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Paper Cup

once my cup ran over

with everything, mainly love

a large cup it was 

then the cup became paper

was drained of everything 


in the trash

but I found a final ounce of myself 

glowing at the end of my moons rainbow 

yes they exist

and took it to find my way home in the dark

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My Selfish Heart

My selfish heart is just plain happy 

As the world tumbles into an abyss 

Only you and I know how it’s come to this

We’ve found a love like never before

Soon to be judged by those we adore

Our clean hearts true to ourselves and each other

No time now for froth and bluster

Just love seared with joy and heart felt laughter

 Short time, fast journey for two hearts from The Poo...

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LovetogetherluckLiverpoolheartshigher power

Spirit of Friendship

We were together back in the day

Bumping along so ready to play

You called me up, thought me up, as things got tough

But I’ve always been here to walk your paths

To see you shine, to laugh your laughs

You saw me smiling and did believe

I needed to show you it’s not make believe 

This man now with you, can see who’s you

He loves and cares and will always be true

He’ll be ...

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Did we meet, now we have

Perhaps around my 10 I sensed your spark

With you toddling and sparking along your days

As I passed by, you learning to prance, pushing boundaries to play

Easing my mind as I drove on by 

Between mum and dad to my nearby dunes

No metal men then, to spoil its grace

Just a place of happiness, joy a perfect space

My 20 perhaps a glance as we charged around town

You with your s...

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Grey winter chills me, stops me, binds me

Like ice sliding into my body..freezing my soul

Thoughts frozen can’t move me  

Lifeless limbs burning with cold

A stillness that isn’t calm 

A coldness that does me harm

Restricts my life’s horizon

Only my heart with the heat to fire my mind

A heart still beating for you 

A never dying ember of love

Let’s live where the sun a...

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Love Changes

My love changes with the dark

The breezy bright morning girl begins to doubt

Shadows casting through her crowded mind

Memories opened like ancient crypts

Fear flies into anger and dismay 

But let me show you my lady of the light 

Bouncing, shinning, beaming and laughing her infectious laugh

Fast thoughts, feelings, crackling into outer and inner space


I will be ...

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Two Hearts

Two hearts not three my love

Only yours and mine beat together 

And that look as we stare off centre 

Tuning into radio US

The faraway glance that sees nothing

But hears everything 

Our station, our wavelength

Where we are the producers, directors the listeners

The head can hear the love when needed

The heart can silence the fear when we’re not near

Life has drawn us,...

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Jaunt with me baby

Title for a song he joked

But no, reality 

We are free to ride 

Free to glide

Free to smile in joy

Joy of being together 

In a car with no name

Quiet but fast

A car that knows them

That likes them

That joins them

Glide, swoosh, smile and let the music play

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Love Wins

Love Is you

Love quenches all

Love never falters

Love is for all reason

Love heals forever 

Love changes us

Not to have love is death 

Is to grow old young

Is a waste 

Is a wasteland 

Is no point

But love is you

So I live

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So what do I like most about you

Impossible to know where to begin!

Your eyes, your touch, your joyous grin

Your Golden hair, your poor red chin?

The poet, the dreamer, the lover, the girl

The horse back hero, the Tinker Bell

The ducker, the diver, the girl with the plan

The believer in miracles, the Liverpool fan?

The swimmer, the fighter, the joker

The mover, the scous...

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Beautiful Woman

You’re the most beautiful woman in the world

Because baby you’ve stolen my heart

You’re the most beautiful woman in the world

Because without you my world would fall apart

Your eyes dance and captivate my mind

And make my head and heart pound

Your lips are where the hunger starts

Joining to ignite and fire my heart

Because without you baby, my world would fall apart


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You Have My Heart

When you give someone your heart

They have it and that's just that

There's no feeling of loss or of something missing 

Simply joy as you realised you had it to give

And gave it willingly, without doubt

Knowing it sits safe with the one you love

You have my heart

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Death Of A Friend

Death of a friend

Ray Ray, my man Ray

My ray of light at the dawn of my darkest day

Ray Ray, so what a day

A gang of friends but you’re not here to play

Happy stories told, from young and old

By friends across your years

But all I could hear was your own chuckling voice

Telling those stories, that warmed our tears

We met in peril at the end of the road

And formed a fe...

