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The Wisdom of Bleak Punishment

There is nothing to be gained from suffering

But much to be gained from punishment

One is part of the other

Both are the same

Lessons learned by a meeting with the two

Suffering and punishment

Can be unnecessary

Lessons learned that should have never been learned

Cannot be unlearned

Or avoided, to reach true heights

To attain the gnarliest summit

Punishment and suf...

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Pandemic Poetry

Hello,  Here is an ongoing series of poetry.  Please enjoy!

Damp, Cold Pacific Northwest Winter

So cold and sad, the air heavy with moisture

short gloomy days then night

dark times, dark thoughts

deep mountain snow

impending doom

fatal end which never comes


Somebody Lied Said I Died


As if the abuse of adolescence wasn't enough

when I got away from it all and...

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