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Is everything okay?

'Is everything okay?' She asked with a sense of duty not care.

This tells me that even the deepest of pains cannot be concealed. Humans know humans.

All those wasted hours I spent on pampering my appearance to hide behind a mask of beauty have been wasted.

My reflection routine of practising the performance of emotions must have been ineffective.

In response I say, ‘yes I’m okay!’ tr...

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A Glance into Romance

While admiring the happy couple I feel bliss.

Then my stomach sinks.

The heart-shattering realisation that I will never acquire that same affection.

Some humans are not built for romance, and I am shamefully one of them.

I do not want your roses. I do not care for your false proposes.

All I want is to be seen.

For someone to not love me for my skin, but for my soul.

Many eyes ...

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heavy headspace

I envy those who experience stillness.

A feeling which my mind is constantly searching for.

My internal monologue throwing my head back and forward and back again.

Blood being ghastly pumped through my aching limbs.

Must keep moving. Must keep moving.

My body a burden I must carry throughout all my days.

My mind a vampire sucking away my essence.

My lungs lost for air.


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