He won't have a happy birthday
because we have betrayed his trust.
He taught us not to accumulate
but we're possessed by a spending lust.
Gifts for families now are due
the baby boy received them too.
We go out buying till we drop
which often only delights the shop.
Presents for everyone we know
and on every package tie a bow.
We have expensive Christmas tre...
Friday 8th December 2017 2:08 pm
Happily never after?
Hey hey for the not so merry month of May!
But what on earth will the butler say?
Will she make her markle felt?
Want golden faucets in the loo
just like the lovely sTrumpets do?
No shepherd's pie or kidney pud
for Cinderella. Oh no, no good.
Just hominy grits and collard greens
with pumpkin pie and Boston beans
Caesar salad - cookies - Coke
and soda pop until yo...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 9:10 pm
Ridiculous Rhymes
If I were a terrier
life would be merrier
If I were a hyena
I'd be served a subpoena
If I were a cobra
I'd rarely be sobra
If I were an otter
I'd behave like a rotter
If I were a cow
grass I wouldn't allow
If I were a hippo
I'd go in for a dippo
If I were a vulture
I'd acquire some real culture
If I were a rat
I'd fart at the cat
If I were a cheetah
...Tuesday 28th November 2017 11:57 am
With whom are you?
not with me.
How far
have you gone
from me?
With her
you are now
not with me.
How near
is what I fear to me?
Tuesday 14th November 2017 2:00 pm
He came to pick me up
tall athletic blond blue-eyed
with green sports car and dinner jacket
high society stuff.
You're gorgeous he said
and immodestly I agreed.
We spent all the party-time entwined
dancing touching talking kissing.
Then snail-like home and said goodnight
lustfully intending to go much further
after his threatening exams.
A few weeks later the ...
Sunday 5th November 2017 5:51 pm
The boyfriend
Oh my God, a poet!
Was what they all said.
Better off dead!
Was what my father said.
What's he like in bed?
Was what my friends said.
About your daily bread?
Was what my mother said.
He has an everlasting
flow of dreams inside his head.
was what I said.
Friday 3rd November 2017 1:53 pm
21st September
They were all in mourning that morning.
The beetle scurrying across the cooling sands
sombrely dressed in total black
for the occasion.
They were all in mourning that morning.
The sea daffodils had lost their candid silk
leaving purses of jetty seeds
as their bequethal.
They were all in mourning that morning.
The woeful hawkers from much harsher lands
left without tak...
Sunday 15th October 2017 12:56 pm
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