The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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The Trumpeter


The war was all around

And the city was small.

The doctors laughed at him,

He was not like de Gaulle.


Well, may be the trumpeter?

OK, trumpeter, as a trumpeter!


Being a trumpeter is so good,

At least you don’t have to bow.

The bullets whistle over your head,

As the winds sometimes blow.


But why it happened like that?

For a boy ...

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How Many Questions Our Life Arise?


Not looking at anybody doesn’t mean not to see,

To do the things you like doesn’t mean to be free.

To be at the very verge of life doesn’t mean to die.

And standing on the ground doesn’t mean not to fly.

And how much to pepper so that all could be well?

And how much to sugar to sweeten  the hell?

To live a normal life doesn’t mean not to dream.

But how long to ...

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A Long Life Road


Our life is a real drama

In such a colorful gamma.

Our life is just a moment,

Sometimes with a torment.

Just have enough patience

To keep good relations,

To love truly and forgive.

You won’t believe

But today I cried away.

Someone thought it was a shame,

Someone comforted, didn’t blame,

Someone said: life goes on,

Someone dies and some are ...

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It's a Pity


It’s a pity that

you can’t take off your skin

like an old dress

can’t cover the rags

with a smart dress

so that to impress

can’t embroidery stitch the holes

made by moles


it’s a pity that

you can’t pull out your heart

to bask in the sun

can’t force it cut and run

from the life of one

can’t let your soul

fly in the sky like bird...

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Oh, God! Give me the strength.....


Oh, God! Give me the strength to forgive

Even when I was not forgiven,

No one to humiliate or to offend

Even when I was humiliated or offended

Give me the wisdom to be always fair,

Teach me to fly and not to be scared,

Not to be indifferent to the neighbors,

But to live and create for world's favors.

If I doubt to ask my heart for advice

As my heart ne...

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The Formula of Love?


Man’s logic is so illustrative and simple,

He thinks he is so nimble.

Remembering the words of the great Pushkin:

“The less we love a woman the more she likes us”,

He is neither in a hurry nor in a fuss

To express his feelings and…. Alas!

There is nothing more here to discuss

From the attitudes of the poetic lyrics.

Pushkin’s words are not yardsticks.


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With Love Only


I hear the music of the Creator
In the fire of the sunset, in the blue darkness of the night,
In a starling’s song – a spring’s curator
Even when the quietness is tight.

It seems that love embraces all the creatures.
No more sadness, loss and tears.
No more wars, no more killed soldiers,
And only Madonna tenderly cradle her dears.

But how to understand where the evil...

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Once Upon A Time....


Under the moonlight in the park

The stars shined like sparks.

A young couple walked,

You could hear them talk.

He was a guy with a sportsman's figure,

She was like a thin fragile stalk.

All the time the guy talked.

For a bet he crossed the bay

And it was on a stormy day.

He fought with the devils stream,

He heard the petrels scream.

How brave yo...

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This February


This February took me to the frosts,

Experienced me by heavy snowstorms,

Wanted to know how much my love costs.


But…I was laughing boldly.

Happiness can’t live lonely.

I warmed myself by this verity.


This February tried to cool my heart,

It wanted us to live forever apart.

But…it forgot: March will be a start.


It tried to ice-bound my ...

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The anguish in your eyes?

Change the lenses!

The winter in your heart?

Fill the light! Be smart!

Someone betrayed you?

Says: Don’t love you?

Forgive that hurt!

It’s just a bullshit.

You are feeling nervous?

Drink tea with sweet honey!

You won’t buy health for money.

Your days are blue and gray?

Take the guitar and play!

Greet every new d...

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Love is a mistress of herself,

She comes without asking.

She can be so cruel or like a kind elf,

She can be true or just masking.


Your fate – my sorrowful pilgrim,

With the key on the neck to walk,

To look for a fairy kingdom,

With different people to talk.


You want to know whose you are,

Where your love lives.

Do you have to walk so far...

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