impact power

knowledge is a impact power
the impact of a power is a impact of knowledge
the mighty is the impact of the mighty
a mighty impact is a mighty knowledge
the mighty is the almighty of a impact
power within,power within a impact
knowledge is a power of impact

within power is within a impact
wisdom is wisdom impact power
wisdom is within a impact power
the power of knowledge is the impact ...

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a player’s skill set

experience is experience of a skill set
to tell of a experience is to tell of a skill set
to tell a tale of a experience is to tell a tale of a skill set
a tale of experience is a tale of a skill set
a skill set is a set of skill
a set of skill is a set of a player’s skill
a player’s skill is a player’s set of skill

to tell a tale is to tell a player’s experience
a player’s experience is...

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a claim of a universe

the universe is a claim of a claim
the universe is a claim of a stake
to claim the universe is to direct the universe
the future direct the future
the future direct the stake of the future
the stake of the future is the direct of the future
the stake of the future is the stake of a direction

the universe is a direct universe
the universe is a direct claim
science claim science
the dire...

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a tiger vengeance

the eye of the tiger is,
the eye of a vengeance
the eye of the tiger is,
the eye of a clash tiger
the eye of the tiger is,
the lure of a tiger
the eye of the tiger is,

the lure of a vengeance
vengeance is a lure of a vengeance
vengeance is a lure of a tiger
resolution is a lure of resolution
resolution is a lure of a tiger
a tiger resolution is a tiger lure of resolution
a tiger res...

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check yourself

check yourself fool
check your judgement
check yourself by judging yourself
pride yourself by judging yourself
pride yourself by judging your judgement
respect yourself is by judging yourself
respect your pride is by judging your pride

to fool yourself is to check yourself
to fool yourself is to respect yourself
respect is to honor yourself
to honor yourself is to honor your respect

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