Mammogram Blues
I went for a mammogram the other day
not cause me boobs were sore
It's just routine they said
Just to be sure.
So I went to the screening unit
And saw this big machine
Nurse said strip tut waist love
Don't worry it's nice and clean
She plonked me boob on a cold plate
It fair made me shiver
This machine started to descend
And me knees started to dither
Well! it ...
Wednesday 29th April 2020 4:13 pm
Every day is Sunday
We drift and drift timeless
caught on the ebb and flow of life
A whirlpool of emotions build around
changing attitudes to everything
Each day a line, each month a page
written on many different things
Global warming the worlds foe
and floods of silt and mud
When poverty dwells in your wallet
never knowing when it will end
It's like a long road to nowhere
Every day ...
Wednesday 29th April 2020 9:21 am
Love Me
Let's be randy bad old dears
Then replay our younger years
Me in my chrome bath chair
I'm really sure that we dare
Make love to me cause I'm old and shocking
Feel free to peel off my elastic stockings
I'll cover you in baby oil
Rub you down and burst your boil
Oil my wheels and bring me gin
Show me how to do a spin
Take me over my zimmer frame
Don't forge...
Wednesday 23rd October 2019 2:48 pm
January Blues
All through January
I searched through the house
For something to fit me
But couldn't find a blouse
As I got dressed
I went all numb
Couldn't find anything
To cover my bum
A pair of stretch leggins
My husbands' shirt
Was all I could find
To cover my girth
The wine and chocolates
Went down with ease
I never refused
Just said yes please
Saturday 19th January 2019 2:06 pm
Streets of England
Well now this England's a terrible sight
There are people sleeping out all day and all night
Some of them working some of them not
Most of them searching for a warmer plot
There are no pavements no streets lined with gold
Just people sleeping out there out in the cold
They don't have a bed a house or a flat
But lay themselves down on an old cardboard mat
Do you see me sitti...
Monday 10th December 2018 4:16 pm
Too Much to Ask
I knew it was too much to ask
to be on time for once,
normally she would be an hour late
Waiting, waiting, waiting is the most
annoying thing that can happen
when you've planned a day out,
which then becomes half a day.
Excuse; I lost my keys and phone
I've spent all morning looking for them.
Reply; you wouldn't need to look if
you placed them at hand in the first pla...
Monday 6th August 2018 11:25 pm
I bought a poppy today
For the husbands, fathers, sons and brothers
I bought a poppy today
For the wives, daughter's, sisters and mothers
I bought a poppy today
It doesn't matter what it cost
The poppy I bought today
Was to remember lives lost
I placed a poppy today
It was placed in a sea of red
I placed that poppy today
In remembrance of t...
Friday 11th November 2016 12:54 am
The River of Silence
Fair as the morning, bright as the day
Life changes then passes away,
Bright as a sunbeam, pure as the dew
We wake to see the beauty renew.
Over the river to the other side
Sun and moon shall still abide,
As the time passes over the sky
Make fine your farewell,
Make good your goodbye.
Only when you drink from the river of silence
And the blue waves beat a st...
Saturday 22nd October 2016 5:28 pm
Our House
It's Sunday afternoon at our house
And the relatives come to visit
We've cakes, jelly, pies and grouse
Sundays I wouldn't miss it.
Auntie Maureen is always the first to arrive
With her twins Harry and Henry
They're the fattest kids alive
But me mam always bakes plenty.
Next to arrive Uncle Arthur and Auntie Pat
He's a Sunday driver, leather gloves and flat cap
Auntie ...
Monday 19th September 2016 3:59 pm
Ghost 3
At the crossroads I stand
In the stillness of the night
The shadows gather round
You hover beside me
I know you are there
You whisper my name
From your ice cold lips
I caught a glimpse of you
Of your slender form
In the pale moonlight
I saw your raven black hair
Your ruby red lips
I know we will never say goodbye
You will stay with me forever
My child of t...
Monday 19th September 2016 3:04 pm
Stout is the drink that I savour
A glass full of chocolate flavour,
The glass to my lips - What a kiss
Down it goes just like bliss.
The devils liquid I have named it
Joining Camra is the culprit
I buy one more and then I think
Oh! The consequence of another drink.
Oh dear! empty glasses
My how quickly time passes,
Stout, my love another jar
As I make m...
Tuesday 21st April 2015 3:04 pm
A Bow
It was just a bow
A blue patent bow
Disengaged its self
from her shoe
Disappearing into
The dark dank sewer,
I yanked at the other bow
There the shoes match now,
Kept the bow twenty years
In a box
With all sorts
Of paraphernalia.
Sunday 19th April 2015 1:36 pm
Ghost 2
When I returned to the crossroads
To meet this raven haired ghost,
Lost in thoughts
I stared at the madness,
Lurking in the darkness before daylight.
