Rhyming dream
When the night grows dark
And all return home after long day task
And the moon rises high in the dark black sky
Studded with stars creating a magical high
All the yester years memories creeps
Into the room where we are lying asleep
From the eyes, into the deepest mind
A dream grows into a reality keeping spell bind
The sleeper carefully speaks and play t...
Thursday 28th May 2020 12:15 am
Just truth
No matter the distance
No time nor space
Nothing of rifts annd valleys
Simply nothing can
Change my feelings for you
Love and trust and hopes in you
My madness, craziness and going bonkers
Head over heels and head without reasoning
Call it love is blind or vision imapired
Whatever anyone names it or says
Just one truth can neither change nor rewind
My feelings, emo...
Monday 25th May 2020 2:39 am
Morning love
As the day breaks i can hear the chirping birds
Melodious music fills the air around me
I love the cool breeze gently playing with me
The long black tresses dance with the wind
I can feel your hands caressing my body every inch
As i crumble in your arms, just the finger touch
My body simply melts and i given in to you for love
For you are ideed the man i have ever loved and ...
Sunday 17th May 2020 11:25 pm
Just my thoughts for today
This is the life i have chosen
This is how i wanted it to be
Away from the chaos
Away from those wannabes
Where my life is moving
Where i am going to
Nothing is yet certain
But certainty isn't true
If i would have done this
What if that was actually done
All such thoughts are useless
What is happening was only destined for
Was my imagination run...
Thursday 7th May 2020 11:13 pm
Isolation blue's and pink's
Isolation blues are nothing new
But being completely isolated is anew
I'd never experienced something like this ever before
Although it's an enriching experience but not so good
At first all things chaotic left my heart and home
All worries evaporated and i felt so much at home
Slowly the pinks of feelings started turning all so blue
Being stuck home alone, how to survive, I...
Wednesday 6th May 2020 3:45 pm
Goal directed pursuit
The light pervades within
And darkness leaves
My body is but my worship place
None have authority to taint it
Beauty lies in your heart
The way your soul behaves
Mercy and forgiveness
These are its best traits
Don't try to plunder me
You shall find nothing here
I've a secret chamber
Where I keep my jewels hidden
The precious stones
You are se...
Monday 4th May 2020 5:22 am
There's a song circling along
In the deepest core of my heart
Just wanna share my love with you
Just wanna be my crazy self for you
It's all the smile that it takes to get the glow
Glittering alleys and happiness that follows
Ive been humming like a bumble bee
A song circling right within me
Just wanna share my world with you
Just wanna rip my heart open for you
So c...
Sunday 26th April 2020 5:54 am
Wholesome heart"
I wish to smell the flowers of peace
The gloriously white shimmering
Glowing under sunlight bright
Fragrances strong spreading along
The smell of silence as i go around
A garden full of tranquility and serenity
Swinging my way to ease and a comfortable life
The see saw that gives a glimpse and then hides
As a play of watchfulness and sweetest sleep
Here i go, there i s...
Friday 10th January 2020 5:44 pm
Hopes AND fears"
I've left everything on God
What was meant to be, happened
What is meant, will also happen
What isn't, will never be
Releasing all my negative energies
Into space that can purify them and return
As positive energies flowing back within
When all is submitted before the highest power
Then no buden remains inside engulfing the soul
A void created which can be refueled wi...
Thursday 9th January 2020 3:13 pm
There is so much pain in the world
So many people broken and hurt
Life is all good at times
And others it's troublesome and unkind
The roller coasters all ready to set in motion
Confusing minds and hearts with negative emotions
Laughter and smiles hanging for miles
Never know the plans of God,
This way or that way
Monday 6th January 2020 3:21 pm
Sometimes in life you have to firmly decide
The path that you wish to follow and the one to unfollow
What helps you make up your mind?
Emotional abuse, physical tortures abd a past bleeding battered
Breaking the threads of kinship isn't a sane advice
Both socially and spiritually it's considered a great vice
Reasonings and logical views chokes your hurt mind
With a sword of p...
Sunday 5th January 2020 2:57 pm
Love birds"
Beautiful love birds, in a cage,
making love all night and all day.
Musical charms of morning dew,
brings with it caressing hue.
Like the fog and mist that envelopes the atmosphere,
love showers bathe the loving birds in lovely coulours.
Beneath the warm blankets and over silken sheets,
their bodies flame up in love heat to cool through love filled sweats.
Saturday 4th January 2020 3:12 am
Just me"
I'm a child of destiny and fate
Where ever they lead me i must go
I have no friend, parent, siblings or family
Oh world! I was born and I'm still all alone
The winds are my only family
The world is my only home
I've no home of my own, ain't homeless though
A job is all I've to sustain me till i am whole
God is my creator and my protector too
He wrote...
Wednesday 1st January 2020 6:03 am
Old Year Eve"
This last day off to sleep
It was great to see it weep
365 days went rolling by
Only 1/4th left to die
Shall i cry, bidding goodbye
So many memories, i need to cry
Nineteenth year of a Millennium celebration
Making it's way to handsome jubilation
All the lessons learned and unlearned
Gifted us with hope, peace and felt loved
As the evening ...
Tuesday 31st December 2019 3:55 pm
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