Today I made progress
In a different sort of way
It wasn’t real spectacular
But it was a taxing day.
I did a load of laundry
And neglected all my naps,
I sat and did some paperwork
And limited my snacks.
I went outside again today,
To you it isn’t hard,
But I was awful pleased this time:
I got past my front yard.
I didn’t let the hours pass
Without a trifling...
Friday 17th January 2020 6:35 pm
When I built my road
I had all the help in the world
But it was up to me to lay the bricks
And it was that part, that sticks.
I'd pick a stone up in my hand to lay it,
Felt like all I did was betray
Myself and my own destiny,
I'd lay it where They told me.
Then one day I guess I had some sort of grand epiphany
The bricks laid down so gently when I focused on me
And a path began to form,
Sunday 10th November 2019 4:11 pm
Letter to the Guys That Try To Date Me
Hey, how about you fucking stop
Turning back the clock
Like daylight savings up in here
And can you stop calling this a queer issue,
We've been here as long as you guys, thank you
And while we're on the subject of phew,
That guy has some thinking to do
How about we talk about this view?
Got safety glass in front of us
Like, we can't see thru the giant printed COVER UP
Guys this is border...
Sunday 10th November 2019 3:42 pm
Corporation Screw You
I wish I had the words
I only got about a third
Of the ones you deserve.
This is our Earth
Not the hero we needed
But the one we succeeded in destroying
A bunch of government corporations enjoying the fruits
Of our labor and dues
Somehow the ones who end up screwed
Pull your weight
Or there's those holy golden gates.
Work makes you free
They preach
Yesteryear or today,
The message st...
Sunday 10th November 2019 3:40 pm
Quietly they glisten
And ask you to listen
Eyes full of tears and salt water,
Mourning the life she sought after
Destroyed before her a city razed
Nothing escapes her weary gaze
She tells her tale
Notice how it feels stale
Like old forgotten women
Denied their ticket to your heaven
There's a strange satisfaction
The need to help, to contribute
The need to condescend as well as we do
Sunday 10th November 2019 3:39 pm
The Future Has Been Cancelled
Due to fiscal constraints the future has been canceled
We understand many of you had plans, though
And we’re all for refunding our customers, ergo
You’ll receive in the mail compensation
Accurate of course to your personal station
You see due to a breach of our ethics clause
I can’t give you the details, of course--
We’ve wrapped up production on this round of humanity
It t...
Friday 26th July 2019 7:52 pm
Love it or Leave it
Ready or not?
Seems like a luxury none of us got
As they let us down to rot
That abominable thought
Hate crimes, social justice,
We all can’t seem to get enough of it
Spreading lies in the media
Manufacturing hysteria
Can you see yourself watching
The news on channel four
While SWAT and ICE
And other innocuous words
Knock down your immigrant neighbor’s door
Friday 26th July 2019 7:51 pm
It wasn’t easy getting here
The street signs looked a little queer
And altogether directions
didn’t seem to me to be very clear
So I steered myself in the direction of help
And resigned myself to a hike because well
What else am I gonna do with myself?
Put my head up on a shelf
The words within me beckoned
And so I went, I reckon
Because old forgotten rhyme
Within ...
Saturday 13th July 2019 10:39 pm
Dating a Friend
There was darkness and then there was you
Though to be sure the light never moved
A warm hearth at the end of a blizzard
A hole in my heart I’d patch over haphazard
Drove me to find you in my soul
Until I filled that gaping hole
With your infinite love and hope
You gave me just enough rope
To pull myself out of abyss
With your own version of selflessness
You wait...
Wednesday 22nd May 2019 2:37 pm
New Boyfriend
Things to Know About Your New Girlfriend
I hog the covers when I don’t mean to
I’m pretty chill about the things you do
My hair is never done
Nor my makeup ever worn
And my clothes are messy
I wake up gassy
And my teeth could use a fix
But babe you know
I’ve got room to grow
And we can find our mix
I’m never wrong ‘cept when I am,
But point that out an...
Sunday 19th May 2019 4:43 pm
"I Know What Comfort Is"
He said “I know what comfort is”
“It’s the thing that sits
Inside your heart
And makes nary a peep”
And then I began to weep.
