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peace (Remove filter)


Dawn the rising glint of light

The background whoosh of an electric float 

The cheery clink of bottles 

Returning from where darkness rules

Empty of energy but full of joy

Stop now and find that view

View from a hill I know so well

Then nature’s volume slowly turned up

My breath easing into peace

Many such dawns to open my days

Find the spot, find the view, find the p...

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I want my little girl back

Back from the woes and worries she holds

Back to the days of freedom and fun

When we could wake carefree and calm and cuddling

Time will get us there, but it will take time

But time we have and time we've had

Deep memories of times to cherish and nourish

Forward looking of times to come

When our lives will have peace and the world can stop churnin...

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