Becoming Who You Are. A Transgender Journey
You are born in this world.
Born to a mother and father.
Born to be a son or a daughter.
The mould is set.
Your gender announced to the world.
Like permanent ink on a banner.
Its a boy! ,Its a girl!
Its a baby!
You learn to toddle.
Pretty pink delicate things,
Are given as gifts.
But you’d rather play...
Thursday 12th January 2023 8:51 pm
My book
My book.
Prejudice and Pride by Katie Haigh
Saturday 11th January 2014 12:33 am
For Granddad
My Granddad passed away just before Christmas, this is for him.
Time whispers
Fleeting, it escapes us
You were a part of our world
A smile cemented
in childhood memories
You were a card playing companion
Intrigued by technology
And the new world it opened
I remember your CD player
You were proud as punch
As it was mounted on the wall
And opened with a wave
I remember Christmas ...
Friday 10th January 2014 11:08 pm
Sonnet for Drummer Lee Rigby, posted on behalf of Robin Parker from Langley Writers
Friday 14th June 2013 5:50 pm
Rain Drop Melody
Rain drops drip
On dustpan lids
Drip drop, drip drop
Creating a rhythm
With every splash
Trickling down flower petals
On window pane
Moving smoothly
Following their own beat
Making people feel
And look at their beauty
Even if people moan
They cannot stop
The drip drop, drip drop
Raindrop beat
Monday 27th February 2012 2:08 pm
Control Food
Control Food
I don’t know when it started
When food became an issue
I remember how life was
I was diagnosed as dyslexic
After my Mum sent me for a private test
Although the School didn’t want to accept it
They didn’t want to help
Budget issues, staffing and resources
Excuses, excuses, excuses
My Mum fought their disbelief
Craving the help and guidance I needed
I heard...
Tuesday 31st January 2012 2:13 pm
My Magic Pen
Ashleigh Haigh, my daughter, age 10 and I have been published in a book made from a local project, involving Cartwheel arts Tell us Another One and Joy Winkler. The book ", a childrens book, My Magic Pen" are available from Cartwheel arts and will be in local libraries e.g. Heywood Library, Darnhill Library ect. Ashleigh and I took part in a few of the group wrtings, My Pen is Magic, My Aunty ...
Tuesday 5th July 2011 3:14 pm
The Day My Heart Broke
His heart was broken
The aorta too thin
His skin tinted blue
His body fragile and thin
He wouldn't grow normal
Not like the other babies did
He needed an operation
He was only 9 weeks of age
I couldn't console him
With the breast milk he craved
He was nil by mouth
In the pre-operative stage
When it came to carry him to theater
I thought my hea...
Monday 7th March 2011 5:39 am
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