brick wall
slowly i took down my walls
noticing you didnt run from what you saw
instead you helped me take down every brick
your love seemed to do the trick
now im being reborn from all your love
you must have been sent from above
or maybe our souls had already known
because being around you feels like home
i have never used the term soulmate
but when it comes...
Friday 7th August 2020 1:12 am
i used to think true love was a lie
living seemed pointless, i just wanted to die
but then you came along, blue eyes and all
and took my broken heart into your palm
your gentle, caring touch
slowly started to stitch my heart up
never thought i could feel something other than broken
but in each stitch your love was woven
so now my heart only beats for ...
Friday 7th August 2020 1:08 am
im being ignited from your touch
done by other guys that wouldnt do much
from all your love im overflowing
not sure what to do but the feeling is growing
this feeling inside that you awake
is becoming too much for me to take
thats why i pour it out all over you
its because i dont know what else to do
truly ive never felt this way before
you give ...
Friday 7th August 2020 1:02 am
pity party
welcome to my pity party
come and take a look around
when im out in public
my demons dont make a sound
its only when im all alone
do they come alive in me
come inside and youll see
how they are slowly killing me
only after a couple of visits
will you come to the realization
that we all live in our personal hell
and theres nothing we can do to change...
Friday 7th August 2020 12:49 am
darkest dungeons
getting so good at lying i dont know who i am
im able to draw a smile but only with a broken crayon
and im really trying to get better as best as i can
but my body is struggling to live with a mind that craves to give in
its a constant battle that i fear has no end
im fighting with myself and its to the point i dont care who wins
just let this misery come to an en...
Friday 7th August 2020 12:39 am
we all have our demons, but i need to tell you about mine
im hoping this will help because im on the decline
please help me, im running out of time
maybe its just meant to be, for me to feel like i cant breathe
im numbing everything because isnt this all a dream
please wake me, these demons have me by the teeth
i cant lie a part of me likes this strain
of not being i...
Friday 7th August 2020 12:15 am
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