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lockdown (Remove filter)

A Moment of Madness

Today I bumped into an old friend,

we have not met for many a year,

such a lovely surprise to see her,

but this encounter has left me in fear.


In a flash, in a moment of madness,

forgetting the lockdown rules in place,

and without giving it a second thought,

we hugged each other, a fleeting embrace.


In a flash, in a moment of madness,

in my defence I was caught...

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100 Days of Lockdown

A hundred days since lockdown began, stockpiling days seems so long ago.

Rationing of pasta, toilet rolls, hand sanitiser, the empty shelves full of woe.


Non essential shops closed along with gyms, restaurants, bars and schools.

Only two persons allowed together, was just one of the new lockdown rules.


A tired nurse went to the shop and broke down, she cried in sheer desperat...

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Lockdown shopping

Today I went shopping,

lockdown shopping is hard.

Queue up just to take a look,

changing rooms are barred.


Today I bought a new dress,

I must admit it isn't quite right.

It is just a little bit too small,

only a teeny tiny bit too tight.


Today I made a promise,

to eat healthily all next week.

I will not raid the biscuit tin,

I will turn the other cheek.


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Dear Kate

Dear Kate

The challenges of the jungle, have stood you in good stead

little did you know back then, a greater battle lay ahead

As a celebrity in the jungle, your personality shone through

supported by your lovely family, justifiably, so proud of you.


The interview this morning, so touching, presented in your style

despite the pain and suffering, you still managed to raise a ...

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Take That Lock Down Gig (In Case You Missed It)

No ticket stress, no queueing at the gate or arena door

A concert like no other we have ever attended before

The front row of my kitchen, sat in my favourite chair

Glass of wine, singing loud, waving my arms in the air

Take that, reunited, straight from their home into mine

The Greatest Day of lock down, together they did Shine


Vintage Mark, up his ladder, in his garage full...

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Grown From A Seed in Lock Down

Rooted and grown from a seed planted long ago,

hidden away, buried down deep in the soil below


Under the cover darkness, black as a moonless night,

emerge tiny green shoots, enticed by the warm sunlight


Leaves gradually uncurling, flatten, gentle and slow,

veined, green, vital organs, enable the plant to grow


Stems growing up straight, sturdy, strong and tall,


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The Lock Down Bank Holiday

Hooray, the bank holiday is here at last

Like no other we have endured in the past

No fairground rides, no trips to the zoo

No standing in line in a never ending queue

No party in the park, no festival by the sea

No soggy picnic or polystyrene cups of tea

No melted ice cream, no fish and chips

No worrying about a lifetime on those hips

No steam train journeys, no rides on t...

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Lockdownfunday trip

Home from Home

I long to be in Turkey

It seems so out of reach

Just to paddle in the ocean

And stroll along the beach


I long to be in Turkey

It is my favourite place

The sun is always shining

Love to feel it on my face


I wish to be in Turkey

I feel so out of touch

Delighting all my senses

I miss the food so much


I wish to be in Turkey

How long will it be?


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Heroes In Blue

Heroes In Blue


Unprecedented times, the like never seen before

This pandemic has shaken us all to our very core

A whirlwind ripping through our cities and towns

The evil coronavirus wearing its invisible crown

It does not care if you are rich or poor

A Royal, a minister or the boy next door

No matter what age, wealth, colour or creed

Affecting us all, and with devastat...

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The New Normal

Help control the virus on our decent down the peak

Stay alert, the new normal, the keywords of the week


Anticipation grew around the map of our pathway out

confusing news filled us all with disappointing doubt


To mask or not to mask? now there lies a question

still debatable if they provide any medical protection


Return to work when able, keeping a two metre distan...

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