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spring (Remove filter)


In 2015 this day is on the 13th of March

Sleep is a special form of the existence
It gives strength to a daytime wakefulness.
A healthy person wakes up with a feeling of freshness.

A good sleep maintains physical and mental health.
And everyone knows that it’s the main wealth.

Minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction
Brings your body after sleep to the normal action.

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Happy Spring!

Tenderly stepping on the last snow

The first of March is coming.

Spring will release the love arrow,

Beautiful songs of love humming.


The feeling of spring is known to all,

It happens every coming year.

My loving spring has no wall,

Its sounds I can clearly hear.


March is a harbinger of changes.

It smiles happily together with me.

Its grace has the wid...

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March Is In Love


Winter was admired by March all night

He walked with her along the snowy paths

But her daughter captivated his sight,

With her he dreamed to have the baths.


In ruffled feelings he came back in the mornings

Becoming tipsy of the night’s vision.

He didn’t care about any warnings.

And his fate had quite another decision.


His darling was the spring ...

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Happy Marriage


A little bit confused was beautiful Spring,

She had to choose for life a bridegroom.

Who would  give her a wedding ring?

Three suitors wanted to be her happy and bloom.


March, April and May vied with each other.

About their great love they quietly talked.

April was for Spring like a brother,

With March she just often liked to walk.


Timid March g...

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Good morning dear daddy,

Good morning dear mum,

Good morning dear Teddy,

It looks the spring has come.


Awakened at the dawn

My dream at once has gone.

I’ve heard the song of starling,

Our feathered friends are coming.


The sparrows are chirping,

The titmouse is whistling,

The starling pours the trills,

The warmth of spring it feels.


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