The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

What's happened to Christmas?

How have we gone on ths pagan bent

goodwill not exactly heaven sent,

rejoicing mainly for what we've spent?

Christmas began with a little child

born of a mother gentle and mild.


This we should celebrate and recall

not go beserk in some glitzy mall.

Only gifts in sign of love and respect

which greatly your purse need not affect.


That child who gave poor mortals ...

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A Mellow Yellow High

Walking enchanted underneath

a vast high yellow canopy

with coal black struts supporting,

and recalling the heavy  scent of drowsy  summer evenings.

The honeylike aroma indicating a bees' paradise,

A gentle zephyr suddenly sighed

sending bright yellow snowflake leaves

to their final fall, so forming

an ornate mosaic leaf carpet underfoot,

of every possible sunlike shade.


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A Hopeful Tail

The Landrover bounced rapidly over the cumulus and cirrus

finding the Great Gate unlocked and opened wide.

A fine welcome she was given, with smiles and widespread arms,

and full angel choir to receive her, as certainly due

to one who had faithfully maintained her youthful promise,

and had always done her best even when severely tried.


Then a disorderly yapping silenced the ...

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The Moroccan

Where had he come from, this pitiful derelict

cast away dying from a moving truck?

From little white boxlike home on searing sand

sheltering under the tall green fronds,

an elegant Riad from more prosperous days,.

or a stifling windowless den in a rabbit warren souk?


Small boned and surely quick moving once,

still with feverishly brilliant black eyes

and ruthful gap-to...

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In the deathwatches

Bent over bedside fearfully, incredulously

in the long dark deathwatches of a hot night

holding his hand beside a good son.

Gnawed by uncertainty and anxiety

straining and listening for that barely perceptible

last tiny  invisible wisp of life,

ever more laboured and fainter, difficult to discern

until it finally ceased as he peacefully slipped away

while the nightingale sa...

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We love our school and learn a lot

after passing through the metal detector.

Most important, we're taught how to conceal ourselves.

No sport for us, but shooter drills instead.

Turn out the lights and lock the classroom door,

squat quivering, eminently visible, under our flimsy desks

as someone could crash in with murderous intent

having already killed the guards on the school...

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An unexpected challenger

A son of David pitched against a midget Goliath

but one who has such might behind him.

The ogre claiming he has come for a deliverance

(he was a man of cunning from his youth).

The other fighting in the simple name of freedom,

full well knowing the effect of The fetid Bear's breath

forever felt on their necks during decades past,

his razor-sharp claws ready to subdue, imprison...

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Cobalt leaked into his life's blood.

from a previous aged hip implant.

Alarm bells! Tragedy! Perilous!


However, at least he could sustain

that having blue blood was aristocratic!

Advantage? Handicap? Out-dated?


Then steps taken all went back to normal,

Just returned to  former plebian scarlet.

Luckily? Regretably? Inevitably?


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