The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

angel (Remove filter)

My Angel Visited My Dreams Tonight


My angel visited my dreams tonight

And looked at me with sweet delight.

Listen-he said, and my heart gashed,

Crystal world of dreams has crashed.


I am leaving you, I’m fed up and sick

To save you from the mistakes in lyric,

Love is only and only an earthly thing,

Without my help you will better sing.


Don’t fly away, - I begged him kindly,


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Don't Cut Her Wings!


To clean her room

She uses a simple broom.

She is a nice girl,

All that she does shines like a pearl.


You have to be careful,

You have to be faithful.

She is an angel,

She is from a chapel.


Don’t try to gamble!

She is bashful.

She is brittle ,

She is beautiful.


She is a sample

Of a beautiful song.

She doesn’t know ...

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Don't Cut Her Wings!


To clean her room

She uses a simple broom.

She is a nice girl,

All that she does shines like a pearl.


You have to be careful,

You have to be faithful.

She is an angel,

She is from a chapel.


Don’t try to gamble!

She is bashful.

She is brittle ,

She is beautiful.


She is a sample

Of a beautiful song.

She doesn’t know ...

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