To The Woman I Love
Expressions of Love: Part VIII
Title: To The Woman I Love
To the woman I love
You are mine
To the woman I have
I am yours
To the woman I found
I am no longer lost
To the woman I see
There is no greater beauty
To the woman I hear
No sound can compare
To the woman I touch
My fingers trace no other
To the woman you are
The man I am cound never as...
Tuesday 14th November 2023 4:17 pm
From: Jaxy To: Love
Expressions of Love: Part VII
Title: From: Jaxy To: Love
Ms. Love,
I've written a million letters and more about my feelings for you. I even once told you I could write a book. While it is not in the traditional way, I'm working on that book. Through poetry, letters, notes, and spoken word I am writing the saga that has been our life to this point. Our story will continue to grow, just ...
Wednesday 24th May 2023 8:41 pm
Expressions of Love: Part VI
Title: Time
Time flows by
Like the silky fabric
Of her dress
Each ticking second
A slight touch
Each ticking minute
A flowing twist
Each ticking hour
A small rustle
The fabric of time
Is the fabric of her dress
Thursday 18th May 2023 7:15 pm
The Night Is Ours
Expressions of Love: Part V
Title: The Night Is Ours
The night was long
But it felt so short
Short as the breath
She expends with each movement
Of her body
As she entangles herself
Within my own
The long night
Becomes our own
Thursday 18th May 2023 7:13 pm
The Honor of a Knight
Expressions of Love: Part IV
Title: The Honor of a Knight
I don't usually prepare...well
Every action a procrastination...usually
But here I am...surprisingly
Creating lists to keep on track...barely
Every item of yours
I pack into a box
Contains a tiny piece
Of a much larger puzzle
Known as her soul
I get to carry these pieces
With the honor of a whit...
Monday 8th May 2023 10:36 am
Hear My Thoughts
Expressions of Love: Part III
Title: Hear My Thoughts
Hear now
Hear my thoughts
These thoughts of you
As I drive alone
Through the night
The distance between each lightpole
Like the pulse of my heart
As it reaches out to you
Beating strong against all odds
When the snare of a drum
Is like the tail of the snake
That is your soul
Such a beautiful sound
Saturday 6th May 2023 10:25 am
How I feel now
Expressions of Love: Part II
Title: How I feel now
There was this idea
An idea full of passion
And love
My plan was to do this
To write
Everyday a little letter
Of my love to you
Packaged into a book
And given in a year
How I felt then, is not how I feel now
I thought the words would find me
Yet sometimes days passed
Where not a drop of ink
Could b...
Friday 21st April 2023 6:26 pm
An Expression of Love
Expressions of Love: Part I
Written On/For: 4/4/2023 / 02/14/2023
Title: An Expression of Love
Sticky notes cover my brain
Thousands laying on top of each other
Each note is a scribbled remembrance
Of the things you hold dear
Of your favorite foods
Of your likes and dislikes
Each note a thought of you
And as time moves on
I will keep these sticky notes
And ...
Tuesday 4th April 2023 7:32 pm
In the morning, my eyes open
Expressions of Love: Part XLIX
Written On/For: 4/4/2023
Title: In the morning, my eyes open
In the morning,
My eyes open
They open to the sight
Of your beautiful amber eyes
Hidden beneath lids of slumber
In the low light clouding my vision
I study your sleeping form
Like a scholar eager to glean more knowledge
I watch the rise and fall of your chest
And img...
Tuesday 4th April 2023 7:04 pm
I Write In Pen
Expressions of Love: Part XLIII
Title: I Write In Pen
I write in pen.
Because, like our relationship,
It is final.
There is no going back,
only forward; ink building
and growing like our connection,
every single day.
Wednesday 29th March 2023 8:52 pm
It has occured to me
Several times now
That I've never written
Of my dad
Somewhere between the moment
He saved me from the chaos
And the moment he stopped being my hero
I seemed to have lost access
To the prerequsites
I need to write about any individual
You see?
My dad is four things
A Dragon, A Wolf, A Eagle, A Elk
A Dragon
Speaks from experie...
Tuesday 14th March 2023 6:50 pm
There are days
Where my emotions
Consume me
Like they are engorging
Themselves upon a
Seven course meal
And sometimes
They preserve me
Like they are slowly
Slurping down a bowl of cereal
On a lazy spring morning
Today is not a lazy spring morning
Tuesday 14th March 2023 5:54 pm
Mi Amor
Expressions of Love: Part XXII
Title: Mi Amor
las explicaciones me fallan, Mi Amor
las palabras salen de mi pecho y son
aparentemente incomprensibles, Mi Amor
la felicidad que das, es como el viento
soplando en mi rostro, Mi Amor
es como la profunda bocanada de aire
que tomas en una fresca manana de invierno, Mi Amor
es como la sensacion de darle...
