I'm laying on the operating table
The lights almost blinding me
As I wait for the anaesthetic to kick in
Waiting for the bliss of sleep
I realise...
There was no anaesthetic
I begin to panic but my body stays still
As if I'm chained up to the table
As if my brain is denying control
I feel each cut the surgeon makes
I feel a warm liquid dripping down my...
Wednesday 28th August 2024 3:06 pm
Swirling thoughts
causing chaos in my head
Leaving destruction in its path
Debris consisting of my past
Left scattered
Left broken
My head filled with TV-like static
Never staying on one show
Never giving me the time
To appreciate the little things
The plots
The characters
Somehow something calmed the storm
Even if it's for a bri...
Tuesday 27th August 2024 4:37 pm
Starry nights
Here I am floating in the starry night
Filling my head with thoughts of delight
Flying through the atmosphere
In fear.
That I might go too far and reach the expanding abyss
Here I am floating in the starry night
Drifting aimlessly through the black void
Without a tether... without a voice
In fear
That I might drift back into earth's orbit and plummit to the core
...Tuesday 27th August 2024 4:22 pm
The Happy Friend
Reading through each page
Experiencing the characters emotions
Putting myself into the protagonist's shoes
Only to realise that I've left out the person who hurts the most
Paging through the book I start to realise
The "happy" friend has always been hurting the most
They have always supported the protagonist, but never themselves
Even though the protagonist is the superhe...
Tuesday 27th August 2024 4:20 pm
Recent Comments
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