The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

In the Dark

I don't want to push you away

I could ruin everything we have

I'm scared one day you'll see it all

And then you'll leave me to fall


I'm trying so hard to be perfect

I've been fighting all my instincts

It's been better for the most part

With you here with me


The thing I do sometimes

I know they don't make sense

The way my brain ticks

I know it's hard to ac...

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broken persondamageddamaged heartlearning to be betternew beginningsnew loveold scars

To be Loved by You

What do you see

When your eyes land on me

What do you fear

When I am near

What is written on the wall

That's guarding you from all

I long to give to you


Do you know

Do you really know

That I would never let you go

Do you understand

I only wish to be with you

In the end


When I look at you

It's like the whole world is new

A better place for all


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lovetrue lovedreamsfearvulnerable

Missed Something

I've tried to write this

Fifty times over

Each time I get closer

But somehow still miss


I miss something

In what I want you to know

I miss something

In saying I don't want to let go


If this is goodbye

Then say it now

I'll give up the fight

I'll let you walk out


And forever

I'll miss



I've loved you like no other

I've never held...

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missingbreakuppainlongingloveheartachesongsong lyrics

Battlegrounds of the Heart

And all at once

We revisted the site

Where the wounded lie


We examined their injuries

Doing our best to determine

If they were fatal


It requires a detached rationale

It laughs in the face of pure emotion

For life is smarter than you think


Forever your opponent

Even when pretending

To be a friend


For life brought me you

Star crossed

And ...

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She made her mistake, she asked for it, hell she had it coming

The words spilled out before she had a chance to catch them

She was in the wrong, only one way to see it

The view on the other side of the belt


Black and blues on her skin will fade

She’s branded by the ones on her heart

In a world where we are taught, to speak for what’s right

She was wronged


It was j...

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Loved Like This

My mistakes

and all the painful memories,

they've changed the way I think,

changed what I believe.


And when I doubt,

when I think I'm all I need

when I hope the world can't see me,


there's safety in your voice

and a smile in your eyes.

How'd I wind up here?

With you by my side.


And when I can't explain,

when I lose my grip,

when I make excuses


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The View

Looking from a mountain,

absorbing the view.

The world of endless possibility

blessing your senses,

just for that second.


And the pressure of the air

as you're plummeting

vacuum sealing your breath.

Every millisecond broken down,

watching every memory float away.


All your thoughts.

The ones you never spoke,

will never have to be spoken.


All you...

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What were they like?

They were the deciding factor

Of a good or bad day

Of whether I was okay

If we were okay


They could change my mood

Stop me in my tracks

Jumble my mind

Blind me from the truth


Like heroin

I was their addict

Ephemeral pleasure

Everlasting poison


By the end

I was weak


Stripped of all identity


And they appeared

In my dreams


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moving onMoving forwardclosurelost loveExes

Yellow Brick Road

Walking along

The steping stones

All laid out

Like a yellow brick road

all signs pointing

To happy


Walking along

My eyes look

Far ahead

That's the problem

With the girl

Who's always got a plan


Yellow brick road

Should've had a warning sign

It's not all sparkles

And butterflies

With a good chance

I wouldn't reach the other side



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Something has changed,

Not in the usual way:

The natural adjustment,

The evolution of life.

No, this something,

It's foreign to my mind.

Oh wanderer of new lands,

On an unwalked path.

As fog clears,

Unveiling the whole trail,

"X" marks the spot,

The same spot it always has.

But this journey

To meet it,

It was written in invisble ink,

Only to appear


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new lovevulnerabletrustnew beginnings

Floor of Lava

You say a little too much,

And I think a little too much;

Jumping to my own


Stone to stone.

Our love,

Like a floor of lava,

But I’m the only one who gets burned

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Knock Knock

You and your trust issues

Me and mine

You have your fears

And your doubts

About me

And I have mine


But every time

We try to rationalize

And prove to each other

That the pieces don't fit

The sentences get left



Back and forth

Like whiplash

Seeing how far I'll go

Until I look back

Keeping me comfortable

At a distance



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The Snake

The snake

It slithers around me

Putting on a show

As if I'm in control

But little do I know

It's charming me



I give myself over

Allowing the fangs

To pierce my flesh

The venom

Paralyzing me


Smiling proud

At the feat

Begins the retreat

Into the grass


From my vision


I thought this

This was the test

To ...