All around the shadows gather,
Then.. your ruby red lips
Brushed against my cheek,
In a strange haze of shock
I call your name..
Again you are gone.
A cascade of tears
fell down my face..
You came and ...
Sunday 19th April 2015 1:25 pm
Who is this ghost in the corner of my eye?
The ghost with the raven black hair.
This girl creeping by my side
Waiting to meet me there.
Have you seen her any of you?
Her silent footsteps tread the floor.
The ghost in the mirror
Dancing past the closed door.
In the stillness of the night
Her voice whispers in my ear
To which world do I belong?
She cries bu...
Sunday 19th April 2015 1:14 pm
A Room With a View
I sit in the window
twenty three floors up.
This is one of the moments
for which the world was made,
The giddying view
from the window seat
Beyond a simple bridge
over the river Yarra.
It's fate that I'm here.
On the ground pushing forward
people scurrying like ants,
Cars seen on the horizon
a little like toytown
or lego land.
A Room With A View..
Sunday 19th April 2015 1:03 pm
The Storm
Rain drops,
drip, drip,
Lightning crackles,
Thunder crashes, Boom,
Sun peeps
Birds twitter.
© Hazel
Saturday 21st June 2014 3:00 pm
What are you doing grandad
No you can't call the police,
I haven't done anything wrong grandad
And I've just been released.
It'll save a lot of grief grandad
If you tell me where the money is,
Just tell me where it is grandad
before I do the biz.
There you are grandad
two lovely black eyes,
Don't mess with me grandad
don't tell me lies.
Is that al...
Monday 16th June 2014 11:02 am
Here I'm sitting without a care
Watching the ripples caress the sand
Taking in the salty sea air
Where the ocean meets land.
Show me the currents and ocean tides
right down to the oceans floor
Let me see where the seaweed resides
While the waves crash against the shore..
The white foamy waves crashing
With shades of green and aqua blue
The glistening sun fla...
Thursday 13th March 2014 11:37 pm
His Touch
His hands wove erotic caresses
As the hairs on my neck stood on end
Then slowly, his lips meet mine
Touching my warm moist lips.
I surrendered to treasures he offered
Through the tingling of his fleshy fingers
Wrapping myself in his embrace
I gave way to his seduction.
© Hazel
Thursday 13th March 2014 11:18 pm
A Poem of Idioms
He came from nowhere
And Rode Roughshod Over Everyone
A man as big as a barge
Set Off On The Wrong Foot
No one could stop him
He decided To Play Fast and Lose
His shadow teeters
Fiddling While Rome Burns
Then a moment of silence
He decided to Burn His Bridges
Followed by the violence
To Take Umbrage
Into the future days
Out Of Kilter
Saturday 15th June 2013 9:25 pm
Symphony of the Elements
The orchestra of wind blowing
Through lush green trees
Builds from a whisper
To a forte with ease.
Lightning casts a blinding light
In white dangerous rhythm
Thunder drums quietly, then boom
In crescendo to the anthem.
Maestro of land, sea and sky
Of many living sounds and sights
Living, breathing symphonie's
Singing lullabies at nights.
And then ...
Saturday 25th May 2013 6:05 pm
The Tenant
The genial tenant in that cosy room
Has lived there always we assume,
He looks through the window onto the street
Behind the curtains so discreet.
He sits and glances and sighs
With great sadness in his eyes,
Mourning the day that he was born
I found him sad, alone, forlorn.
I sat beside him into the night
He lay with his hands clasped tight,
The years ...
Thursday 11th April 2013 3:37 pm
Ticking off the List
I miss your face, I miss your smile,
That look you gave, when you were around,
The memories are here to stay
Now you're gone, I just feel empty
I scan the contents of the page
And keep ticking off the list,
I hear the wind outside
Whispering your name
Halfway down the stairs I stop
Listening to the tick of the clock
In the lonely air of the hall
...Saturday 30th March 2013 11:04 pm
A Curry Sir..
Would you like a curry sir?
With Nann or rice?
I think I'll have chips sir
That would be nice.
Would that be a vindaloo sir?
O I think not,
For I may find that sir
A little too hot.
Would you like a mild one sir?
I think that would be fair,
Or even a medium sir
If you would dare.
Would you like a starter sir?
There's a choice...
Sunday 24th March 2013 4:49 pm
Inflow of confetti, brings happiness and fun
Newly wed romance in the August sun
From the valley of dreams, mid the hills and dales
Azure the sky and green the vales
Tantalizing melodies in the afternoon air
Unaware of love lingering everywhere
Against the backdrop of a cloudless sky
The snow capped mountain stands so high
Infatuation or love? A beaut...
