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the snake

Can you love me without consumption?

Simply leave me the way you found me

Without swallowing me whole,

Jaw unhinged like a snake

Delighting in their afternoon meal. 


Instead can you put me back into my box

So no one would ever know the difference?

Dust off my clothes, wipe my face

Fix my hair and shine my shoes

Ready again, as good as new. 


I have wasted too...

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A Pillow of Moss

Put me to bed. 

Lay my head gently on the pillow of moss

Growing under the old oak tree. 

Cover me with branches and leaves,

close my eyes gently - as I am just sleeping. 


Allow me to rest until my body 

fuses into the forest floor, 

my skull and bones all that’s left

beside your distant memory

of who I used to be. 


You can lie down beside me

Reach out yo...

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The Void

How many times must I 

call out to the void 

to realize my echo will

be the only answer?


I keep reaching out with 

open arms and open veins,

but all I get is tired and drained.

A still beating heart feebly pumping

in an empty carcass.


so I disassemble myself to

be made into something new.  

I tear myself apart, piece

by piece, to be lain across

the ...

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In This Image

I keep going back to the image that you cracked me in two

That you reached into my chest and tore out my heart

It’s pumping red grotesque thing 

and simply squeezed it into your fingernails

and pulled until it was torn in two. 

In this image I fall to my knees one final time

In this image I wear the face of betrayal 

In this image I knew it was coming but -

In this image I ...

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What Would Be Worse?

And if I told you the truth,

Would you hate me?

Even more than you already do?

Or would the truth soothe,

Soothe the gaping wound left in you.

Will it dissolve the guilt I feel?

Even though, I'd do it again?


I fear, even if I’d decide to,

To tell you the truth,

I no longer know what it is.

It's been warped into easily digestible tablets,

Washed down with white...

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Me - not me - Me

How long must I flog the dead 

horse before I become it?

I find myself endlessly repeating,

stuck in a loop of unknowingness, 

just to be struck down -

again and again and again.


I watch myself as an outsider

I am an observer of my own life.

Me - not me - Me

takes off my coat and hangs it on the rack

Me - not me - Me

takes off my shoes and puts them on the mat


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The Door

I think I left the door open -

At the back of my brain

And you got in there

and stole what’s mine. 

Implanted thoughts of you

in every small Corner and Crevice,

Burrowed your way into my subconscious

Until I could never forget you. 


I think you slammed it on your way out -

One last defiance,

One final fuck you,

Jammed it shut so no 

One could enter again -


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Free As A Bird

Sometimes it’s easier

To slip back under

Instead of fighting-

To remain afloat. 


The deeper you go,

The harder it is, 

To claw your way-

back up again. 


So you sink

Back into the depths 

Of the sea-

Deeper and deeper.  


And you slowly suffocate

Under the pressure,

You drown-

Your cries, Unheard. 


The only thing left,

A memory,


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Infernal Weeping

I like the image,

of a guitar gently weeping.

I wonder what the guitar has seen,

that made it weep that way.


The endless pubs and bars

open mic nights, and small festivals. 

humans at their lowest, and highest,

those elated, and those depressed,

the never ending introduction to new people,

new, but the same.


Maybe that's why the guitar is gently weeping.


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The Cloud

There’s something to be said,

About clouds.

Floating around in the sky,

Far beyond reach.

For there is beauty,

In what we cannot touch,

And only see.

And something novel,

In a thing of dreams. 


Sometimes I wish I could be a cloud,

Be something that is no more than a wisp in the air,

Something of speculation,

Of shape,

And a object of childhood fantasies


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The Disagreement

We fight,

Like cats and dogs

In the rain. 

Our yells,

Drowning out 

The storm outside

A hundred,

Million tears,

Held back.

A billion, 

Thoughts unsaid

In fear. 

The world,  

Seems to end

and the storm

Rages on.


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Those Puppet Strings

With tight Puppet Strings, it controls me,

It's iron fists strangle all breath from my lungs 

Its ink black tendrils cover my heart and envelope my mind.

There is no escape. 


I drown with no water about,

My tears come in rivers that stream down my face

and my screams, there in no more horrible a sound. 


My heart bears the pain of a thousand knives 

and my body, no...

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What is home?

sometimes I feel I have a foot in each country,

my legs lay witness to the vast unknown of the sea

I visit one, and live in another-

yet I never feel like I truly belong.

In my birthplace, I am asked: 

Where are you from?

And yet, I was born not 20 miles from where we stood.

in the land of my ancestors,

there too I am asked of my origin

So, I am left wit...

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