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closureconfusionheartbreaklost lovepainsnake

The Idea

I fell


To the ground

And when I stood

You bandaged me up

And took me home


Made me


I’d never leave

And when I stood

You were halfway

Out the door


I fell


To the ground

For your words

And empty truths


Made me


I’d never leave

And when I stood

You were halfway

Out the door


I fell



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My Body

My hands is where it starts

The heat of the fire

Ignited there


My fingers betrayed me

Now with a mind

Of their own


They torment me

Driving me insane



My heart starts to race

A speed my body isn’t

Prepared for


My blood runs everywhere

With a temperature

Way too high


They torture me

Crippling my movements



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anxietypanic attacknervesbody partsbody


I rely on sleep

It’s the only thing

To keep thoughts at bay

Hours when my mind

Releases its grip

That strangles my sanity


Now, in its own

Sick and twisted way

Keeps sleep at bay

My mind is evolving

Tightening its grip

And slaughtering my sanity

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First Fight

There were tears

Rolling down my face.

I never was a pretty crier,

So I looked away.


Heard your voice

Over my heavy breathing,

Crying harder when you said

You weren't leaving.


I hold tight to everything;

Knuckles white from my grip.

If I let go, even a little,

My whole world could slip.


I've been afraid, though,

To hold onto you.

My heart ga...

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Heart Shaped & Reflective

Did you ever think

As you slandered my name

Did you ever feel a thing

While you were slithering

Were you ever authentic

While I wore your scarlet letter


Thank God I found my shades

To block out the sun

Blinding me from the truth


I see you puffing your chest

Showing your bright feathers

Like I have no self control

As if it’s biology calling

Now watch...

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lovehurtlost loveheartbreak

The Girl Who Cried Wolf

I thought I had changed

I thought I was better

I thought I beat it

I thought I fixed it


But here I stand

Trying to be tall

Knowing I am so small

The world pressing down


I’m scared again

Swore I never would be

And no one likes it

No one wants to hear it


So keep it hush

Keep it low

Don’t want to be

The girl who cried wolf


But until ...

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fearslifeexpectationspaininternal struggle

Letter to You

Letter to you,

Words of wisdom,

If I may.

Don’t fall for the irony

That my reflection

Lacks a map of my life.

My beautiful child,

Let me remind you,

That every time you smile,

Every drop of laughter

That you place in this world,

Means something,

To someone,



Let’s remember

That people do

Amazing things each day.

Now not to di...

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Imaginary Confrontation

What was going through your head?

What was running through your mind?

It's the one thing I'll never understand;

How you could just walk away and leave me behind


Didn't leave a trace, no reason to be found.

Just taken away and never reunited.

Do you understand the pain I've written across my heart;

When you took away from me, everything I had.


I was just a child, I...

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Parts of You

I want a smile

That appears unknowingly.

One that spreads across his face,

Like the sunset in the sky,

Every time he hears my name.


I want eyes

That won’t turn away

When I show my scars.

Ones that can see

Through the walls I put up.


I want a voice

That will support me

And encourage my dreams.

One that knows what words

Will bring me back to realit...

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I built my walls,

Denying their existance,

Defending them,

When I no longer could.


I grew comfortable,

In my self created,

Safe Space.


No one could hurt me,

'Cause no one could get in.

Couldn't learn to rely on them,

'Cause I couldn't trust them.


But you,

With you,

Everything's different.

Everything seems

So much easier.

The clench,


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I have many scars

You can’t see in the light

Behind my smile

Is a world of pain


Constant battle

With myself

Whether it’s worth it

To try anymore


‘Cause in the dark

I introduced you

To every part of me

Showed you everything


When the sun came up

The truth came out

And without a doubt

I’m unloveable


Should’ve known

Never should’ve...

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Those words

All the ones I wrote

Like band aids

Across the wounds

You left all over me


All the words

That flooded out of me

Aligning themselves

In comprehendible lines

And organized stanzas


They helped dry my tears

Allowed me to forget

Gave me the strength

To move forward

Providing a closure

That didn’t require you


And I forgave myself


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