He said “I know how pain feels more,
“The closing of all opened doors
Tearing at you desperate for more
Clawing, gnawing, at your hope
Until you feel yourself begin to choke”
I said to him “dear let’s not pretend
You and death aren’t more...
Friday 10th May 2019 7:29 am
We’re fed up with this kind of behavior
This toxic ass sludge,
Capitalist favor
It’s the new generation,
A part again of creation
Going back before time,
Let me sink it in with rhyme
We ain’t got the time
To be turning your mess
Of a world on a dime
I cannot stress enough
You ain’t that tough
Ruining the economy
Acting like it was harder for you than it is fo...
Sunday 5th May 2019 7:33 am
Hurts The Same Way
Men get uptight at women who say
“He railed and bailed,
hit it and quit it”
The man who comes knocking
All sweet at your door rocking
On his toes like he’s excited
She can’t quite pinpoint why she’s so nervous
What’s devastating to her is,
And me is,
Is that we sort of mutually agreed
As human beings
Not to lie to one another
So when you come over
With wine a...
Thursday 2nd May 2019 4:57 am
“Risk is what it means to be human!” she cries.
Her words fall on deaf ears like lies
Why oh why
Would we want the surprise
Of dying in an age
Where death is no gilded cage?
Why would we need a society
In which there is more tragedy?
A deathless life
Akin to strife
She chuckles wryly,
Intones calmly
“Death is what gives meaning to living
And in expiring
Monday 29th April 2019 6:52 pm
Feminism builds on needs!
Tell me something, are you freed
From all society’s greed
If you don’t think a woman
Is the same as a human
Where have you been hurt?
Don’t make me your just desserts
Looking at me like something tasty
Feels like your arguments are a little hasty to judge me
Like I’m not somebody
With hopes and dreams and feelings
Why you wiping down that glass ceiling
Sister ...
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 8:44 pm
She takes her hand off of the door
Doesn’t quite know what all of this is for
Am I going to never want more
She’s silent, mouth and mind
This woman ever kind
And thinks without meaning to
“My life is gone,
All I knew”
And though she fidgets in high heeled shoes
Her hands move to the knob,
Her heart begins to throb
She feels all weak in the knees
Can someone stop...
Friday 19th April 2019 9:04 pm
This is the word that comes to his mind
He blots at his weary eyes
Almost a year,
He feels a sense of triumph,
A sense of loss,
Of belonging to a cause
To keep this tiny thing from harm
Her eyes are blue
So blue you wouldn’t believe that hue
And he finds that the only thing he can do
Is cry
Asking a million times why
Her palms close around his pin...
Friday 19th April 2019 2:21 pm
Polite Kind
I hope you find I said to him
What you no longer search for
Some peace of mind,
An end to war
I hope that you find,
All this and more,
Along your road so bare.
He smiled and said
I hope you'll be
As honest with others
As you are with me.
I'll hope you'll fight
For what is wrong
And come into the light.
For I am perhaps a dreamer,
My head held in the clouds,
But his disease is ...
Sunday 31st March 2019 4:10 am
What Beauty Wrought
One day I looked in the mirror
I think to try and see
My reflection clearer
She stared back at me and I said
This girl is now dead.
I looked at all the things I hated
Things I made and used
And understated
I pointed my heart at the glass-
And shot.
They say things only get slower
The day you end your life.
I found the time still to cower
In front of my aching
Weary soul
Sunday 31st March 2019 4:09 am
Why I'm Angry
Jesus played you like a harp
Never known a demon quite as sharp
Could you turn it up a notch?
Can’t hear you on your soap box
Wish I heard his love coming from
Coming from you
Should you find a lie of course
Can you read it from atop your high horse?
Biblical buoyancy,
Does it float or does it sink, you see?
What if you would just stop
Stop and hear the truth
Saturday 30th March 2019 8:23 pm
The Things We Don't Talk About
How do you know where a story lies
Seems like newspapers fall like flies
Telling people all those lies
Bout blacks Hispanics Asians
What the fuck is this creation
I don’t know what you’ve been told!
This shits getting pretty old!