Wednesday 8th March 2023 5:33 pm
During moments of purity
I find my chest tight
The familiar feel of panic
As I wonder how long it will last
Pressure building
Like an elephant
Placing its foot upon my center
These moment of purity
Are not always happy
But sometimes they can be
When the raw feelings build up
Yet they don't come out
Almost trapped
Inside of the vault of my body
And I forgot the passcode
They scream ...
Friday 9th December 2022 8:06 pm
each piece that falls to the ground, he reaches down to pick up and put back in its proper place. as she falls apart, he holds her crumbling form as the support of a skyscraper holds the building upright. as she trips and falls, he stands there with his hand extended to help her back to her feet. as she takes her steps, he holds his arm out for her to take if she needs. he loves her. he loves her ...
Wednesday 7th December 2022 6:50 pm
The sun rises
watched it more than once
listen to birds
sing their songs
the sound of rustling
in the song of the wind
the smell
and close to the ground
branches creaking
from the weight of
all alone
I've watched the sunrise
watched it many times
yet this time
as the sun crests
the mountain ever yonder
I hear the footsteps
light and crisp
sure but unsure
Friday 2nd December 2022 5:26 am
I see pain
in your eyes
almost your best
your best friend
ever present inside
and outside too
what to do
how to help
heal your
Friday 2nd December 2022 5:25 am
The Curse of Distrust
The sound of your voice
as your walls come up
the sacred inability
to fully trust
like words resting
on the tip of your tongue
you want it to come out
but can't quite get it
Friday 2nd December 2022 5:25 am
Backwards Waterfall
I listen to these words
as I fall through the water
accumulating down below
I listen as you sing
your sad sad song
like falling up a waterfall
of emotion
falling in reverse
but always looping
Friday 2nd December 2022 5:24 am
The Sound
I know the sound
of your mind
as if I knew my own
I hear your voice
when you say nothing
at all
Friday 2nd December 2022 5:23 am
Mmmmmm, she said
and only I knew what she meant
Mmm, she said
and then she sounded mad
Hmmmm, she said
in clearest tone of inquisition
Hmm, she said
as if she didn't know what to say
You see
I know what you mean
You don't need to say
But could you please
It would mean the world to me
Friday 2nd December 2022 5:22 am
Recently I fell out of love
Recently I fell into Love
It was an accident
Was it fate?
Opens my eyes
Things I never
Could ever be
Brings me happieness
Before it was
Not to replace my
But in addition
I know what
Brings to the
And I accept
Never judging or
Love knows what
Wednesday 20th July 2022 7:50 pm
I cannot
But I want to
The words
Just don't
I feel big
That I don't
How to deal with
I can work through
But I cannot
I cannot
And it hurts
Wednesday 20th July 2022 7:35 pm
Anxiety...My Friend
As this feeling
I feel in my chest
Eats away
My soul
And the emotions
it produces
I stop to wonder
When will it go
Is my best friend
My closest enemy
Is there
For me
And asks one million
Placing un-needed
Within my mind
The intentions
Of those around
My friend
Please let me be
I do not
Need you
Wednesday 20th July 2022 7:31 pm
I am the Tinker
I take everything apart
I learn how it works
I put it back together
I make it better
I am the Tinker
He is the Tinker
He sees something broken
He has just the thing to fix it
He digs through his collection
He finds the missing piece
He is the Tinker
She is the Tinker
She inspects the Tinker
She can see his ticking heart
She watches a screw fall
She gives the...
Monday 13th June 2022 7:27 pm
Just me and I
Thursday 26th May 2022 11:02 pm
Side-Eyed Grin
He took her side-eyed grin
and planted it upon a hill....
the perfect spot
for a magnificent tree
to spread its wings
like roots
Thursday 26th May 2022 9:08 pm
The Breeze of Life
The breeze of lust
flows through the forest
of my heart
like a fallen ember
igniting the soul
of souls
housed within the growth
that has been my shield
The breeze of love
coalesces from the ocean
of my mind
like a gentle touch
filling my soul
of souls
housed within the depth
that has been my home
The breeze of lust
The breeze of love
together form one
to become
The breeze of li...