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The Final Kiss

The final kiss

Of a love that won’t be

The final kiss

Of a love that can’t be

The pain of knowing, we’re at the end

The pain of knowing, it had to end

But, the love's still there

Still pouring through 

A long slow kiss to the very end

Eyes locked close, as we slowly part

Hearts jumping as we gasp apart

I will always love you, we together say

Not knowing what tha...

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So do you still remember me across the tumbled years

Far off thoughts from far away places

Memories fading the pictures of our love

Do you ever think of me the way I do you

Of knowing stares and smiles and eyes that glitter

With no need for words as the loving thoughts just flitter

Warmth from head to heart, from heart to soul, into the bone

Do our thoughts bounce and join acr...

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Not always easy me and mum

But sparks ignite loving hearts

And fire up a love that runs and runs

Firing true for my mum and me

Special relations mums and sons

As I’ve seen so clearly, with my own ones

Maybe too alike, maybe too different

Sparks just happened along the way 

Both too stubborn, both never to give in

But the clashes only stood out, because really so few


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The Race

So here we are, all done 

At the finish line of a race hard run 

A race that no one would ever choose

But once in, one that we just couldn’t lose

Never alone along the way

Always together, in step, come what may

A journey to discover what’s real in life

To realise what we’re truly all about 

What we’re made of as man and wife

What shapes our hearts, shapes our souls


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Miss Nancy Robinson

My now long gone Auntie Nancy

My ants in her pants Auntie Nance

Her ideas for me set before I was born

She said "I hope he's a devil, a cheeky little devil"

Then always beside me from that day on

Encouraging that little devil to push his cheeky boundaries

Another mother for me alongside her closest sister

Mother to hundreds through her caring ways 

Dedicated carer of Liverp...

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Love wins

Their hands touched and the room stood still

Genuinely, completely stood dead still

He held her hands tight across the table

Wanting to shout out but he wasn't able

Wanting to shout she's the one I love

Tearing down values he'd long understood 

Life is for living with no holding back

Only truly experienced with love in full flame

Not playing the margins in some fake game


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Love reunited

I will always love you, we softly sighed

As we kissed and left each other's eyes

Friends forever we vowed out loud 

Heart beating empty, I left not looking round

Our lives ticked over with neither of us around

Too much lost to ever meet as friends

But such deep feelings can never stay calm

Would things ever change to bring us back around

Time ticks by, daily lives pass on


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heartsLa La Landlovereturn

2 birds

Twas on this night in '80

I met 2 birds a tweeting 

A fateful day for maybe three

Cos these birds have been perched by me ever since 

Party, party I heard in a noisy pub

Me and my mate looked at each other with in for a penny smiles

So there we were in a packed flat just near by

One room to drink, one room to dance, one room to, well it was dark

First date so just rooms 1 a...

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37 years

37 years is quite some thing

Medals all round some would say

To meet and travel so far 

Takes love, attraction, laughter

Who knows when you first meet

What lies ahead, how hearts will forge

To look back with smiles and happiness 

To look now and still see love shine

To look forwards and still want more

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Sleep tight my love

Sleep tight my love

Hold tight my love

Don't fear my love

Don't snore my love


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My heart beats fast for you

My heart aches for you

My heart glows warm whenever I think of you

It fills my brain and soul like a drug

The best drug of all

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Pale faced love

My little pale faced love

Pixie now for you or closer

Hang on in there, it's proof it's working

This is just a sign of the clock ticking 

Ticking away the days to full health

Full recovery no less my lovely, you'll see

The pest shrinking daily for others to catch

Trust in their judgement and hold my hand tight

You'll be free soon my lovely, just you wait and see

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I want my little girl back

Back from the woes and worries she holds

Back to the days of freedom and fun

When we could wake carefree and calm and cuddling

Time will get us there, but it will take time

But time we have and time we've had

Deep memories of times to cherish and nourish

Forward looking of times to come

When our lives will have peace and the world can stop churnin...

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