Sunday 17th February 2013 3:34 pm
A Day In My Life
A day in my life
I wish you could see
Just what it's like
To be plain me
A little bit picky
A stickler for what's right
When the going is tough
I read poetry all night.
When yesterdays anger
Storms in my way
I raid my silent mind
And hope for a better day.
When evening draws near
Sadness cascades down my face
It's you that I turn to
Thursday 14th February 2013 1:59 pm
Rose Maloney
Rose Maloney sits in her chair
The room is dim
The floor is bare
And life for Rose is very grim.
Rose takes in sewing
It helps to pay the bills
Though it pays a pittance
For her meagre skills.
Her children play in the yard
Not knowing their fate
Times for Rose are very hard
And the rent man won't wait.
Roses husband, drowned at sea
And sh...
Monday 11th February 2013 8:00 pm
On a cold Winters night
his love is so warm
In the Spring he rises too early
which adds to his woes
On a hot Summer night
he can raise up a storm
In the Autumn his love
droops like a wilted red rose..
© Hazel
Saturday 9th February 2013 10:26 pm
Sexy at Sixty to (Sexy at Seventy)
I was fit and feisty at fifty
It was no big deal
Because that's how half a century
Is supposed to feel.
In my seventies, I'll take stock
Start making great plans
Ignoring all the 'you can'ts'
And embracing all the 'I cans'.
Can I be sexy at seventy?
And try all the fashions and fads
Wear stockings and suspenders
And Joan Collins shoulder pads.
I can deal with sexy at seventy
Wednesday 30th January 2013 7:32 pm
No Simple Life
Life is simple but not for me
It's just not easy doing ABC
People think that I'm lazy
I just thought I was going crazy
It's hard to do my work I find
Because It's always on my mind
Reading, writing and arithmetic
Do I really have to do it?
Not being able to read write or spell
Living in this bubble of hell
I try to escape from thoughts and strife
No one knows my secret life
Or the stru...
Wednesday 30th January 2013 7:25 pm
Faded Firelight
I sit in silence deep in thought
By the light of a dying ember
The mind forgets, but the heart does not
Imaginations dreamlike splendour.
I sit and dream of an old desire
I think of faces and remember names
They all come back when new things tire
As I sit by the light of fading fire flames.
Night time thoughts have slipped away
And joy always seems to...
Wednesday 30th January 2013 6:58 pm
Edward thank you
for your Encomium
on my Euphony
you really do Encourage
to Edify
I am Elated
and Ebullient
I will Ensue
To Exceed
and Excel
I therefore send you
my Eclogue..
Translation :-
Edward thank you
For your formal expression of praise
On my words of pleasing sound
You really do give confidence
To im...
Wednesday 30th January 2013 6:51 pm
Raging winds around her blowing
O that's the lassie of my heart
Braving angry winter storms
Esteem for Chloris
Remorseful apology
To Mary in heaven
Behold my love, how green the groves
Up in the morning early
Robbie Burns the Scottish bard
News lassies, News
She says she loves me best of all.
© Hazel 2013
...Monday 7th January 2013 7:57 pm
The Grass Is Greener
Today I saw the sun shine through
With smiling happy faces
Moving on and never looking back
Takes you to wonderful places.
They say the grass is greener
On the other side of the fence
But we should enjoy what we have
It makes more sense.
I found a comforting road there
But now I am lost
Better to stay on your own side
And not get your signals crossed...
Monday 7th January 2013 7:55 pm
No Thoughts
My mind is empty from thought
I am nowhere I am everywhere, I am free
Of things that I was once taught
I look and do not see.
I think about nothings, no thoughts
No feeling, no sight, no touch
I walked and mused on hidden truths
My awareness expanding so much.
There is no turning back
The illusion can never be true
When the veil is lifted
I will see my wa...
Monday 3rd December 2012 8:35 pm
War Of Words
Wrestling with his conscience
Abstaining from verbal exchange
Regretting his words
Offended by obscenities
Forgetting his ticket
What is happening now?
Obnoxious little men
Rallying in no mans land
Dire consequences
Spasmodic verbal abuse.
© Hazel
Monday 3rd December 2012 8:15 pm
Not In Love
Not in love? he asked
Over and over again
There was a silence
Indignant towards her
Not in love? he asked again
Leaning towards her
Over the dinner table
Vacant look on her face
Evident that she meant every word.
© Hazel
Monday 3rd December 2012 8:03 pm
A Disagreement
A n attempt to bamboozle him.
D irecting the abomination
I nto my inner soul.
S corn, in the flame of passion,
A ffection going nowhere.
G iving way to struggle, looking for a
R eason to cherish
E very yearning.
E nding this bitter taste,
M aking this relationship
E stranged.
N ever will it bloom
T o a tender love.
Friday 30th November 2012 7:52 pm
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