The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Published by Poems Underwater

Three of my poems have been published by Poems Underwater.

Laura Seymour and Kirsten Tambling, the authors of the Poems Underwater blog are conducting a project exploring mermaids through poetry and artwork.

Please do click the link below to find my poems about mermaids published on their blog alongside a brief explanation of the meaning behind my words:

And more….

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PublishedPoems UnderwaterMermaidsSirens

'Soul Vomit' Anthology now available

Three of my poems have been published in an anthology entitled Soul Vomit - profits to go to a domestic violence charity. The anthology can be ordered online via in case anyone is feeling a poetry-shaped hole in their stocking.

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Who brings the flame to signify

That peace now lights this land

On whose sure grip may we rely

Which body lends this hand


Upon whose face the gentle glow

To light the way for all

A worthy grasp of all that comes

With populace in thrall


The backers, hip to all things good

Whose strength may awe the meek

Are striding through our neighbourh...

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WOL Olympic Competition

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