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dawn (Remove filter)


Dawn the rising glint of light

The background whoosh of an electric float 

The cheery clink of bottles 

Returning from where darkness rules

Empty of energy but full of joy

Stop now and find that view

View from a hill I know so well

Then nature’s volume slowly turned up

My breath easing into peace

Many such dawns to open my days

Find the spot, find the view, find the p...

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I like the dark

For what it brings

I like the dark

To stretch my wings

Slipping out of dusk into inks thick black

A cloak flung over life’s dullness

To swipe away all sadness

A clean slate to chalk up more living

Earths slow wink to set us spinning

To say it’s time for those who know

Know the magic of a push not a flow

Time to race, not delay

Night is ours, so l...

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