Tell me once more bout the tragedy
Bout the killing of the kennedys
How it’s all the same old story
Tell me why we’re still ignoring
Home grown Americans
Saturday 30th March 2019 7:56 pm
Goodbye Lord
Its been a hard road
You helped me build.
Im grateful.
You got me through
Some dark times.
I thought you a light,
A torch in the darkness,
But really
It was my magic.
My fire.
My light.
They told me you were watching
As though it was a comfort.
And I tried
To feel helped
I tried so hard
To give you the love
I was told you created
Friday 25th August 2017 3:38 pm
Is what they think
My suffering is worth
And I'm grateful.
Pays the bills
Buys me food,
With a little
Left over,
For fun.
My fiancé
Gets $700/mo
For his own pain.
$700 + $200 = $900
Dollars to pay
To live.
We fixed the heat,
We bought to eat,
And cigarettes
Exist again.
From a month where
We didn't know
How it was
Going to happen,
To a month
Wednesday 11th January 2017 1:59 pm
He Saw
I don't know why you love me,
For I barely love myself.
I don't understand the look in your eyes,
Or the shelf you place me on.
What have I done to inspire
Your love with burning radiance?
And what have I done to deserve,
Your understanding?
You saw me
When others thought they had.
You looked at me
And saw who I see
And I was terrified,
Because I don't like her.
But you did.
Wednesday 11th January 2017 1:57 pm
Living With Roommates
Wake up,
Winter morning,
And then it hits.
It's okay,
Especially when
It's not.
I do my ritual.
I like my ritual.
My ritual calms me.
I say my mantra:
"This too shall pass"
And inside I cry out,
Outside I smile.
Your discomfort
Is palpable.
What indeed
Would you do
Anxiety and ...
Thursday 5th January 2017 3:13 pm
Imitation and Perception
I languish in lack
Abound in absence
And my visage
Reflects yours
If anything at all.
Imitation is flattery,
Say those
Who know nothing
Of either.
My emotionless adoration
Exists in your vision,
Beautifully speculative and subjective.
Who exists in terms of self?
Without an other,
Familiarity is absurd.
Who can know
What he always sees?
In this way,
I present myself...
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:51 pm
Psychiatric Lingo
How can I explain to you,
A sunset through dead trees?
You want my symptoms
Explained to you
In words.
If I could see red,
And you only grey,
How could I explain vibrancy?
You call it mania.
You don't understand.
You say
"Everyone gets anxious"
But I think you mean "nervous"?
I feel like
It'd be more treatable
By modern medicine,
If it happened to
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:38 pm
Colors Of Public Assistance
Is the color
Of power.
You can see this:
Office buildings are grey.
Cubicles are grey.
Money, two letters off.
White is the color of peace,
And hope,
And the color of the linoleum
Where they take pieces of you
And put it on a card.
Is the faces
Of most I see.
It's interesting how color
Affects so much.
Their smiles.
The screen,
The air.
I think,
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:29 pm
Department of Social and Health Services
Sitting in a plastic chair,
Waiting for a person
To tell me
If I can afford
This month
How did I
Get here?
I had dreams.
I had goals.
And so did
Everyone in this room.
The wait
The screams of bored children
Pop my peace
And I wonder
It's a simple enough question.
Why me?
Why here?
Why now?
I suppose.
His laughter feels
Like nails
Pounded into nails...
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:27 pm
Disability Timeline pt. 2
War is waged
With soldiers
But mostly money.
Isn't that
What old men
With both
I fight the World War of my life,
And yet,
And Yet.
I see neither approach
On the horizon
And I wonder
How long
I'll keep looking.
Your promises mean nothing,
Because that
Is what I've got
To show for them.
I implore,
Don't get my hopes up
Again this time.
Say "no" if you want.
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:26 pm
Disability Timeline pt. 1
Ask for help,
They say
With quiet judgmental rebuke
So I ask
And then I plead
And deafness
Greets his friend
Means tomorrow.
Next week.
I have yet to see
"Within the year"
And it's been Two.
Each letter,
A careful trapeze,
Am I too sick?
Not sick enough?
The war waged on
In my body.
They promised me
"Within the year."
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:22 pm
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