Thursday 26th May 2022 8:42 pm
Can I?
I know I'm not supposed to
But can I?
I know what I should do
But can I?
I know I want to
But can I?
I've waited for so long
But everytime it seemed right
It wasn't
Here I am again
Teetering on the edge
Of what I should do
And what I want to do
I know what I want to do
But can I?
Wednesday 9th March 2022 6:03 pm
Morning Sip
Beep, beep, beep
The alarm goes
The bed goes
Pop, snap, crack
The person goes
Drip, drip, drop
The coffee goes
Sip, breath in, ahhh
The person goes
This is the
Morning Sip
Monday 20th December 2021 5:06 pm
The Rain
The Rain is a wonderful being
She gracfully falls upon my skin
Lessening the impact
Of feelings within my crater filled mind
Distracting me
From the high-pitched sound
Of anxiety induced anxiety
She quietly whispers in my ear
Presenting a path
Where the language of empathy lies
Protecting me
From the battle scars of betrayal
Of those tasked to protect
She softly touches the dep...
Friday 3rd December 2021 7:53 pm
Been a While
To think it's been so long
Since I last saw you
This side of my persona
Has been stashed away
Like a cache of personalities
Itching to get out
Often I use this frame
Of reference
To get through a tough moment
I'm not so lost
I'm not so hurt
I'm not so confused
But I still need you
To myself who stashed myself
Here I am
And I'm sorry
It's been...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 12:03 am
here we go
lets talk about hope
what does it mean to you
that question can not always be answered
but it can be thought about
hope is a pianist
long fingers striking the keys
they move like water
like fluid
and the sound oh the sound
is like ambrosia
as the pianist plays
the song is sang
and we are transfered into his heart
where a little light
lays dormant
small and harmless
Thursday 4th May 2017 5:57 pm
the waves
they say ride the waves
but to me
those things are scary
the thought
of them crashing again and again
drives me crazy
there is no controlling these waves
back and forth
all without guidance
or the touch
of a gentle hand
the waves
are angry i can see
thats why
they crash the way they do
but the question lays
why are they mad?
Thursday 4th May 2017 5:22 pm
If only you could see
That I'm crying
Deep inside
My lonely chest
If only you could know
That I am at fault
For all that has happened
Between us
If only you could hear
The sorrow in my voice
As I speak
As I breath
As I blink
As I listen
If you could only understand
Sunday 30th April 2017 7:32 pm
Here I lay
Listening to silence
My mind starts to wander
Diving into the abyss
Swimming through an ocean
Of thoughts and voices
What I think
What I see
It's all real
So when I say
My brain is dangerous
Don't think I'm lying
What's coming for me
May come for you
Sunday 30th April 2017 7:31 pm
There's a place
I like to go
Deep into the woods
It's where I hide
From all of you
The only place
To call my home
I can breathe without
I can see
Further than possible
Dammit can't you see
I'm dying inside
Wonder please
Why I want to get away
You know
Know why
I blame myself
For all I've done
I hate my self
There I've said
...Sunday 30th April 2017 7:30 pm
I wish
You could see
Through my eyes
The world
So much color
Greens and blues
Reds purples and yellows
Every refraction of light
Known to man
Can you see now
Do you understand
Take a step back
Look at those trees
Mountains in the background
Fields of flowers
Really look!
See what I am
Through my eyes
Into yours
I wish
Sunday 30th April 2017 7:30 pm
I remember
A wooden dock
I used to wait for
The mermaid of my heart
Though she ran every time
I remember
Walking through the woods
Hearing her voice
More than a voice
Just a peek
Only a glimpse
I remember
How dark my soul
Used to be
No colors to keep
Me company
I wonder
If she saw this
I wonder if she ran
Because ...
Sunday 30th April 2017 7:29 pm
The dust
That is my thoughts
Swirl around
Making tiny tornados
The abrasive
Grains of sand
Hurt me
They torment me
Blowing about
Making the smallest
Of cuts
Taking no care
The pain
Of my thoughts
That are
My spinning tornado
Turn me
Into the dust
Sunday 30th April 2017 7:28 pm
Some new stuff
hey guys here is some of my new stuff. i wrote it during my 30 day stay in the mobi desert for some training! hope y'all enjoy
There are whispers
That only some hear
Little sounds
That swirl about
Speaking nothing
But yet saying everything
These little voices
Taunt me
And it hurts
They used to be mine
My friends
Now that all laugh
I ask why
The rea...
Sunday 30th April 2017 7:19 pm
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