The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

feet (Remove filter)

His Saint Feet


The feet of our Lord walked

Along the dusty roads,

Scratched by the stones.

Along the narrow paths,

Cared by the green grasses.

Those Saint Feet were not aware of tiredness,

He walked His way with worthiness.

Beyond an ordinary strength those feet walked.

Days and nights,

Proclaiming to avoid the fights.

Those feet were washed by tears,

Those fe...

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I Am the Only One


On the right foot

I’ll put on a boot.

On the left foot,

I’ll put on a shoe,

Red or may be blue.

Do you know what for?

To ignore public opinion,

To show you and all:

I am the only one

Out of million.

Or may be more:

To show you

That I am nervous,

Capricious, and…

A little bit ambitious.


© Copyright Larisa Rzhepishevska


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Crystal Shoe


You may believe me or not

But Cinderella’s story

Brought me to a different plot:

How quickly Prince all forgot

I will tell you in short.


When Cinderella was running away

And on the stairway

Had lost her crystal shoe,

It was really true.

Prince couldn’t catch her up.

He stumbled on something,

Thought it was a queen’s cup.

The shoe slip...

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