The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.



Sun drifts on a Chardonnay haze,

reflects the bottle green

upon pale skin,

casts long shadows off breathless peaks


dews the valley.


Cooled air kisses flushed red lips,

licks droplets of grape,

and swallows the moment.


Flesh brushes....


tender flesh.


Peregrine fingers explore,

reaching inside

bringing forth soft...

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At Night (rewrite- previously Message)



I twist

sheets, skin and mind.

Time drags, stretches,

slows down in treacle spoon drips




echoes in the darkness

The caved midnight, pitch and tar, blind mans buff black

Reach, claw, rip.


Breaking out


This is the inside me,

the thinking me,

the fearfull me.




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I twist
sheets and skin and mind
Time drags, stretches away into the night
slows down in treacle spoon drips
Echoes in the darkness
The cavernous, midnight, pitch and tar, blind mans buff black
Reaching, clawing, ripping

Breaking out

It is the inside me, the thinking me, the fea...

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Dead Goods....are they?

Made my first ever visit to the Dead Goods this evening (7 July), and, to be honest, I wasnt sure what to expect. Although I have got to the point where I am fairly comfortable in my performing, and my poetry, I have always avoided the Dead Goods as, in my own warped mind, I never felt as if I was capable of holding my own. I have had told many tales whilst sitting with salty poetry types in th...

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My england


where suns first rising warmed the land

with sweeping strokes of gold on green

upon which dew will come to hand

 to place itself in artists scene.

What cause is this to make such sight

that sends the heart to soar its pace,

with pride that sets the soul ignite

and hold it there with strong embrace.

 Did fortunes wish conspire with fate


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Is it me, or is it gibberish, the way kids speak today

I just dont seem to understand a single word they say

They've mugged the English language, everything has changed

The future of the spoken word will never be the same


I took my teenage lads aside and to them I did quip

Hey dudes whats the word, what makes you guys all hip

Silently they stared at me, with pity i...

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