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Nota Mortum

The sky sparkles bright 

Lit by the colours of the fireworks 

A beautiful moment. Gentle, and present. 

My music plays while I lay in bed, this writing going correct.. Why is now not the perfect time?! 

So I apologise in advance, I loved every single one of you, maybe a bit too much, and that stopped me at times but unfortunately that was not enough.. believe me it's much harder for me...

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Adiuva Me

Now help me...

Help me, cry out. 

As I'm in a peaceful place,  but I believe it's hell. 




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And I want to be a better man to you mum.. .

But you just don't agree with the things I have done, while I don't agree with having

to be socially accepted I need to conform, but you don't understand. 


I live for myself in a flurried world.


Where being myself is such a crime and I can't imagine myself alive, at the thought of  cheating my own mind... 

It breaks me apart!


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now start breathing,

everything around is around for the same reason. 

Catastrophe, catastrophe its all the same feeling

i'm too old to move on, i'm too old to keep dreaming.


When to move on is to grow and to grow is not leaving,

in a promise land we grow, and speak of the same reason

we speak of heaven and hell like they're not the same demon.


Well to move...

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Soullessly starring into the air

As her body laid lifeless

All this time the Stifled screams

Shut away to keep them at bay, 

Any chance to show remorse

Shut down and accused of lies. 


If I could tell you one last thing

I love you would be the words to say,

Now I can't see you again

I see the truth that was buried within 

I can't help but blame a part of me

As ...

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Vivendi insufficiens

I've been trying to explain for so long that you are more,
You are more than a 9-5 dead end job
You are more than a number placed on this earth.
You have much more to you than you aspire,
Much more to you than they aspire for you.

Now I don't know about you,
But I know that as a race we should be fed up,
Fed up with all the bullshit that has been placed upon us.
Fed up of all the...

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Take me away,
let me find a place of peace,
of freedom,
Somewhere i belong.

Somewhere i can take myself off track,
hear the trees calling
the whispers of the dead, 
the footsteps leading a path to nowhere.
The silence of horror,
the selfishness, the selfless.

A place of no evil, a place of no light.
Where no man or woman will have sight,
where no man or woman will ha...

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