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Lockdown shopping

Today I went shopping,

lockdown shopping is hard.

Queue up just to take a look,

changing rooms are barred.


Today I bought a new dress,

I must admit it isn't quite right.

It is just a little bit too small,

only a teeny tiny bit too tight.


Today I made a promise,

to eat healthily all next week.

I will not raid the biscuit tin,

I will turn the other cheek.


Today I made a pledge

to lose those excess pounds.

I can't cut out red wine, though,

on medical grounds.


Today I have a new dress

and it may fit me tomorrow.

It doesn't really matter anyway,

I haven't anywhere to go.


So pleased with my new dress,

I am sure it will look great.

as long as for the foreseeable,

there is only salad on my plate.





◄ The "Tourons" Great Day Out

Lockdown Shopping Revised ►


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M.C. Newberry

Sun 28th Jun 2020 16:05

Having lost over fifty pounds over a year or so via a change of diet,
I enjoy online searches for no (or low) sugar treats. A favourite, after
adjustment to taste following years of milk chocolate, is 85% cocoa dark chocolate from Lindt. Two squares and a cup of tea/coffee -
- a tasty tip towards stalling diabetes!

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julie callaghan

Sun 28th Jun 2020 15:07

Thanks for the likes and comments. time for a cuppa and...... and a lettuce leaf!

<Deleted User> (24283)

Sun 28th Jun 2020 13:33

Let's go shopping....getting so tempted after reading it... kind of inspiring me to go shopping.....o o o.....I need to control. Will definitely not be buying lettuce....ah! Shopping thou art women's best hobby.

Realistic write Julie.

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julie callaghan

Sun 28th Jun 2020 13:23

Oh no I forgot the lettuce!

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